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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. DANCING MII's!! I have no intention of buying this game, but I absolutely love this thread for all of RedShell's screen grabs! They look so cute in their work out get ups! I've always thought the Mii's could be used better and this game looks like it's giving them a bit of much needed personality at last! MOAR.
  2. Heh look at the Mii's in their exercise gear! I love it! Ha!
  3. Got home just now to find my 'ear' of Luigi coin waiting for me! It's tiiinnnyyyy! But so pretty and cold and shiny. I don't think I wanna part with this one!
  4. I personally loved Pikapoirot and lol'd so hard.
  5. A criminally underrated type IMO.
  6. Brill - I just traded my Clawitzer... did you want that?! If so, I apologise! I am online now, I'm Mark on the game. Thanks so much Tales! Sorry about trading Dedenne or whatever it's called! Kinda had nothing else as I have hardly caught anything! Anything you want in future from X let me know! Thanks again!
  7. Brill, that'd be great. (Unless someone has one tonight!) Thanks Tales!
  8. I'm really unhappy with my current team - 7 badges in. Never really been in this position this far in, but I want to radically change the Pokemon I have. Does anyone have a Skrelp / Dragalge from Pokemon Y they fancy kindly trading me?! I have a Clawitzer if anyone fancies that?! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Do you know, this is the first game in the series where I've felt like that too. I dunno why, but the gyms in this game didn't impress me as much as previous. I thought B/W's gym and Elite 4 were the best so far, but this series seems to have taken a step back. Bigger gyms don't mean better experiences it would seem!
  9. 3DS XL to get coloured charging cradles on Club Nintendo from 31st Oct. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/news/a526660/3ds-xl-gets-coloured-charging-cradles-from-club-nintendo.html 500 star points apparently - which seems cheap!
  10. Ike I think you should definitely try and talk to her! I know it's a really easy thing to say whilst sat reading about your situation, but I guess the not knowing if you were to never do anything would be worse than not giving it a shot! Making the first move is always difficult, but maybe just a friendly hello or smile to her to begin with until you feel like your confident enough to say hello and maybe ask her how her weekend was on a Monday morning! Little steps I guess. Once that's out of the way you would probably be able to get a better understanding of whether you're in with a shot! Good luck anyway! Be great to hear a success story! : peace: __________________ Onto unsuccessful stories then... haha. As a few may remember I had my tennis guy issues a few months back, the old is he isn't he gay stuff. Well. I still don't really know ha, and things have gotten a little frustrating for me lately. Tennis has quietened off for him due to injuries, bad weather etc (I'll play through anything so am always down at the club or willing to play!), so hadn't seen that much of him. We had spent some time away from tennis together, mainly at his watching films, playing some 360 games, generally chilling etc but nothing for about 6 weeks. Anyway, in that time I kinda stopped being so "omg I really like / fancy him" and pulled myself together a bit, but then on Monday evening totally out of the blue, he asked if I wanted to do a pub quiz with him and a mate. So went along, did terribly but had a good laugh and his mate was a nice guy so all was well. He then said about wanting to do more quizzes so we did another one at a different pub on the Tuesday night - met his flat mate etc. All good. But now I find myself 'back there' with the "omg I really like him" stupidness that I had before. I don't know what it is, but he is just a really laid back, genuinely nice guy. And though I say I am unsure of his sexuality, it's not because I think he could be gay - as it would literally shock me if it turned out he was, more I just haven't had anything to tell me he's straight. And I think it's that which is keeping these really silly feelings in my head towards him. I'd rather him rock up to the quiz with a girl on his arm and be like 'this be me bitch', because then I could be like - ok, move the fuck on. I put myself on POF anyway in the hope of taking my mind off the whole thing and have been exchanging messages with some on there, doing the whole 'I would like to meet you' button thing, but so far it's not taking what's in the back of my mind and shoving it out completely! Anyway I don't know why I typed that as people are probably just thinking 'k'. Lol. But I kinda needed to just say it.
  11. 2 new colours for Japan. Available 28th November.
  12. So today's Sunday Mirror magazine goes into more detail on the Wii U with another 2 page spread all about the console! This time, it details Wii Fit U and how people can get fit after the Christmas period. They make a point about saying how all the old Wii peripherals will work with the Wii U and talk about the new Wii Sports Club game. Really informative actually - even I learned one or 2 things from it haha! Not sure if they've got another spread next week, but I'll be sure to post if they have. I don't know how many people this will reach, but it's a fantastic advert for the Wii U which will probably do more than any TV advert has so far.
  13. Hmm. See when I watch that video, I do think Sonic looks really slow. But when it's compared to this: I guess it's bound too. I can't really say anything as I haven't played the game yet, but it looks like they've tried to create a stage with lots of different routes and obstacles for the sake of doing it, rather than it actually adding anything to the gameplay. That Unleashed video is the kinda Sonic game I want! I loved those day stages so much. Such fun to master and 'learn' I suppose you could say - so you knew exactly when to jump, home attack, slide and boost. That's my kinda modern Sonic! Still think Lost World looks like great fun though and I'm excited to pick it up!
  14. @Guy - ahhh I see! Yeah that is very tasty! And I 100% agree that Charizard one is amazing. Shame we haven't seen a European release!
  15. Nope, that's bang on! Good to hear that it does a lot of stuff well but I do agree that it's odd how they don't do anything to explain the different mechanics of Sonic's movement - wall jump etc. Same with the Wisps. Seem very odd when a lot of younger gamers will probably be picking this up! Anyway, thanks for posting your thoughts! : peace:
  16. This one?! http://www.very.co.uk/nintendo-3ds-xl-console-black/1302969523.prd?numProducts=42 Obviously not the Monster Hunter bundle - but it's the same console. I've had this in and out of my basket so many times! It's the nicest XL model in my opinion. The all black looks really nice. I just don't know whether to go for this or the Zelda or Luigi one. I'm gonna replace my Peach 3ds as I fear it's getting a bit worn and I'd like to try and keep it in the best condition possible. I wasn't initially bothered about wear and tear, but now I'm seeing the odd mark and it's stressing me out haha. The all black one is probably the only XL model I really like.
  17. What did you think of the game f00had? Compared to the previous 3d Sonic's? Be good to hear some final thoughts from those who've finished it!
  18. Argos have an offer on the Vita at the moment. You can pick up the Wi-Fi and 3G model + Virtua Tennis + Killzone Mercenary + 8GB memory card all for £139.99. Offer ends 22nd. Oh - and if you spend over £100 at Argos (also until 22nd Oct) you get a £10 voucher for use in store. Great price!
  19. I lol'd at the bitch part And I'm in the same boat as you Blade. Pokemon and Zelda are pretty big games so I don't wanna add this to the collection when I've not got that much spare time for them as it is! But I do love me some Sonic.
  20. It does this with me too - so annoying! The only way around it is to log out and back in with each game, which is a royal pain in the arse. But it's been like that for ages now.
  21. Just to add another review (this time a very positive one!) to try and even things up a bit! : peace: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/gaming/review/a524307/sonic-lost-world-review-wii-u-segas-mascot-returns-to-form.html 4 out of 5 stars.
  22. Christ! Definitely some funds to be made from this stuff! Providing you don't want to keep it of course!
  23. They did a Mario one too?! How much did you get for the Mario one on eBay?! Can you remember? I'm always intrigued by the amount these Nintendo Stars Catalogue items fetch on eBay!
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