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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Given that I put over 200 hours into Wii Sports tennis, and still play it to this day, the price is a non issue for me. At least they're letting you buy them separately. Can't wait for this!
  2. I got the signed photo too! Mine bent in the post though which sucks! I normally don't bother with stuff like meet and greets but thought I would as it wasn't that far away! Glad I did!
  3. Today I met Diana Vickers!! Her album came out today and she did a signing in Preston HMV which is about an hour drive from me. I decided to go as I am such a big fan, I love the music she makes and have always been a huge supporter of her! She gave everyone who came to see her a hug and had photos! She told me I smelt amazing!! I got my album cover and sleeve signed and we had a little chat about the album! I asked her favourite tracks, she asked me what I thought of it (incredible, obvs), and it was just really really cool to meet someone who's music I have enjoyed for so long. Here are the pics! I haven't stopped smiling since I got home!
  4. I'm really surprised about that drahkon! I wear XS stuff and even XXS from ASOS (yup I'm that skinny, sadly). I would have thought the cardigan would look great on?!
  5. It actually is really nice. I love their Marvelous Creation bars. The jelly popping candy one is also amazing. But this new one may pip it. I think it's the combination of the pretzel and honeycomb crunch, with the smooth choc and the little hit of cola. Brb, off to buy more.
  6. Know what - couldn't care less. But thanks all the same.
  7. Everyone will come crawling eventually. It's starting.
  8. Be a little easier to access. I personally don't use my phone for web browsing. Web browsers on phones are there because they can be there nowadays but in my opinion there is no shittier experience than trying to navigate a website on a smart phone. Yuk. So for me I think a dedicated app would work a hell of a lot better.
  9. I've gone from not really liking / not having much of an opinion on Eliza Doolittle, to really starting to appreciate her a bit more. When she stops with the Lily Allen / Kate Nash cockney shit, and actually sings, she's really rather good!
  10. I think it was really great you asked though Raining - not many people would have had the balls as mentioned above, plus it sounds like you did it in a dignified way so you have nothing to feel stupid about at all. Re the pic - he clearly works hard, and I get why people would perv! I've never been into muscle guys personally. Which I think is quite strange.
  11. Would be great for this to happen. Miiverse would fit brilliantly on the 3ds. I also really love the idea of having it on a smart phone too. Being able to browse what your friends are playing / posting whilst at work or on the go would be great! Hopefully we see this sooner rather than later!
  12. Oooh @Grazza will be pleased!! I know he loves him some Shantae! And don't we all!
  13. Well, I'm very tempted. But I do only have 1 at the minute and not 4 like you* ha. I am thinking of buying the 2ds so I can put Peachy into retirement (as much as I absolutely love it) as I'd like to have it as a collectors. I am not a fan of the XL at all but those are pretty sexy. *Jealous
  14. I will. I will. I will. This shall be my first foray into the WW. And I am most excited. : peace:
  15. Love them special edition 3DS XL's. Sexy. I'm even more excited about the game now. The battle sequences look amazing, in game footage looks amazing - like they've breathed new life into the series. Love that the original starter Pokemon have returned. A massive nod to the older gamers who have been there since the start! Never mind you little bastard 5 and 6 year olds that will be buying this - the twenty something guys are more excited than you lot will ever be!! YEAH. Can't wait. I've even booked the day off work.
  16. Pokemon bank available after 'purchasing'... WHUT.
  17. @tapedeck Great post. No more need be said.
  18. Oh Christ sorry. And lol Redshell. I would laugh so hard if they did that.
  19. I'm betting now Hero of Time will come crawling back and end up being all over the game. ___ I can't wait for this game now! Very excited that it's just over a month away. Wonder what the Direct will be about? Or will it just be similar to the W101 one where they talk a bit more in depth about what's on offer?!
  20. Gotta agree with Clownferret here. Sorry Jamba but the game prices are not a piss take - they're pretty much the same price of new games on all other platforms? Unless of course, you're referring to digital downloads - in which case I agree they're often too high on eShop but that's for a different thread! Regarding selling the console without a game pad. No. Absolutely not. The whole console is based around the pad - it's a different way to play. Sure, it's not exactly been overwhelming with great uses of it yet, but that's what we will start seeing soon enough hopefully. I think if the Wii U was advertised a little more on TV, it would be the game pad that would intrigue people. People want to play the Wii U to see how the game pad works, what it does, what it can do etc - take that away and it becomes a bit pointless. Like others have said, despite the fact it hasn't exactly been used for much more than a map / inventory screen yet, off TV play and the ability to use Netflix solely on the pad makes it worthwhile for me.
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