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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Doesn't do anything different? That's kinda the complete opposite of what every review is saying. I know who I believe, no disrespect.
  2. Thank God I didn't register my 3ds XL I just bought! I already have SM3DL - Can I just sell the code on eBay do you think?!
  3. I have played Revelations. 4 times to be precise. I am also not tired of NSMB. I was tired of the handheld games, but NSMBU and NSLU are the best in the series so far, in my opinion. But if you haven't played it, which I'm guessing you haven't, and all you have to go on is screen shots and the fact you think it is exactly like the others, then that's up to you. Also, those who played Pikmin all had nothing but praise for it - the fact it's the first game in the series for me personally doesn't mean anything. Same with Wind Waker to an extent. No one can deny the quality of that game. I was definitely lucky to have not experienced it before, but I think it would have been nice for all those people who had played it on the GC to then enjoy it all over again. Especially when it plays and looks like it does. :awesome: So yeah, all in all, a good year.
  4. Well for me personally... I've bought (and enjoyed) more games in the Wii U's first year than I did in the 3DS' first year. And look at how the 3DS turned out after a shit start... I love how people think it's been a bad year. Lel. I've been introduced to the wonderful Pikmin series with Pikmin 3 (where has it been all my life?), I've enjoyed the best NSMB yet and found myself wanting to smash the game pad with the rock hard Luigi DLC , I've turned my Wii U into a handheld to play RE: Revelations how it should be played (with a second analogue stick ). I've finally got to play Wind Waker - and in glorious HD (what a game!), and i've been blown away by third party offerings such as Rayman Legends, Sega Racing Transformed and Lego City Undercover. I've also been playing Wii Sports Tennis, ONLINE - but people still complain about that! The eShop continues to offer unique and inventive games that are a breath of fresh air to play - highlights for me being Bit Trip Runner 2, Giana Sisters and Might Switch Force! I've seen some amazing drawings and talents on Miiverse and laughed at loads of random screen shots people have captured in game and shared. I've also enjoyed spending time within the Miiverse communities and seeing all of the POSITIVE comments and people enjoying Nintendo games. Something that this place would never have you believed happens at times! :p So for me, it has been a good year for the Wii U, and I look forward to enjoying the console even more with the release of all the delicious games coming toward the end of the year and into 2014.
  5. BARGAIN. Seriously though, the Rayman price is very good! Definitely should be picked up by anyone who hasn't played yet! Also really pleased to see a Sonic Lost World demo at last. I can finally decide if I want the game then or not!
  6. Azlan Wardrobe? Majora's Mask?! What games are these you speak of for the 3DS?! But cool you're both getting the bundle it's a great price!
  7. Hey. Yeah I have always preferred the original model really. In terms of materials used etc. the XL does feel like a block of plastic, but it's much better for those with slightly bigger hands or even normal sized hands as it's less cramped than the original. It's all personal preference really. I opted for an XL as I do like that bigger screen - the larger pixels are definitely noticeable, or they are to me as I'm used to using my original model. But after a while you do start to get used to it, and the bigger screen does become a plus. I think I just expected more from the XL than what it actually delivered. It could have been better than what it is IMO, but as it is it's still a very worthy alternative to the original. I hate the word 'upgrade' as it isn't necessarily an upgrade. The only upgrade is the battery. I could have just bought another original model to replace my Peach 3ds but I thought I may as we'll go for an XL as the only colour I was interested in was the all black one and the Argos deal came along. I think if you are interested in an XL then definitely go for it. Maybe get one, see what you think of it in hand, whack a game cart in and play it a while before deciding whether to do a system transfer etc. Probably the best way! I'm really pleased with the XL. I actual really like the bigger screen I have to say. I still hate that damn click to get the screen into place, and I don't like row of start home and select buttons as they're not massively improved over the original, but both consoles had their good and bad points. I'm already not missing the lines on the screen from the original models top screen resting on the bottom one! Damn that was annoying! And for all the gloss of the original that I loved, the fingerprints got damn annoying too. Either way both consoles are great. It's personal preference. I'll always favour the originals appearance over the XL but I am very much enjoying that larger screen after using the smaller one for so long!
  8. @Phube tell me about it! The only store near me that had it was about 15 miles away and it was all because of Arzan Legacy being out of stock everywhere! I am selling both the Layton games as it's a series that has never really clicked with me. I enjoyed the first game but quickly grew tired of the 2 after so never bothered with the others. I may keep the newest one and try it out, but Layton games seem to go down in price quite quick so I could pick it up again at a later date should I really wanna play it! Did you both order the black console or the pink? I've opened mine - decided to keep it. Really like the all black XL. Looks very sleek! I was gonna maybe hold off for the Zelda edition XL but the gold inside makes me wanna vom a bit so this seems a little better suited! Oh and as a nice bonus the screen on my XL is bright crisp and white! I worried it may have had the yellow tinge but thankfully not!
  9. This game seems really good for the relatively low price! I take it you guys who have finished or played quite a big chunk of it can recommend? Looking to give some more love to the eShop before Zelda next week takes up all of my handheld gaming time and this looks perfect!
  10. Downloaded the demo of this game before even though I love the series and knew I was going to eventually buy it. The demo just pushed me over the edge to buy the full version. Loved it. Can't wait to play the game from start to finish. I find Phoenix Wright to be such an underrated series. More people need to be appreciatin'!
  11. It happened. £159 for all. Still not decided if to keep - gonna mull it over! What a nightmare trying to get it though. You had to have all three items to get the deal for £159 but nowhere near me had Arzan Legacy. Even home delivery was out of stock. Anyway it just so happened my sisters were going to Chester this morning which was the only place that had it so I asked them to pick it up. Got a £10 Argos voucher too for spending over 100!
  12. So has anyone managed to beat the 'Champions' of this game yet?! I am currently level star 7 through building wins online and through the single player etc, and I came up against the champions of the game. They are both level star 10 and are absolutely impossible to beat!! I got to 6-6 against them and lost. Had a close 7-5 loss the other day too. So so difficult to beat. I think I'm getting the hang of how to beat them, but even when I get close and employ my tactics they still get everything back!! So difficult! But great practice! Anyone else come up against them yet?!
  13. I love it. I just need to wait to get paid to purchase!
  14. @Blade - wash your mouth out immediately! My play time on Mario Kart was huge even without the league! Obviously the league pushed the time up loads but it is a fantastic game in its own right and the online is still massively active!! We're probably all just a little fatigued with the game now after playing so much of it, but think back to when it was new for us and it was a beautiful experience! Do it Animal - MK7 should be top of your list!!!
  15. Ahh welcome to the 3ds family Animal!! Be good to see you in these threads! Another positive person!! Recommendations off the top of my head would be: Luigi's Mansion 2 Super Mario 3d Land Mario Kart 7 Resident Evil Revelations Pokemon X/Y Donkey Kong Country Returns Fire Emblem (purely coz everyone who played it loved it - it's not my type of game!) Kid Icarus And loads and loads off the eShop. I'd say to shop around for cheap deals. RE: Revelations can be picked up on the eShop digitally for a very good price now! Your first party Nintendo games are never really gonna be reduced (there's a thread for that!) so you will be looking at paying thirty quid or just under most of the time for those. But they're nearly all worth that price IMO. There's loads of goodness to be had for 3ds! What a great time to buy! Be sure to let us know what console you choose and your friend code etc and we can add you to our friend lists!
  16. Posted this in the bargains thread but thought I'd post here too: Don't know if this is an 'amazing' deal, but it seems pretty good to me. Nintendo 3ds XL (in any colour) plus Professor Layton and The Arzan Legacy plus Professor Layton and The Miracle Mask for £159.99. Offer ends Tuesday next week. I'm pretty tempted tbh... http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1438406.htm#pdpPromotions
  17. ... other way round I meant... Upside down land sounds fun though. TAKE ME THERE. :p
  18. Never thought I'd be agreeing with Wii... And add me to the my game pad goes anywhere. Apart from the kitchen... I only ever have it in my room or the living room though and my room is directly below that so that's probably why. I thought off screen play was bigged up (rightly so) but don't recall them bigging up being able to play anywhere in the house?
  19. I agree @Guy I've been hyped since day one - PLAYABLE PRINCESS PEACH!!!! It's nice to see such high review scores as it shouldn't ever have been in doubt that this was going to be anything less than brilliant from Nintendo. I think peoples expectations were too set on a 'new' Mario and automatically dismissed this without knowingly too much about it at all.
  20. Ahhh how lovely to see these review scores! Now let's all go back and read the previous comments about file size how it's not 3d and how the textures aren't too different from the other Mario games and LAUGH. LAAAAUUGH! I kid. I can't wait for this now!!
  21. So Artpop is out. I haven't listened much. I intend to give it a proper full listen from start to finish at the weekend when I don't have something on! All I will say is - Sexxx Dreams is possibly the best thing she has ever ever done. Cannot stop playing it. It's incredible. Why it wasn't or hasn't been a single is beyond me. Anyone else listened? Thoughts?
  22. It's totally worth it. Stop bein a scruff Rummy and get your wallet out :p I kid, I kid
  23. I'm really excited about this game. Can't wait to get my hands on it! I was gonna wait until Christmas, as it's the perfect game to be playing during those long (sometimes boring) Christmas, Boxing days and the days after where all you wanna do is unbutton your jeans after too much food, flake out on the couch and GAME!! But I can't wait! So will be getting this at launch! Also, if you are bored of Mario - don't buy it and move the fuck on. Can we all please turn our attention to playing this game and getting some hype going rather than moaning about how big the file for it is, the game havin the same textures, the lack of proper 3d movement, the length of the game and how it's like NSMB (which is a statement I don't quite get I'm afraid)! It is what it is - and I think it looks sweeeeet. Roll on launch!
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