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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah I hear ya man. Although with it being, what? 8 years or so since PP / CC, I think this is the perfect time to give us a follow up / sequel to a game that was very warmly recieved way back when. And it's the perfect console to do it on too. Aside from the 3DS, there is no other hardware that could provide this type of game play experience so I'm all for it. I don't mind the fact they're using Kirby a lot at the minute either. I mean, the one criticism I and a lot of others have is that Mario is used a lot, but only because we've had a lot of samey NSMB games that haven't gone off the beaten track for a number of years. Whereas we've had a good number of Kirby games in the last 5+ years and they've all been different to the last in some way shape or form. Whether it be grapical style (Epic Yarn), control method (this, PP/CC), type of power up which changes game play (Triple Deluxe) etc, they've all been very different both in terms of face value and game play. So this is definitely welcome for me. More than anything I'm excited that we're finally getting a game that uses the game pad alone, as these are the experiences we should have had from Nintendo from day 1.
  2. Not to dismiss anyones reactions or anything but this game isn't really an out and out 'platformer'. Whilst it looks like it from the videos / 2d background with the goal of moving from left to right, it's the way you control Kirby that kinda shakes the platform genre out of it. I found Canvas Curse / Power Paintbrush to be a breath of fresh air, and a really neat way of showing off the DS' second screen back in the day, so this is a natural fit for the Wii U's game pad. It's criminal we haven't had this game sooner really!
  3. Yeah it's weird. Because the upcoming 3ds schedule is pretty barren anyway so they've gotta have something. Honestly though, I don't see the 3ds having as long a life span as the DS or GameBoy did anyway, so perhaps the slow down in games is making way for a newer model... We'll see.
  4. Ohhh there's more tomorrow! Phew. I was kinda concerned there! THERE IS HOPE FOR SUPER PRINCESS PEACH 2 AFTER ALL!!! : peace:
  5. Wait hang on? Where is all the 3ds stuff? Or is there none? *scratches head.
  6. YEESSSS. A follow up to one of my favourite early DS experiences that made me fall in love with that console! As much as I think Nintendo are rinsing Kirby a bit at the minute, I am massively pleased about this one! And finally, a game that couldn't really exist without the game pad! Hooray!
  7. FLAWED. I asked for this in my 3e wildest hopes and dreams post!! This looks completely amazing. And how can you not just love Toad? Probably the most loveable Nintendo character ever. Little squidge. Can't wait for this! Box art is amazing. : peace:
  8. Heh. This looks so good! Massive amounts of charm going on here. I approve. How amazing that he has balls of wool instead of eggs to throw now amazing! What would make this reallllly good, is if the 2p sections we saw could be online. Not holding my breath, but would be a massive thing if they could manage that for a game like this. Game just looks stunning though.
  9. Looks like it could be good if there was a little more polish to it. It definitely looks a bit rough around the edges from that trailer but it also looks quite promising in parts too. Loving that Ninty are getting a game like this into the Wii U library though.
  10. I like the look of this!! Them paint bitches be bad ass. Though it looks fairly simple in terms of the end goal, I'd imagine there's a lot of depth to this! Need more deets asap! : peace:
  11. There's something about this game that I like the look of. It seems like it would be pretty fun to play and I like how each character seems to have different weapons / ways to destroy things. I also love that box art. Definitely interested to see how this one turns out!
  12. The star is generally shit now, unfortunately. The ONLY thing I find it useful for, is when you deploy the star item when it's in your clutches only for someone else to use a lightning bolt. Sucker. And that doesn't happen often. But when it does - it's delicious.
  13. So are we gonna get new mega evo's in this then?! If so... Mega Starmie please. : peace:
  14. WE'RE GETTING A FAMILY PUPPY!! I have never been so happy! We found a puppy we wanted today and have put the deposit down on him. We pick him up a week on Friday! We're gonna call him Bailey! I'm so in love with him!
  15. Thanks Josh! I need to find me a Smyths! : peace:
  16. I just seen this! Ok, where the fuck did you get the Wii remote from?!!!! I NEED DEETS.
  17. I really wouldn't let it put you off the game tbh. In Grand Prix I have had no trouble catching the pack up. Online is a different story, but the way to combat it is to just be good at the game. Ha just kiddin, but it helps! Regardless it's still massively enjoyable and for me it's the best home console MK since MK64. : peace:
  18. I kinda agree to an extent about the items not really helping you very much, but I felt the same about Mario Kart 7. On a race in the league last night, I was dead last in lap 1 (after spectacularly throwing myself into the lava... ) and I got the '8' item, a trio of mushrooms and 2 golden mushrooms. I couldn't catch up at all. I ended up last in the race. But then the same thing happened to me on another track, and I did manage to catch up, but it was only because the mushrooms / star that I got allowed me to cut the course up and drive over the terrain areas. I think that's all their use is now to be honest. At the back of the pack it's only really the lightning bolt that can give you a good opportunity to catch up, that and bullet bill which as someone else says, is extremely rare! It doesn't make me dislike the game though, as Mario Kart is generally about luck, unless you've hacked it so your kart is faster than everyone else's ala RedShell, Fused, Foohad, Glen-i etc etc. (Love y'all really ) I need to get my ass into gear and 3 star 150cc but I've hardly had chance to play it this week. Tis top of my weekend to do list!! : peace:
  19. Yes it's possible. Just press power button and then you have to press 'X' to throw what's on the game pad screen up to the TV. A cursor appears then that you can use to select games, whatever. _________________________________ In other news, Japan got its first Nintendo DS game on the Wii U Virtual Console today. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a575472/first-nintendo-ds-game-launches-on-wii-u-virtual-console-in-japan.html#~oGesSV3Ay4448a EDIT: Just seen this has been posted in Wii U Virtual Console thread. Doesn't hurt being here either I guess. Apologies anyway! : peace:
  20. What exactly is this game? I know nothing of it. Is it like a Sims kinda thing just with Mii's? I know I could just look and find out from somewhere, but I'm lazy.
  21. I just got me a Pro Controller and I'm really pleased with it. It actually felt alien at first to be playing a Nintendo game with a 'normal' controller! But then part of me is saddened by it a little as it makes me wonder what could have been if the game pad wasn't included. Now I've used the Pro Controller a bit, the Game Pad almost feels like a peripheral or 'add on', kinda like a secondary control method. I mean, I like the game pad a lot don't get me wrong, but the Pro Controller will definitely be my main control method now. As for battery life, I couldn't tell you sorry as I've been playing with it plugged in since I got it! I will fully charge it and let you know, unless someone else knows which I'm sure they do! : peace:
  22. These Luigi videos are literally fuckin hilarious! Talk about stealing the lime light hahaha. I can't stop watching them! I haven't even bothered with MKTV but I really need to get on it! Do any of the other characters do this or is it just Luigi?! So damn good.
  23. Haha. I have other stuff to pay for first. Boring stuff but maybe I can stretch to the Wiimote...
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