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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I started this before. I am loving the time I've spent with it so far. Sooo glad I decided to give it a try! Having never played a Pikmin game I was a little unsure whether it would be for me or not, but it seems it's impossible to not be charmed by how cute the game is. Also, how satisfying is throwing a rock Pikmin at a big crystal shard?! Very good! I have been playing exclusively with the game pad, but I can honestly say this game looks like it is made for the Wii Remote. I haven't bothered using the Wii Remote yet but can definitely see myself switching to that control method. Now if you'll excuse me, I have team members to rescue and Pikmin to throw.
  2. That's really sweet -Dem0-! Sisters rule! I am literally waiting for this to finish downloading. I have zero interest in this series so thought I'd give this a go as it's obviously warmly thought of, and having never played a game in the series before it'd be nice to get an opinion from actually playing the game. Also, the W101 discount from buying this has also made it slightly more attractive. Will post some thoughts once I've played a bit.
  3. Some of you may have already seen these if you 'liked' the 3ds on Facebook, but thought I'd post for those who haven't. Nintendo's 'Festival of Fun' that happened recently. A few pics: Thought I'd share as it made me smile. Plus, in light of the arguments still going on in the Nintendo threads, it's nice to remember that Nintendo continues to be about fun for a lot of people - as evidenced here. Now if only the grown ups could enjoy it like the kids in the pictures rather than bicker about indie games and prices and asda. Hey ho.
  4. I got mine for £149.99 and thought it was an absolute steal. But I did have to buy a HDD on top of that as it was only a Basic model. I think pricing at £200 for the Premium with a bundled in game (or even pre-installed) would be about right. These £150 numbers being thrown about are quite frankly a little unrealistic in my opinion, and I don't think I'd want to see it at that price as it has a hell of a lot of promise. Considering people are saying that's with Nintendoland and a full price game and for the premium...! It all comes down to whether you are interested in the console or not and that in turn decides what you want to pay I guess.
  5. For me I don't really feel like it needs anything more as I firmly believe it's the best console around. My opinion of course. I have a preference to handheld gaming anyway, and with the Vita not going anywhere there doesn't leave much else in the way of competition. All I wish there was more of is probably the quirky titles that made the DS such an amazing, unrivalled console. Like Elite Beat Agents, Another Code, Hotel Dusk, all that jazz. But one thing that would actually make the 3ds the best thing in the world... is... SUPER PRINCESS PEACH 2. This needs to happen. That's all.
  6. I put this game down and stopped playing about 2 weeks ago - haven't picked it up since. Find it to be slightly tedious, all the 'battles' every other minute. Seems that you can't even really avoid Goombas half the time either - they literally leg it after you and battle commences. Also, the boss battles are a bit of a nightmare too. For instance, it seems there's always a better way to battle the boss than I first think, but having used every sticker and spent about 15 minutes trying to beat the boss, only to be killed or have to turn back battered and stickerless, it loses the fun a bit... It's a shame as well as I LOVE how the game looks and controls. I'd quite like to just have a 2d Mario platformere in this style rather than a NSMB to be honest!
  7. Jesus. That'd be a not so smart move Blade if you haven't even played on those games. Luigi's Mansion 2 is one of the best games on the system. But as others have said - if that can't make you enjoy the system then there's no hope for it! The 3 games you listed are all brilliant, and you'd never get anything like them on other systems or from other companies, so I'd definitely try to spend a bit of time on them before making a snap decision. I've done that myself before and regretted it. I'm same with Wii U though - have no interest in playing it at min. Don't want Pikmin, can't be arsed with NSLU. When TW101 comes out that will change I'm sure, but I'm happy I've got my Wii U for when I do want to play it, coz I know there will come a time when it will be worth it for me.
  8. Happy birthday Serebii!! Have a great day!
  9. S.C.G - I've done exactly the same! Ordered mine from GAME - no idea why I went with them haha. But I got my dispatch email yesterday so it should be with me today or tomorrow! Not that I'm opening it. It'll be cast away as a treasured posession until I go on Dickinson's Real Deal with it in 2050 and reap the cash rewards! : peace: Ha. I need to start playing the version I downloaded actually! Think that's my weekend plans sorted!
  10. Hahaha oh yeah! The Wilson one does actually look like a condom! NATURAL
  11. The Zelda games. Everyone except Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. Heavy Rain. Infamous. Halo (every one) Gears of War (every one) Borderlands - I actually completed this game. But hated it. Bioshock There are prob more - but those are the ones that stick in my mind as games I should have liked, but just didn't.
  12. Yeah I hope that's what will happen. I would really like to gain a decent mate out of it all and as you say Ashley, most of the time the crush will fade as a good friendship forms. For the short term though I will continue fancying him so damn much. Just until I really need to stop those thoughts.
  13. Without a doubt - handheld. The DS and 3DS have been the best 2 consoles I've played the last generation. And the 3ds is just going from strength to strength. It suits my personal preference for shorter games too. I don't really like games that never end, or take 100's of hours to get the most out of. Handhelds tend not to have that too much - and I like the pick up and play style of a handheld more.
  14. I played tennis this evening. The guy arrived shortly after and we played together for a set and then it was time for me to go. When we came off we were sat chatting as usual, talking about random stuff and he just came out with: "We should go for a pint some time soon" I was like 'oh shit son!' But said it'd be cool to chat more about video games and shit. Which it definitely would be! It's great that he offered to do that (and I'm not thinking anything of it other than what it is - a friendly gesture), but I would hate for me to start liking him more if I was spending time with him away from the tennis. That would be pretty shitty. I hate that I like him as it could be the start of a great friendship and I really don't wanna ruin that! I proper fancy him though. FML.
  15. I absolutely love your attitude. Straight to the point - no fuckin about! How it should be! Good luck!
  16. That's exactly how it will be, obviously. ___ And Dannyboy - I dunno tbh but it's cool either way. The only reason I mentioned it in the first place is because we seemingly get on really well and have loads in common. It's like the click that you experience when you meet someone on a date as weird as that sounds! It's just typical that I have been looking for someone like that for ages and they've never been right, and this guy appears!
  17. Update from me. Tennis guy turned up this morning. We were playing against each other in doubles and he called for new balls - so as per your advice Ashley, I whipped mine out and offered them. Now I've been put on a list. So cheers for that. No, seriously this is what really happened... Played tennis this morning. The guy showed up just as I was brewing up in the club house (I'd been playing for 2 hours). Club sessions are doubles, and there was already 4 people who had just turned up and gone on to play, so he was sat in the club house waiting for people to show. Anyway, as per usual the turn out was shit and no one arrived, so I offered to have a hit with him like we've been doing on a Friday evening. He had to stop as he was having some foot trouble, so we had a lengthy chat for a while. We got talking about tennis and how he'd been to Wimbledon and he started saying how much he enjoyed some of the female players - and I don't mean watching them play. I just laughed along and died a little bit inside. Haha. Curse me and my attraction to straight people!! I'm havin a sex change.
  18. That is a shame. I've never really been into fighters - but I remember playing that game and being absolutely blown away by it. Would have loved to play it on Wii U.
  19. Thanks Diageo. Like I say, I would not class him as gay at all and that's usually my problem in that I tend not to be attracted to the gays... haha. Which really isn't helpful for myself! I'll maybe try and drop something in next time (prob see him down at club morning tomorrow) so will report back then. Don't usually get much time to speak on a Sunday though, as I play 2 hours before club morning stats at 8 so when he arrives at 10 I'm usually just coming off to leave. Oh and I don't know his surname - so FB is out for a min. Plus I'd feel a little bit like a stalker :p ha. See what happens. Oh and Rez - I admitted I had never played them but did mention DKCR and how it's made me wanna play through them!
  20. Can someone please ban Magnus. I get less grief in the Wii U thread for actually liking the console. :p THAT WAS A JOKE! Please don't ban me.
  21. Lol sorry. Not a good one to get stuck in your head. And yeah, all I expect from this is friendship anyway at the most. Which is pretty cool to be honest. I think I can say with some certainty that he doesn't have a GF but I suppose I could drop the ex card in somewhere just for shits and gigs and to see what happens. He actually said it'd be cool to play some co-op stuff together at some point. That's all well and good and all, but I just traded my 360 in... ... ... How much are they to buy again?
  22. Magnus, Ashley - rubbish. Flink - yes that is a good point. I already know he has a flat mate and all that shit but I don't wanna come out and ask if he has a GF as I think it's weird ha. Don't get me wrong, I'm not obsessed with the guy (although that post may suggest otherwise haha) but my point is just it's annoying how I seem to want to find someone who is like him and have had zero success with that. And then BOOM. But then not boom.
  23. I'm sad boy. As I mentioned earlier in the week - I always seem to like the wrong guys. It's happened again. So I play tennis for a local club. A month or 2 back now a new face appeared at the club - some guy looking to play a bit more. We played against each other (doubles) a bit, and he seemed like a decent kinda player, and after some general chit chat he said he was looking to play a lot more. Same with me really, so I suggested we could play some singles - even if it's just knocking a ball back for a bit once a week. He agreed, and we played a couple of games. Anyway, I don't know what it is - but there's just something about him. You know what I mean? He wasn't very talkative at first, but last week we played and spent half an hour or so just generally chatting after about random shit - just the formalities when you're speaking to someone you don't really know. Where you from, what do you do etc. I just got in from playing again this evening. After we came off we sat for an hour and a half just talking. He mentioned gaming, so we struck up a conversation about games - and we just couldn't really shut each other up. He found it amazingly cool that I took part in a Mario Kart League each week, and told me all the games he loves and what he thinks about the industry as a whole etc. It wasn't the usual "oh yeah I play COD and FIFA and have a 360!" He has owned every console, holds the DK series as some of his favourite games of all time, takes days off work to take delivery of new games he can't wait for to play - and has a real understanding of the gaming world. It was a decent convo! Then we moved only films randomly, and he (like me), is totally not really into films. Aside from the Bond films, which we both have a mutual love for and spent more time discussing at length! Now. I understand this is just 2 people chatting and enjoying the same topics. And that's great. But it fuckin annoys me that I find myself actively looking for someone like him and have been looking for some time - and this guy just appears from nowhere and is kind of everything I like and seemingly look for in another guy. I don't have a gaydar - and if I do it doesn't work. Another guy could have his tongue in my mouth and I still wouldn't know if he was gay or not? Apologies for the imagery! I don't know if this guy is gay - it's very unlikely to me but as I say, I wouldn't really know. I'm rubbish at it. If I had to put money on it though I'd say he wasn't - but it doesn't make much of a difference anyway. So yeah, it sucks to be me. Am I blowing this out of proportion and being an absolute woman? Please feel free to tell me to get a fuckin grip as I feel it may be warranted!
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