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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah part of me is thinking that if it sucks I can sell it on fairly quickly and recoup most of the funds. I wonder if there is an option just to play the mini games as apparently the selection is very good with only a couple of duds. I think they need to release a MP on the Wii U - with the gamepad there are endless possibilities to breathe new life into the series. Plus, it is definitely more suited to a home console than a handheld IMO.
  2. So this is out next week! Is anybody buying it? I loooooove Mario Party - but this is getting such bad reviews! I don't know whether I want to dump thirty quid on a game that isn't meant to be too much fun, although if I'm honest I've always found the reviews of Mario Party to be way off. They're never that bad and there is always some fun to be had IMO. Having said that, I've never been a huge fan of the single player and all I will be playing is the single player which leaves me wondering if this will be worth a cheeky purchase. It looks so colourful and fun though! : peace:
  3. Haha Maybe we'll see a new trimmed down King Dedede come launch then! New year new me and all that shite haha.
  4. I love the look of King Dedede - and I love his name more. But tooo fat and slow and clumsy!
  5. Ha no I know! I mean, I get like 5 weeks full pay or something so I have no concerns over being off - its more just a personal thing in that I dont really like being off sick! But yeah I totally understand the whole legal side to it and the sick note is covering my absence so there's no doubt anywhere! But yeah I can only imagine how tough it would be to work for a company who didnt give a shit about employees welfare and just wanted them in - ill or not. That would suck.
  6. No way - I was the same this evening. So now we have no system transfer limit anymore - BAM. Peachies back. I just love me some original 3DS goodness. So for at least 7 days I have to use my Peach 3DS - which I'm more than fine with. Everything just looks a lot crisper. Especially Sonic 1 which is just I intend to play through this again tomorrow as on my last play through I missed 1 emerald... but it was annoying as on Scrap Brain Zone I finished act 1 with more than 50 rings - but no hoop at the end. I was like 'Whut'? So I couldn't get the last one. Does it normally do that?!
  7. Ooohh interesting. I'll let him know - thanks! No wonder everyone was going cray cray then. Damn. Any of them 3ds' you're hording (sorry, owning ) with the necessary firmware Ike?! You could make a tidy profit! Urgh in other news - how I wish I was in America right now: http://www.justpushstart.com/2014/01/mario-luigi-3ds-xl-sale-149-99-walmart-com/ 149.99 with Mario & Luigi Dream Team. Amazing - nice XL too.
  8. I feel your pain f00had. We can chip in together and share one! Oh wait that wouldn't work...
  9. My friend I work with has bought an XL and is selling his 3ds. He just text me saying he's literally had about 5 questions since he listed his original model on eBay (about 2 hours ago) with people asking what firmware is installed on the console? He said people were only interested in models with firmware of less than 4 or something?! Most random thing ever. Anyone got any idea why they'd be asking that?!
  10. I'm afraid I disagree. The way people talk to and about each other on here at times is frankly childish. Embarrassing.
  11. Thanks @nightwolf ! I'm getting there slowly!
  12. I agree - it's very pricey. I have no where near enough stars for one.
  13. I hear ya Rez. I'm the same I am rarely off tbh. Don't really like being off sick at all. Although my mind was put at ease shortly after my post as my TL gave me a call to see how I was doing and she has been brilliant about the whole situation. She basically told me not to come back until it was healed ha. Just said she didn't want me to come back in until I felt 100% comfortable to be in work. She also said that I'm not to feel bad if I want to go out and get out the house should I feel I can, which was really nice of her. I'm lucky really in that work are so understanding. Not a lot of places would be so that's put me at ease. And I wouldn't worry Rez - as you say, if you're usually a good performer and good at your job (which from what i gather you are) and you're attendance record is generally high - you've nothing to fret about! Know where you're comin from though!
  14. I falsely raised everyones hopes a few months back saying Europe were getting the coloured charging cradles on the Stars Catalogue... damn DigitalSpy talking shit! Anyway... they're finally here! Go go go!
  15. Well its bad but also good stuff but i'll post here anyway. Good news is my ball sack resembles a ball sack now and no longer looks like its got caught in a blender... bad news is though i'm still not back on my feet which means no gym or tennis times for a while yet. My sick note runs out for work tomorrow so should be back in on monday but not in a position to drive yet as cant put my legs together properly at the min. Another week off work not being able to do much is a bit depressing and I also feel like work think I might be taking the piss a bit, but I always worry about that when im off sick anyway! In other good news, I am kinda enjoying the jock straps the hospital gave me! Not in a kinky way)(yet... ) but they are like a hammock for your balls! Very comforting!
  16. I'm not down about it. Believe me I don't let other peoples opinions affect my day to day life or outlook! It's the fact that every single thread is taken over with the same thing. That's what's making coming here less welcoming than what it was before. The arguments and the petty comments we see so often don't help either. Seems to go round in the same circle. And if I do need cheering up, I'll play a Nintendo game. They're quite fun, you know. :awesome:
  17. I have to agree with dazzybee. I know nothing about what the GC sold, or the Wii or how much percentage of sales was what which affects this studio and this third party and this is the reason Nintendo suck etc. To me, this place has become so boring. I'm not suggesting that people bury their heads in the sand and we ignore the poor sales and the reasons behind them - far from it. I'm sure people interested in that side of it really enjoy discussing that - and that's great. But what I am so tired of seeing is every single fucking thread being derailed by the same thing. And it's always the same people. I just want to come on here and discuss games, consoles, up and coming releases and having a bit of a laugh with other members but I haven't been able to do that for a long time now. Just look at the recent posts outside of this thread - hardly anyone is talking about games anymore. And the amount of people who used to post frequently are no where to be seen. It's hardly surprising as it's getting to the point where I don't feel like visiting here each day either. Whilst I appreciate the Wii U situation is bleak, I would like to think that the Nintendo thread of a gaming forum would be looking at the positives of the company and trying to remain upbeat about the good things we know are coming this year. Instead we just get arguments, snide comments, sales discussion, the game pad is useless and the online is useless discussion instead. Sad times.
  18. I thought she'd be up your street MadDog! She's definitely my fave new pop star. Cannot wait for her album!
  19. Pretty much obsessed with Foxes at the minute. Most people have probably already heard 'Youth' due to its use on the Debenhams advert over Christmas. Tune - but strange vid! Fan made vid for Beauty Queen - but brilliant. And her new single - she is a total babe, right?!
  20. I have a PT Ashley and it's the best decision I made. As you say, it's more a case of having someone there who you can talk things through with. The first question my PT asked me was 'what is the goal' and then when I told him, he said it was his job to help me get there. I haven't had much experience with weights in the gym which is why I like having the PT session each week. It introduces new exercises that targets different muscles / muscle groups that I can then incorporate into my alone gym time outside of the PT. I've found it works for me and my PT has been great in recommending a lot of different foods / shakes / protein sites that have a good selection of munch. I will continue using PT even after my block book sessions have come to an end as I really enjoy the extra intensity he provides. After a PT I'm virtually crawling, whereas alone I never push myself so hard. Definitely give it a go. Some PT's do a free first session to see how you find it. And from one skinny to another - good luck!
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