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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Pretty decent price for Mickey. I downloaded the demo and quite liked it but never got round to purchasing it. Might have to buy it for that price!
  2. To be fair, I am finding myself rolling my eyes when ever I get to a Murfy stage. At first it was pretty cool and a welcome change in pace. However, I do have to agree with Gamespot in that it does become an unwelcome break from the rest of the game. It doesn't help that I don't feel particularly in control of what's going on either. And that's probably to do with the fact that you lose control over the character - and instead manipulate the level. I don't know whether it means I'd take a whole 10 points off the score, but what ever.
  3. Too true Zechs. Too true. I played a bit more of this last night and am really enjoying it. I still think that there could be a bit more of a story behind it so it all gels together a little better, but I can't fault the platforming at all. It's very impressive indeed. I also love plumber / Mario Rayman!
  4. This looks brilliant. Definitely would probably play better on Vita though as others have mentioned. Hmm will wait for reviews before I make a decision but for a handheld it looks very impressive indeed.
  5. Oh yeah totally. Not saying its the better version, just clearly offers a way of playing that isn't available on the other formats - which is what the Wii U should be all about.
  6. Having played this for a bit this afternoon you can tell it was made for Wii U with the touch screen levels. I'm actually finding the touch sections to be really intuitive and the most fun so far. It's definitely going to be hard going back for all the little blue dudes (cant remember what they're called!) in those levels! One thing I'm finding early on is that the game looks very much like Origins. There's more depth this time, but if I didn't know different I'd swear I was playing the same game.
  7. Currently waiting for this to download. Decided to give it a go and use a £25 eShop card towards it, so only paid £12 to it. Think given the reviews and demo I played I will enjoy it, and it will certainly be worth that. I'll post some thoughts in around 2 weeks which is roughly when I expect the demo to have downloaded with my amazing internet.
  8. So having downloaded Pikmin 3 and being in a position to get this at a discounted rate... I still haven't taken the plunge... I tried the demo and found it confusing. Didn't seem like I was going to gel with it. Anyway, I fired up the demo again earlier and selected 'Very Easy' as I thought it might help slow things down to let me take more in. It didn't haha. It did help, but I still do not have a clue what is going on?! What do all the buttons do?! What difference does it make if I select 3 different 'hero's' via the game pad rather than wonder Red / Blue / Green from the list in my 'party'?! What do all the strange items do?! What do the batteries do?! Is my battery gauge my life?!! Very strange. Having said that... I did find myself start to like it the more I played. It seemed a bit frantic and fast but I guess that's what it's all about. I am very tempted to just download it anyway at the discounted price and commit a day to it so I can make a proper judgement. I did seem to be enjoying it the more I played anyway, so I guess that's a good sign!
  9. I actually thought I'd pressed something that translated English text into German or something then. Not a word Dazzy. Not a word.
  10. Oh that's an interesting point actually. How will they do that going forward? Couple more images: Taken from the techradar review. In their review they make a valid point that the 3ds is stated as being 'unsuitable' for children under 7 due to developing eyes or some shizz. So this really is a pretty good move from Ninty. Those big shoulder buttons look delicious.
  11. The white one looked better in the marketing / promo pics... The one above looks cheap. I know it's meant to be cheap but it does look like a big block of plastic! I can't help but think this would be more comfortable than the normal 3ds though. I often get hand cramp (usually only with Mario Kart) as I'm holding down the A button for so long and reaching up for the R trigger. But this seems like the R button is a bit further up so should be a little easier to hold. Wonder if these will be out anywhere in stores to get a hands on with?
  12. @Ashley that's a really good write up - enjoyed reading that. Thanks for posting. I really want to hold it!! I think it's one of those things where the pictures make it look massive, but in reality it's probably a pretty small size. Totally tempted. Wont even lie.
  13. Yeah I agree actually. Thinking about it, the 3ds (though it has many amazing games in its library), really hasn't utilised the whole dual screen thing that made the original DS so unique. I have loved many games on the 3ds, but feel like the touch screen has been ignored somewhat for this generation of console. It's a shame really as the DS used it in such clever ways at time - particularly another code, hotel dusk, elite beat agents etc. I think perhaps the step up in power and graphical capabilities has meant developers have just left the top screen as the playing screen and hardly made use of the bottom screen for anything other than touch menus, inventories and maps. Not that it's a bad thing - it just doesn't really make the most out of it IMO. So yeah, would be nice to maybe get a brand new console in a few years that moves away from the DS brand / style.
  14. Slightly off topic - but given that this (to me) looks like the 3ds version of the Wii mini, does anyone think this could be like the last 3ds version we see before a new console? It seems like there will be no more 'updated' versions of the 3ds so what would be left? Just continue making games for it for the next couple of years or are they secretly planning to unleash a new handheld moving away from the 'DS' name to something entirely different!!? Who knows?!
  15. Or a PRINCESS PEACH ONE!!! Day one.
  16. Hmm I have to disagree. I wouldn't say they were falling behind in the market at all. They are falling behind in lots of other senses mind, the account system not being unified, online being very basic and not standard in games it should be, and lets not start on the Wii U! But in terms of handheld gaming - the 3DS is a massively attractive console. I think the 2DS will further cement that - or at least I hope it will. You can't get the kind of gaming experience you get on a 3DS or a Vita on a smart phone. There's just no way. I don't really class handheld gaming as smartphone / tablet gaming as it's too far removed from a console experience. However, I may be alone in this thought. It's an interesting topic though.
  17. Back to the top? In what sense. Coz the 3ds has been huge for them and they very much are on top in the handheld world. I think this could go one of 2 ways. It will sell well, and parents who were dubious of the 3d effect will now let their kids have one. Or it will be another Wii Mini thing - and be an epic fail. Either way I want one lol. Purely coz the more I've looked at it the more I am so damn intrigued. And, I always buy Nintendo handhelds for collectable purposes anyway.
  18. I really want to hold it and see what it feels like. It looks majorly uncomfortable though. I do think it's a pretty neat idea for the kiddies though. Especially as it launches same time as X&Y. As always, the white looks loads better than the black. I guess Europe are getting the black then.
  19. So excited for this game! Love me some Mario Party.
  20. Sorry for thread bump but I've started playing through this again recently ready for 3D World in December. I have to say though, I really cannot get to grips with the controls? I've obviously played through it before and my memory of it was that its fuckin incredible, but I just cannot get used to the run/jump buttons being preset to Y/X B/A. I am nearly on world 3 and have lost so many lives trying to run and jump only to not make the next ledge and fall to my death. I can't even remember the way I played it last time but its making it really difficult for me to play it.
  21. But it's not a bad one Dcubed... which makes a change!
  22. Haha Arnold they are amazing!!!! Great idea!
  23. Jesus Rummy - what are you doing to me?!!
  24. Really sorry to hear that @rizz Can you guys continue to be friends or have circumstances changed in a way that it's not possible? I guess the only advice I can give is to just surround yourself with people who care about you / who you care about and have some good times. Just laugh, be silly, and maybe try and take some alone time to do the things you really want to do that maybe you weren't able to before? And when it all gets too much - share it with the group. The N-E love thread is always open.
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