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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Another plus one for getting it. I may even pick that up myself at £15!
  2. Interesting points guys, thanks. No it's not something I have mentioned. It isn't really a topic of conversation that has come up yet to be honest, however I think it may do soon (naturally) if we continue to spend more time with each other. I'm maybe having a hit at tennis with him tonight but it's not set in stone so we'll no doubt spend a bit of time chatting then as usual. We'll see. I will post back with any updates but feel a bit silly about the whole situation. It's just so typical of me to do something like this and like someone I don't think I should.
  3. Yeah that plays a small part with me too...
  4. I imagine you could change it yourself, but for something like that I'd definitely send it to Nintendo for them to have a little look at. It does not sound healthy to be honest. Those numbers you posted are not great for a console that has had a full charge. But yeah, I'd go with the Nintendo route first and foremost as they'll be able to sort it for you I'm sure. Post back with an update though! Hope you can sort it!
  5. Really enjoying this! I have found the days to be way too short. Sometimes I am having to forgo Pikmin I have 'lost' due to them getting stuck on the way back to the ship (usually round corners!) which is a bit upsetting! Some of the worlds look lovely too, textures are very nice. I'm finding the 'go here' function on the game pad to be of lots of use too. Gives me chance to put the game pad down and admire the scenery as my 'min make their way to wherever I've told them to go! I take it the fruit that is 'unreachable' and the watery areas can be re-visited at a later date with the required Pikmin for further exploration?
  6. Same! I intend to play through it this weekend too! Providing it arrives tomorrow... I played the demo the other night and really liked how the game played on the game pad, so am excited to go through the whole thing with it!
  7. On my 3ds I do. For the Wii U I will definitely be downloading DK, Zelda, Mario World and Mario Kart. I downloaded Pikmin as I wanted the W101 at the discounted price so they are 2 games that I wouldn't have normally gone digital with, but it seemed silly not too when I have so many eShop vouchers after trading in my 360 and all the games for it a month or so ago! I have NSMBU and NSLU as downloads already. RE will be arriving tomorrow but that's a physical copy. I am embracing the digital this gen it would seem, depsite the fact I never thought I would. I like the convenience and there are some games I will always want to have (mostly first party) so it's logical for me to go digital, unless of course the physical copy is much much cheaper.
  8. Back on topic then. I have been playing my Wii U a little bit more recently having bought it and not been that bothered about it. I have been slightly 3ds mad though of late, which didn't help. Anyway, with Pikmin 3 being an absolute joy to play, me picking up Resident Evil Revlations for under £20, and NSLU waiting in the wings, it's getting to the point where I now can't wait to get home from work to play! I've also found myself really appreciating Miiverse too, which is something I'd not involved myself with loads in the past. I love how you can post something and get 'yeah's' from people all round the world! Seeing peoples opinions on games, their amazing drawings and the sense of a proper gaming community is brilliant! It's also nice to see people appreciate each others posts and be able to see more than just what your friends are playing! The biggest plus though - it's just Nintendo fans enjoying the system and the games! No bickering, arguing or sale discussion! Yay to that! I'm also loving the fact that I can take my game pad downstairs, and lie on the couch to play all my games in the cool rather than in my 100 degree room! Even my family have been showing an interest in my gaming when I've been purely playing on the game pad. They find it quite strange that I'm playing a full game on a portable device rather than through the TV! With The Wonderful 101 just round the corner (which I absolutely CANNOT WAIT for), and a first party title every month until Christmas (sometimes more than one), it looks as though my Wii U gaming time is going to just keep building and building! Thank God I bought my 1TB hard drive when I got the console! My weekend currently has no plans, so I intend to spend it mostly on my Wii U! Getting my Pikmin on in the day, saving the Mushroom Kingdom as Luigi to break it up, then when night comes, headphones into the game pad and lights off for Resident Evil! Can't wait!
  9. That's quite nice to read though - hearing what the GAME, shopto, HMV and The Hute peoples were saying. They clearly have faith in Nintendo and the games that are being offered from now to year and end, and into next year. Like I've said previously, the supermarkets will be all over it in the next few months when the games eventually start to come in numbers.
  10. I lol'd so hard at my desk at work I got funny looks. Hahahah.
  11. That image is hilarious. Fuckin morons.
  12. Well we went shopping last weekend as he was going to pick some stuff up so asked if I wanted to go with him. So he came over and picked me up then we were there most of the afternoon. We've been playing tennis a little more and just exchaning the odd text, added each other on FB etc. Just to be clear, though it may seem otherwise, I'm totally not reading into this anything other than mates. The only reason I feel a bit shitty is coz we get on so well and have loads in common and he's the kind of person I'd love to 'date' (personality wise) but have failed to meet in the gay world yet. I'm also attracted to him a lot, but I'm attracted to that type of guy anyway. He's my height, dark hair, stubble, not slim or big, just average. I just like that in a guy. So as an overall package he's the type of person I really like, hence me feeling a bit down at how unlikely it is to find someone like him who is actually gay!
  13. Ah Josh that dog pic is so cute. Thanks man! And I don't want to stop spending time with him. I know it's making me feel a bit shit, but I'd rather spend time with him as a mate and enjoy his company and silently suffer - than not at all! Whether that's stupid or not. It's funny too as he likes so much of the same stuff I do it's difficult to think he wouldn't be gay!! He just doesn't do boys - which is a shame...!
  14. Being gay is gay. And I'm a crap gay. My situation is still shitty. Liking someone you shouldn't is not cool. Nuh-uh.
  15. Ummm, at least there is a fucking stars catalogue! And there's been some crazy good stuff on there in the past. I've had some great items, and I know people have made an absolute fortune from selling the stuff on - that was FREE! FREE I TELLS YA. So whilst I agree the selection isn't always great, and the expiration of stars is odd, at least we get some cool merchandise out of it from time to time!
  16. I thought these places had to actually stock the product before they dropped it? I've not seen the Wii U anywhere - other than GAME. And I'm sure they'll be clamouring to sell it again later in the year / next year once Mario World and Mario Kart drop.
  17. I absolutely love you! I was looking for a good price on this yesterday and came so close to using some eShop vouchers I have to pick it up as I've just played through the 3ds version again and really really wanted to play the Wii U version and experience it on the big screen! I am definitely ordering this when I get home! Thanks so much for the heads up! EDIT: AAaaaannd bought. Can't wait to receive this! I played the demo recently and absolutely loved playing it on the game pad too. I actually think playing it solely on the game pad is almost the perfect way, as after all, this is a handheld game! With the updated visuals and lighting effects and the superior controls over the 3ds, it makes me very excited to play using just the game pad! Thanks again for posting this price SirToastaLot! Made up!
  18. Those key rings look sweet! Might have to purchase them bad boys!
  19. That's lovely. And heres hoping it sells well and they can do some more in a similar style a bit more often.
  20. Oh brilliant that's handy! Cheers for posting Happenstance! Will get that downloaded later. Also, Flink - I need to get on this flubit action! Will look at that for future purchases. Thanks guys!
  21. As a counter argument to this lack of 'variety', the reason I buy a Nintendo console is for these type of games. Because you sure as hell can't get them anywhere else. I mean, Sony desperately try and rip them off (they even tried motion control, bless them) and always fail miserably, so I for one am not particularly bothered that there is nothing other than what I expect from Ninty. I always look forward to new franchises and games and that's evidenced in my extreme hype levels for The Wonderful 101. The game looks absolutely amazing. When people say they want variety I'm not really sure what to think. It's obviously all personal, but everyone knows Nintendo do their own thing and have a different take on the industry than the other companies. And I for one like that. Not one game announced at E3 disappointed me and I literally have them all preordered or intend to buy them. And that's because I want them and I look forward to them. And those games can't be found elsewhere and they appeal to my gaming needs. So whilst others may want variety, I personally still feel like Nintendo needs familiarity in this tricky patch they've got themselves in. No ones goin to buy a Wii U if the core games aren't there that people expect from Nintendo. I mean, as much as people keep banging on about F Zero, do you really think if that was announces over Mario Kart the general gaming public outside of game centric forums would buy the console to play it? I think not. So I welcome the familiarity as I know it's what they need right now, and it's also what I need to satisfy my gaming needs, coz Christ knows I won't get it anywhere else.
  22. Yup. Never finished the console ones they just never grab my attention. The DS ones did the opposite and I couldn't put them down. Loved them both.
  23. So I've been tempted by this game recently, but can I find it anywhere?!! Only places that have it are full price which I don't really want to pay! I'm also not overly keen on pre-owned either, though I guess I could go down that route. Looks like great fun, and it's been a while since I've played a game like this. Could do with it being reduced on the eShop ideally! (Never gonna happen... )
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