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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Very true Dem0. Hopefully he will be announced soon! Be good if we could get some more game play videos of this soon! Pics and character shots are good - but I'd love to see more game footage - particularly the 3ds version.
  2. I lol'd. Good idea though! But I'm pretty much all digital on my 3ds!! I might watch some unboxing porn - see if it can turn me on enough to warrant a pre-order.
  3. Tbh - I can't remember what stumped me. For any of the games. But it's the fact that not one Zelda game goes by where I'm not actually stumped - and that kinda bugs me a little bit. I know the games are built around puzzles (to an extent), but too often am I having to resort to using a guide. It might just be me - but I know others I've spoke to who have said the same, but it's not deterred them in the same way it has me. Maybe my patience levels are a little shorter than most haha. As for the DS games - I can't ever really remember being stumped. But they weren't as big (obviously) as the home console games and therefore didn't have as many open areas. It was a pretty set path. That's the kind of game I like though - I like the ones where you can't be too far removed from the task in hand, or the end goal. As I'm sure you can imagine - open world games are my least favourite kind! I always find something satisfying about Zelda games though, when I actually did break a puzzle without cheating. That sexy little chime that confirms you've just done something right - I love it. I just too often have to look elsewhere to find out how to do it - so the effect isn't quite as rewarding! Lazy Aneres! I need to tell myself that cheaters never prosper when playing WW.
  4. My first Zelda experience was Twilight Princess. Got about 20 hours in, got stuck, didn't go back and finish it. I then played the 2 DS games, absolutely loved both of them and completed them. Theeeeen I played Skyward Sword - played for 10 hours, got very very tired of the motion controls and gave it up. Also prepared myself for that game by buying the official guide - only to hate having to glance through and try and find which bit I was upto when I needed it. I then played OoT on 3ds - played for 15 hours, got stuck and bored of it and left it. So as you can see... lol. I'm not great with Zelda. And I annoy myself really, as I do enjoy parts of the games, but I have resigned myself to the face that Zelda isn't really the series for me. I never get that Zelda hype that others get. I know I have played no where near enough of the series to give a proper opinion, but what I have played has never made me fall in love with it. Minus them DS games. Which were great! Every time we get a new Zelda release I think this is it!! This is the one that unlocks that thing within me that stops me loving it!! And it doesn't haha. Who knows though - Wind Waker could be just the ticket! :awesome:
  5. So. Anyway got an order down for one of these bad boys?! @Ike surely you must have?! Or is it just the limited ed's that take your fancy more?! I am still unsure what to do. I kinda want one, but I don't wanna buy it and prefer my 3ds now. As most know, I love love love my Peach 3ds, but I wouldn't mind retiring it to save it getting too much wear and tear. I'd have no issues with the screen size of the 2ds having used the original 3ds basically since launch, so that won't bother me. What does concern me, is doing a system transfer to the 2ds, only to maybe miss the 3ds and want to go back to that. As don't you only have like a 5 transfer limit?! Dunno what to do?!
  6. Hype levels are getting very high for this now. Holidays booked for next week in preparation (yes, I'm that sad) (and i also had holidays to take), so I'm good to go! Cannot decide which starter I want but I like the idea of fire / psychic typing. Picking the fire starter seems to be the thing to do for most people, whereas I've always favoured the other types over the fire starters personally. Looking likely it'll be water for meeee!
  7. Any news on Ness yet?!! Also, can give or take Sonic. Didn't really like him in Brawl, so doubt I'll use him much in this!
  8. That lightning trophy looks sweet!! Easily my favourite looking one so far. I ordered one, so hopefully mine will arrive soon!
  9. Oh I'll be sure to post. However, I am a bit strange when it comes to Zelda. (Prepare yourselves for this...) Basically I much much preferred the 2 DS games to any home console Zelda I've ever played. (Gets ready for backlash...) I just never complete home console Zelda's. Dunno what it is. I often get stuck. Which results in me having to wander around for half an hour which then gets me bored which then makes me search the internet for the answer. Not how I wanna play my games. And I often find that the way to proceed from my sticking point is something I would never have done, rather than an obvious thing I kick myself for after... Sooo, kinda don't hold out too much hope!! I found the DS games both a joy to play, challenging but rewarding and the difficulty wasn't too much in terms of puzzles / dungeons. Hopefully this one will get finished!
  10. Ha see I didn't really like any of them! The spike was a bastard, the rocket was shit (especially that level where you're on the ground and just have to rocket up to the goal), the blue square / cubey one was a bit annoying and I didn't like laser much either! So all in all, I kinda wasn't the biggest 'Colours' fan haha. Everything outside the colours in this game looks brilliant though, like could be best Sonic yet - so I'm gonna grab onto that!
  11. Ah man that sucks. Given the circumstances I think we need an N-E whip around to sort Blade out with a copy for Friday!!
  12. Something about this game isn't winning me over yet. And I don't know what it is. I will definitely be purchasing it day one, but the more I see of it and expect to get excited - I don't... I think my problem lies with the 'deadly' six, who look anything but deadly, but more than that it's the colours that I just don't want in the game. I did like Sonic Colours but it's easily the worst 3d game out of the last couple of big ones (Unleashed, Colours and Generations). Not to say it was bad - as I enjoyed it, but I felt like I wasn't really playing a Sonic game. The colours broke the gameplay up too much for me and when I see them in action on the trailers for this my hype disappears a bit each time. I dunno. I'm sure it' brilliant, and as I say it's day one for me, I just hope them colours can win me over!
  13. Just got an account charge and order receipt email from shop to. No dispatch email though. I have a weekend of doing nothing so this has come at the right time! Can't wait to get my wind Waker on!!
  14. I've never played WW. So I have no issues with the price. Really looking forward to it actually! I ordered from ShopTo and looks like mine will be comin Friday - which is unusual for ShopTo!
  15. Not posted cake for a while. Just whipped this up whilst inspired by / made hungry by Great British Bake Off!
  16. Wow I'm really surprised people didn't take to it! I loved it. And as for the theme song - it is an absolute tune. Regine Spektor is great anyway, but this song made me like her more! Shame that Bayonetta, sorry - Alex may not be coming back for a full stint on series 2 (according to rumours), as that would kinda ruin the whole thing!
  17. But it's not really 3d. Like, proper 3d like.
  18. Grass world. Check. Desert style world. Check Ice World. OH GOD YES CHECK Colourful type world. Check. Do need.
  19. Sorry but I totally disagree and this argument kinda riles me a bit. The whole 'wasting time and talent' thing. They'd be wasting time and talent if they weren't doing anything. As in, not making games. Yet instead they actually are. The DK series is one of the most loved and well made game franchises going. The new DK game looks incredible, like seriously good. Could well be the best in the series what with the new game play elements and added characters etc. It's going to be a fantastic game and it will be a good seller. A game that will probably continue to sell long after launch week as people (hopefully) pick the console up. It isn't a waste of time at all. The previous games were so good that this demands their time to ensure this one is just as enjoyable too.
  20. Ummm. What in God's name are those and where is the Peach one? Is this from the Direct? I didn't see. Please tell me there's a Peach one. PLEASE.
  21. Looks incred. As thought to begin with. Never gonna please everyone. Can't wait to get me some Peachy playin goodness!
  22. I'm really sorry to hear that Blade. Maybe in a few days she will want to talk about it. I think you are owed an explanation as to why she's ended it having been together so long. Hope you're doing ok.
  23. Apart from this one. Fire says hi.
  24. Shiny and smooth things are never a problem Ike. NEVER. Looks beautimous. Please share more pics so I can drool and other things. Is it amazing? Are the screens bright and crisp? TELL MEEE.
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