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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I thought we were getting a veteran smash bro character sale?!
  2. no no Lino was my fave. In all seriousness though, I would love a game in that style. Think it'd be a huuuuuge system seller. And christ knows it needs something!
  3. Well it's obvs a main console Pokemon game in a huge open world in full 3d Ni No Kuni style. Which is all your hopes and dreams Serebii.
  4. I went back to that restaurant / pub place earlier this afternoon. That guy was there who I saw the last time. It was really busy though today, understandably - a Sunday afternoon compared to a Monday evening! So therefore I hardly saw him. Also, I was sat at the head of the table (there were 5 of us eating too) so my back was basically to the whole restaurant. Anyway, he did walk past to the table just in front of us twice, and both times he looked my way and smiled at me. I'm so attracted to him it's crazy. But not just in a 'omg you're really hot' way. Coz he's not a 'hottie' really. I dunno what I'm trying to say. Basically, imagine you have an idea of your perfect guy / girl in your mind, and by perfect I mean someone you imagine settling down with. Well this is what this guy reminds me of. And I dunno why. Coz I've never had a picture of any guy in my mind when I think of that, but now when I think about the type of guy I'd like to be in a relationship with, I think of him. Omg this sounds unhealthy. Hahahaha. I apologise as this prob makes no sense and sounds like I need a mental health check, but I guess I just feel something towards this guy because he's shown signs back previously, and to an extent today that he is kinda 'aware' that I'm checking him out ha. And possibly doing it back. But I don't like saying that in case 1. I'm wrong and 2. Saying someone is checking me out is massively big headed. Rest assured I'm not though as it never normally does happen! So yeah, another pointless post with nothing much to tell other than I've seen the man of my dreams and haven't done anything / can't do / wouldn't know what to do about it!
  5. I can't say I feel to excited for the 3ds version for some reason. I'm obviously going to buy it, but I just can't get hyped. In fairness, I haven't looked in this thread that much, nor have I watched many videos, character reveals etc - so maybe that's why. But yeah, not getting hyped just yet. I guess it just feels alien to imagine a game of this scale on a handheld. Am sure it will be amazing though! : peace:
  6. Haha totally high five. We'll be burned alive for saying this.
  7. Yeah imma pick me up some Kid Icarus. I've never played it!! Am I in for a treat?! Hmm, veteran characters next week you say?! This excites me for 2 reasons... 1. We may finally, finally, FINALLY see a Ness reveal for Earthbound. I literally can't breathe at the prospect. 2. OoT may get a sale!! Fingers crossed on both!!
  8. This would be so damn cool if we got even more tracks through DLC!! We must must must have Delfino Square and Wario's Galleon!!! This does excite me!!
  9. So browsing through FaceBook earlier, Seen that Nintendo had made another Peach post about #peachmonth asking pekoe what their favourite game was that Peach had starred in. I made sure I added my comment for Super Princess Peach, and was quite happy to see that loads of people had also commented saying their fave was that too! Maybe Nintendo will listen to this feedback?! Aaaand maybe I'm just wishful thinking. I dug my copy of Super Princess Peach out the other day. Played through the first world - absolutely love it. The sound track, the animations, everything. Think I'm gonna play through it all then maybe make a new discussion purely for this game in general thread. It may only get one reply, but it's worth talking about how great a game it is! : peace:
  10. Sorry @Glen\-i. My time on this game has dwindled the last few weeks. I do intend to play more but at the minute I have a backlog of other games. I'm terrible at finishing games properly . I appreciate you posting your pics though - they're brilliant!!! And it is inspiring me to get back drawing so I can share some of my creations! You keep posting what you create though, I love seeing them! : peace:
  11. Very good work drahkon. Keep us updated! Also, @Grazza, that's not cool that she has a boyfriend! Well, for you I mean . But who knows, maybe one day things will turn pear shaped with them and you can swoop in. : peace:
  12. Ooh this sounds promising though Grazza! Do you like her - as in physically? I guess that's all anyone has to go on for a first impression unless you actually speak to them. With this guy, I felt like we were both checking each other out. How horrible to be completely wrong though. That would suck! I am really tempted just to go this place again for drinks with a friend. There is a bar area where you can just grab a drink, so it wouldn't be too our of the ordinary. Also, I noticed he worked on the bar sporadically last night too, so maybe I could ask for a SEX... on the beach, or something if he serves me. We'll see. Who knows, maybe something will come of it. Beats wondering what if I guess.
  13. Hahaha @Animal - incredible. I'll give it a whirl. I was telling my mate at work today - she wants us to go for something to eat there one night and she's gonna weigh it up and intervene haha. He was completely delicious to be fair.
  14. So last night I went out for some tea / dinner (dependng on where you're from!) wth my sisters at a local pub grub style place. There's this guy who works there who is completely and utterly . I've seen him there before and each time I've been we've kinda had a little look, well I have but kinda got the impression he may have too. Like each time he walked past the table he always looked, or if he was by the till (where we were sat) he would look over. At one point he walked past the table with another waitress and I heard him say to her "this guy..." to which I heard her say, "oh really? No not for me..." to which he said "well I did't mean the girl!" Or something like that. I didn't get the last bit properly though. Now this may just be me reading into things as usual, but you know when you just get the impression that someone else is kind of looking at you as much as you're looking at them? I don't really know why I'm posting either coz it isn't like I can do anything about it. Nor would I necessarily know what to do about it. To add a further twist, I know his name as he is a mutual friend of a lad who goes to my gym. He was tagged into a photo with him the other week and I knew I recognised him but didn't twig until last night that it was him. So yeah. Pretty pointless post. Apparently we're going to this place again on Sunday for a roast dinner. So that'll be interesting.
  15. Well I'm not that far in yet so there could be more in the way of red coin sections that I have no idea about! I wll persevere with it and let you know! : peace:
  16. No, not as far as I'm aware. They only appear in the sections where you enter a world and select the specific red coin Shine from that world.
  17. Why not! I'm pretty sure they could do a Mario 64 metal cap style thing where she becomes heavy underwater etc. The possibilities are endless with good ol' Peach! A New Super a Princess Peach U would be amazing! : peace:
  18. Heh, brilliant pic RedShell!! Well according to VG Chartz (I've no idea how reputable that is ) Super Princess Peach has sold just over a million copies since launch in 2006. Apparently the majority of the sales were America too. Although it may not be a massive number compared to other games, for a stand alone one off as it appears to have been, that isn't too bad at all. Or is it?! I have no idea with these things. A 3DS sequel would definitely be most welcome anyway! They could even include Daisy and Rosalina this time!
  19. As some of you may have seen from a post I made in the Wii U general discussion thread a few days ago, Nintendo have officially named August as... THE MONTH OF PRINCESS PEACH! As most of you know, I am a lover of Princess Peach (not in that way... ), even her Pink Gold variation so I thought who better to make a thread than meeee?! Plus she totally deserves it. Nintendo have done a great job over the years with the development of their characters. Luigi in particular. I also think they have managed to make Peach a character that people want to play is in games where she is available. Whilst it may only be for the gays and the little girls she is still a hugely important character for Nintendo in many games. Games like Super Smash Bros have really done a great service for characters like Princess Peach as it's given her a whole identity of her own. In giving her an opportunity to no longer be the damsel in distress, she will kick yo' ass on Smash, own you on Mario Kart or blow you away in a swirl of pink magic in Tennis! Nintendo have definitely gone a long way to make people think of Peach in a different way. Check out her evolution over the years! Nintendo obviously noticed there was more of an appeal for this character and in 2006 they FINALLY gave her a starring role in her OWN GAME! Super Princess Peach was Peach's first adventure that saw the tables turned, as this time - it was Mario captured by Bowser! Navigating through standard platform worlds of grass, ice, dessert and fire, Peach was armed with Perry, an umbrella that was her main source of attack to the enemies in her way on her adventure. Players of Super Princess Peach will know that Perry has a story all of his own, told through dreams between stages / worlds. Will we ever see Perry again?! The announcement of Princess Peach month has made a lot of people think YES, we will see Perry again! Surely an occasion like this from Nintendo will bring some form of Peach related announcement?! Sadly, it may not be the case. August is actually, officially the month of the peach fruit, and it seems that Nintendo have jumped on the bandwagon by making it the month of their Peach too! Maybe it's all just PR, or maybe there actually is something for Peach fans to get excited about? Either way, I wanted to create this thread regardless, as why not discuss what we would like to see from Nintendo for their main female character?! It probably won't happen, but lets dream anyway! What about a VC release of Super Princess Peach for Wii U then?! We've seen Brain Training make an appearance, why not Super Princess Peach? I know there are a few fans of the game on here, and it'd be a great opportunity for them to revisit the game all over again as well as allowing people who never got the pleasure to experience the game before to do so now! Or what about this... We've had a Luigi themed version, why not a Peach one?! Naturally, the moveset would need to change, but they could have been working away on this ready to unleash! Or maybe it won't be software, maybe a Peach themed Wii U?! Or a 3DS XL?! They could add to their line of Peach themed hardware / peripherals we've already got! I'd love to see more Peach themed items! So then, although this is probably a non-event, Nintendo could surprise us during August with something exciting! How about you lot then? Want to see more of Peach, less of Peach? Do you think they use her enough or would you like to see them utilize her a bit more? We've had a lot of Yoshi, Kirby and DK the last couple of years, maybe Peach could breathe new life into the platform genre as per Super Princess Peach which was a really nice departure from the NSMB series all those years ago. Share your thoughts!
  20. So I have been making some progress with this game over the last couple of evenings... And I have to say, for as much fun as it is working out how to get certain Shines and exploring huge sun drenched theme parks and water worlds... The controls and camera of this game are really letting it down. It's such a tricky game at the best of times, but when a simple shine of "collect 8 red coins" is presented to you, and 45 minutes later I only have 3... You know it's causing you problems! Now it could just be that I suck at the game but I can assure you that I don't, honest! But I'm having to once again, manoeuvre Mario over tricky platform sections and unfortunately the game is showing its age what with it's poor camera. So many times I go to make a tricky jump and I lose Mario behind some form of pillar that the camera decides to swing into. It doesn't help that I'm trying to jump between (and stay on) 2 massive swinging boats in a theme park world above a pool of water. Fall off and it's right back round you go! It's such a shame as well as it is stopping me from wanting to play the game and give up in frustration. But I really want to see it through! When the game is good, it's fantastic. I also love watching the story unfold. Bowser Jr calling Princess Peach mommy...! What on earth did Peach get up to?! :awesome: I'm going to give it a rest tonight now and see how I feel tomorrow. I have other stuff to play so will try something a bit simpler now for some light relief !
  21. Yesssss RedShell. A delicious game from start to finish. It totally needs to happen. And what a great trip down Peachy memory lane with dat supplied sound! May have to start this again myself now!!
  22. August is NATIONAL PRINCESS PEACH MONTH!! And totally deserved I must say. Wait a minute... Could this... Surely not... Could this mean... Super... Princess... Peach... 2...?!!
  23. I'm so excited about this. I love this game so much. And the start of next year is when I should be picking up either an xbone or ps4 so can't wait to play this. For the hundredth time! But it never gets old!!
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