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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah I guess it coulda been a little more gold. I think the buttons letters will be gold as will all the branding and 'START' etc. But it actually would have been pretty sweet to have at least had a gold game pad with black trim - something a bit more special.
  2. Lol Flink. Beat me to it. Nothing exciting from me - just a tie. But a damn fine tie.
  3. I think it's gold isn't it? The 3DS Zelda edition was decorated with a similar pattern and that was gold so I guess it's the same?! And I'm just a sucker for special editions tbh!
  4. And so the special editions begin... I love it. It's beautiful.
  5. Great work Animal! Fingers crossed for you! I have no update on my situation as I still remain patiently waiting for my tennis friend to admit his love for me. Whilst I wait for that to happen, (lol) I am not exactly putting myself out there so I can't really complain about it! Still no clearer on the tennis friends 'preferences' but we've spent a bit of time together recently, just hanging out watching films etc. It's been nice to spend time with him tbh, even as just friends - which is all I see it as being. There's just a tiny part of me that kinda wishes it was more, which I know is stupid but I really can't help it.
  6. ONM mag have reviewed this. Here is their summary: It's a pretty glowing review. Still unsure whether I want it though?
  7. My copy of ONM arrived today and they reviewed this. I'm sure most of you have already seen reviews elsewhere but this is their overall verdict: Seems pretty good to be honest. Might be one of those that goes down in price quickly though and is therefore worth waiting for?
  8. Brilliant RedShell! One thing that advert did do, is remind me just how many great games that I am really looking forward to are coming out soon! I'd forgotten all about some of them in there and it's got me all excited again!
  9. A troll argument? Did you read my posts? So my saying that I don't like where the analogue sticks are placed and that I found the controller to be uncomfortable to use because of that is a troll argument? Ok sure. I guess you feel a bit sensitive towards my dislike of the controller but please don't play the troll card just coz my opinion doesn't match yours.
  10. I keep meaning to pick a pro controller up but have heard pretty good things about it. And of course one controller can be better than another. Saying that its all just what you're used to is a bit of a pointless argument. No one was use to a controller like the N64 one but people love that controller. I've played my ps3 loads over the last gen and I'm definitely 'used' to the controller, but I still don't like it and still think its the worst designed controller I've ever used. Personal preference. It's not just me either. Lots of people don't like it. A lot of my mates, work colleagues and even people on this forum have said they're not massive fans.
  11. Thanks Hero. Sounds interesting. I wish the xbone was available in 2 colours rather than just black. A white one would've been sweet - even if it would look a bit like a breeze block Also a white controller would be mmmmm. Ill have to check up on these community activity things. Sounds interesting.
  12. Lol. I know it's probably difficult for some to comprehend, but I think Sony's controllers aren't comfortable. Sorry to upset. ----------- Do we know if achievements and such are still going to be a prominent feature of live? I haven't read up much on that tbh but it's something I did enjoy with the 360. Some games utilised it really well. Did I read somewhere a whole ago that some games would have a higher score than 1000 gamer points too?
  13. K. Not sure how the sticks not moving will ultimately make it any different... But stranger things have happened.
  14. Yeah I agree with all that Zechs. I'm not sayin people are wrong to go for the ps4 - it looks great. But as an overall package, that's the controller, the games, the possibilities of what's to come, xbone looks the better choice for me. I don't wanna turn this into which is better coz its all personal and that isn't my intention. But just citing the lower price of the ps4 doesn't suddenly show Sony as the better company. Like I say, both consoles are very promising, but given that I favoured the 360's exclusives over the ps3's last gen also helps me make my decision too. But I do get what you're saying totally.
  15. No I haven't held it, but it's the position of the right analogue stick that I have issues with. And that hasn't been changed. So therefore it's gonna be the same unnatural holding position that I don't like. I know for a fact I won't have to try the xbone controller as its virtually the same. Therefore there's no need for me to hold off until I've held one. And I kinda agree Shorty ha. But let's hope there is no new RROD that's gonna plague these consoles!
  16. Well Zechs it's not quite that simple. Just because they both have the same multi play games and one is cheaper than the other doesn't make it a Sony win. There are other things to consider. For me that's the controller as I've already mentioned. The play station controller is lol. Also, I've bought more 360 exclusives than I have ps3 last gen. My Ps3 was a blu ray player for me last gen with the occasional game. Additionally, most of my mates will be choosing the xbone and I already have a gold love membership lasting into next year. I've checked out the launch games too and dead rising 3 looks so fuckin good. That's the kind of exclusive that makes me want to buy the console. There isn't that on the ps4 - yet. At the minute I'm definitely in the Xbox camp over the ps4. Just need to see if I want to buy one at launch or hold off a bit.
  17. I've been thinking to the end of the year when the PS4 / XBONE will be released and am kinda torn at the min over which I would like to buy - and when I would like to buy. Also, do I even want to buy. I am obviously a Nintendo gamer as for me, they make the better games which appeal more to my personal tastes, but as per the previous gen I'd like one of the other 2 for the titles the Wii U inevitably will not get. The PS4 appears to be much better value for money, but that controller... that damn hideous, awful controller. I just don't think I could do it. I hate the PS3 controller with a passion and really didn't enjoy playing games with it, so always bought multi platform games on my 360. The 360 controller is one of the best I've held (if not the best) so I'm already automatically drawn to XBONE just purely on that reason. Yes, it's that important in my decision making! I just wondered if anyone on the forums had already pre-ordered an XBONE and why they decided to go for it over the PS4. I know the console has had a lot of flack (and it would appear a lot of it was justified), but I'm guessing there are some who are looking forward to it? I'm gonna check out the launch games now and do some digging on the console itself so I can be more educated (also gonna do the same with PS4) but looking at the launch line up briefly it would appear the 360 has better selection than the ps4. But that's just my opinion. So anyone in XBONE camp care to share why they're choosing it over PS4?
  18. We had one. I created a fashion thread but it kinda got messy. People who weren't into fashion saying stuff like there was no way you could be individual if you bought stuff from Topman. It was quite funny actually. But definitely check fashionbeans out! Or other fashion places - it's probably easier to get feedback there anyway as everyone is there for the same reason!
  19. You wouldn't put Just Dance, Poker Face, Love Game, Summerboy and Disco Heaven on a Gaga playlist? Along with Paparazzi and Boys Boys Boys? You worry me Paj! I just hated all of the religious stuff that plagued Born This Way. I also found every single off that album minus Judas to be extremely weak. Poor choices at every turn. The only tracks that were worthy of mention from BTW are Scheiße, Heavy Metal Lover, Fashion of his Love and Judas. Just didn't care for it as a whole. Yes, The Fame Monster was pretty spectacular, but I can't help but not class that as a full album. If I did then that would rank as top, but there is no chance BTW was a better album than The Fame. Just my thoughts anyways! ______ Re the vid - I like it. It's kinda more simple really. This feels like more of a buzz track for her as it just appeared coz of the leak. Even the video is a little less crazy than normal. It's still crazy ha, but not as much. The song has really really grown on me. It's a great pop song and that chorus is pretty mighty.
  20. Got that nato strap myself! Bought it a few months back. Really nice item to wear. I've got it on today!
  21. I am face palming now. Actual palm to face. I'm out. It's been fun. : peace:
  22. I work with mostly women with young kids - the kids all being gamers. None of them are allowed to go online with their games as the parents don't want them 'talking to strangers' and all that shit. Most parents will be deciding if a child can play a game online or not and most would probably choose not. Anyway, off topic. You're missing my point here. The topic is Pokemon on Wii U. i've already said my perfect idea of this combo would be a Pokemon Stadium 3 - that works together with the main franchise handheld games to create some sexy cross platform play. What I am saying I don't want or what I don't think will be true to what the game is all about, is a full Pokemon game on a home console. So say the next main instalment after X&Y being only available on the Wii U. For reasons I've explained. Not everyone will agree with that, but I personally don't feel that the games need to be changed. And it's not to be awkward, it's just how I feel about the series! A separate spin off type game that is similar to the Colosseum style of play (only good ) I'd be totally up for. If there was going to be a Pokemon on Wii U I'd like it to be totally different to the handheld games.
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