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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Fair point, but it's not just that that they judge on. That's one of three challenges. If he's come bottom of the other 2, then understandable. But that wasn't the case. I get what you're saying though, but still don't think he should have gone. In other Bake Off news, Diana (who was at the centre of the ice cream saga), has left the competition:
  2. Well, that kinda helps my wallet... But I am a little gutted about that.
  3. I'M AT WORK. DETAILS ON THE REDESIGN AT ONCE. I can't see anythinnnnnng! (And not co I'm hiding the web page - coz the work browser is wank. )
  4. A redisgned 3ds is always welcome. Not likely in the slightest though I don't think. Just some nice announcements of decent looking games would be good for me. For the first time (probably since launch) the 3ds software line up is bleak. Can't wait to read the inevitable moans later though. Always my favourite.
  5. Not by me you won't! I wish I was more like that! I'm the other end of the scale... take too long to finish it and end up moving on to something else!
  6. Don't try and fool us H-o-T! We know... We ALL know...
  7. Oh my days... a 3DS Direct?!! It must be... Super Princess Peach 2 as it is STILL Peach month!!! OK, OK maybe not. One can dream though right...!
  8. Don't think he should have gone tbh. The Scottish bloke who is stuck in the 70's, he should have been booted off. Nice enough chap, but he's really not stepping up when it comes to the show stoppers. I thought Diana was a bit of a bitch tonight. Firstly, she asked who's the ice cream was, before she took it out and left it out. It may have only been for 40 seconds, but if Ian hadn't have said "where's my ice cream" then who knows how long it would have been sat there for!! And secondly, it was her attitude. "Well you've got your own freezer" and then the look of exasperation on her face at it all!! I don't think any of it was meant, and certainly not a sabotage jobby, but I think she could have at least told him she'd taken his ice cream out. Still, who knows how it must feel in that tent!? Pressure!
  9. The more screenies I see of the 3DS version the more my hype levels increase. Definitely looking forward to it a bit more now!
  10. Dunno if already posted but Grainger Games have Mario Kart 8 on sale for £30 at min. Decent price.
  11. Thanks. Yeah I guess I'm feeling like it's the right kind of time now. Think the white one is exclusive to game over here but they have it bundled with Destiny for £350 which seems reasonable to me compared to elsewhere. It's not out til the 9th apparently, so will mull it over.
  12. Delicious Shorty. I've always had an unboxing porn fetish... Argh what to do.
  13. I've been set on a ps4 for a while now - just slowly saving away, but just seen there is a white model available for preorder and I'm really tempted. The new list of games coming to the system as well as the ones already there I haven't played yet like The Last Of Us, InFamous, Watch Dogs, Tomb a Raider etc etc is making me really tempted to just dive in now. Urgh. Damn white sexiness teasing me. Should I?
  14. Sublime is definitely a word I'd use for it. It's the only Wii U title I'd use it for so far, but it's all personal preference at the end of the day! : peace: It was just the way the ame through new things at you all the time. The green star sub levels, the captian toad levels, the levels where all you can see is the characters shadows, the cherry item - having about 8 of you on screen at one time - completely and utterly delicious. For me, there was absolutely nothing stale about the game what so ever. It wsa bursting with new ideas and experiences. The same can't be said for NSMB of course, but like you HoT, I also enjoy those games too!
  15. Well. I enjoyed it. Thought it was sublime, actually.
  16. Oh blimey. Well apparntly this is just a mini game, so maybe it's a bit easier? Or maybe GAME are just sick bastards and it is as you say and you could be stood playing it all afternoon just to try and score for a measley 10% off! Probs the case knowing GAME too.
  17. Well now. This is random... I'm all for a bit of money off, but what a bloody load of effort! Can't see many people actually doing this...
  18. Another glowing review of a Wii U game drahkon! : peace: Haha. I still need to go back and 'do everything' on this game. But I have such a backlog. I'd love to see some DLC or patch for this to include more playable characters. Unlikely. But a Wario / Waluigi inclusion would be delicious!
  19. No... Which is just typical of me tbh. The only reason I thought he may be was because he was kinda looking at me as much as I was looking at him. Or when I glanced over he'd be looking. And I guess sometimes you just get that feeling. Not a lot to go on I know...!
  20. Urgh I wanted Zelda . Still, may pick Sonic up for that price for Wii U!
  21. yeah I totally am crushing! Well, we're gonna try and go next week one week night when it is a bit quieter. We'll see. But yeah definitely gonna try and have a bit of a convo if we go. My friend is quite keen to do a bit of wing manning so it's all good!
  22. Hahaha. Sorry Glen-i. I just thought they were shite. Pokemon spin off's are generally hit (Pokemon Snap) or miss (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon), so it can go either way!
  23. I'll be happy with anything but Pokemon Mystery Twattin Dungeon. If it is that I might lash out.
  24. Ooooh ok thanks! Also, I just wanted to say thanks for posting these every week londragon! : peace: I always look forward to your post in these threads to see what downloadable goodness is (or often isn't ) available!
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