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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Club LOL is open! First chance I got to play on the game today just now! Amazing place.
  2. Thanks for posting. A good read. All kinda common sense stuff in my opinion. Solid, understandable reasoning behind why they're at where they're at with the lack of games and thus lack of sales etc. I like that they tend to be honest with why things are the way they are at present. Just looking forward to coming out the other end and enjoying all of the great games that will be on offer! : peace:
  3. Ahh Dem0 - you've no idea how much those icons excite me!
  4. Yes Slaggis. YES. I do love Delta. We even have a Delta thread somewhere! Heart Hypnotic is a slight disappointment for me though as I feel she could do so much better. It's got that generic dance beat throughout which I think is beneath Delta. But it does show she can do uptempo too! Love me some Child of the Universe too!
  5. I watched this when it was on yesterday as it happens. This vile woman has been on the show before, saying that she wouldn't employ overweight people as they are lazy and don't do as much work as slimmer people. I think she is just after attention. When she was on The Apprentice she pulled out of the competition in the board room to focus on her kids, which makes you wonder why she went on the program in the first place. She is just a snob of the highest order and quite frankly is a disgrace. But she strikes me as the kind of woman who knows people think this of her, but really doesn't give a shit.
  6. Well maybe competition was the wrong word. What I'm trying to say is it'd be nice to buy directly from the eShop rather than through GAME. So if this came over here it would give people the option - which I think is a good thing! : peace:
  7. SO DAMN AMAZING!! My personal favourite is the RE chainsaw dude. Hahaha. Big shout out to Princess Daisy too!! Brilliant Mike!
  8. Hmm. Tricky one. I have to say Grazza I disagree though. The console now is where it always should have been in my opinion. I didn't find any fun in the console for the first year and a half of owning it - whereas now, it's fired up every single day (and that was even before Animal Crossing!) The original software line up for the 3ds was good at best in my opinion, but it was lacking that killer Mario title that made it a 'must own' for those who had bought into the original DS series. When that came, along with Mario Kart, was when the console started to become what it is now. I certainly don't think it has become something different to what it was intended to be, but I do take your point that it's launch line up was much more of a hardcore effort with the likes of Ridge Racer and Street Fighter etc. Pretty out of character for a Nintendo launch! Problem was, those games were a little half arsed IMO and pretty lazy titles. The real magic of the 3ds for me is the jump that we've seen from it's predecessor. Forget the '3d' that was originally intended to be a game changer - this console packs some serious punch and it's been shown in the likes of Kid Icarus, RE: Revelations, Luigi's Mansion, SM3DL, and OoT to name but a few. It's a portable console that gives a very different gaming experience than the DS because of the jump in power and also the more accessible controls that make these games possible thanks to the circle pad. Regarding the up coming software, I think it's further cementing the 3ds as one of the best handhelds Nintendo have ever made. Again this is all just my opinion! Not only are we getting franchise games coming to this console and them being very very good, they're also becoming the best yet according to reviews. Mario and Luigi Dream Team is said to be the best yet. Animal Crossing is another series high. Pokemon X & Y look to be utilising the consoles potential (it could be argued not fully, but this may deviate from the style of game it is) and will probably result in the game being the highlight of the series. We're also seeing some games being reborn on the 3ds. I've mentioned Kid Icarus, but what a brilliant title brought back to life for a new generation. All possible because of the hardware. And done so well too. The Mario sporting series has also come back (much to my personal delight!) Mario Tennis is a fantastic handheld game that I enjoy playing to this day. I cannot wait for Mario Golf either as it's been so long since the last and from what I've seen I think it looks brilliant! I think it's telling that Nintendo launched a 'Too many games' promotion for this console. It's also quite ironic when you look at where we are with the Wii U. A 'Too little games' project is hopefully running in Nintendo HQ to rectify that but that's not for here. As it stands, the 3ds for me, is the greatest console on the market right now. It's back catalogue is vast, there are a load of upcoming games to look forward to that has something for everyone, and my 3ds is pink. Which adds nothing to the discussion but makes it even more amazing for me.
  9. Yeah that's the thing - the eShop should be the go to place for digital games in my opinion. I'm surprised that hasn't been recognised by Nintendo to be honest. I like downloading digitally on my 3ds and for certain games would do the same on my Wii U - but at the min it's definitely better to go direct to GAME than even contemplate the eShop. Be nice to have some digital price wars though ha.
  10. As the console thread is closed, I didn't know where else to put this so thought I'd create a thread. Hope that's alright... Came from: http://www.siliconera.com/2013/07/03/nintendo-pushes-digital-releases-with-pikmin-3-cheaper-on-the-eshop-than-at-retail/ Seems like the kind of thing that should be happening on the eShop really. Obviously, this is just Japan at the moment but it would be nice to see Nintendo bring it over here too. I'd definitely download games digitally if there was a bit of a promotion to be had with it, or even money off full RRP prices - which no one wants to pay for a boxed game! Let alone digital! Also, with the premium pack - don't you get money back on digital purchases anyway? This would be good incentive to use alongside that!
  11. Still waiting on my trophies that have been resent - but in the mean time I got my sticky notes this morning! They're absolutely brilliant, and I only got them through creating a second club nintendo account to get a second free download game in the recent promotion! It's funny as they're the type of thing I'd never usually order from my main club account, which is stupid really as they're so cool!! I almost can't wait to go back to work next week to start using them!! Well, maybe not that much.
  12. Oh. She's just bein Miley. Also, really like this duet from Matt Cardle and Melanie C. Mainly coz I love Melanie C. Bit cheesy, but it makes a nice change from all this generic dance shit that's everywhere.
  13. I have had some funny happenings with my 3ds recently. Firstly, when I open up my 3ds and select the game, I've had it a few times where the 'Nintendo 3DS' black and red screen just stays on without doing anything... I have to power off to get it working again. Then I've had 2 instances playing Animal Crossing now where it's just totally cut out telling me the SD card has been removed - when it hasn't!! Very bizarre. I also noticed today, that when my 3ds is charging and I'm playing with the charger connected, the brightness shoots up a lot. I have my brightness dialled right up and the power saving 'off' which tends to make the screen brighter than when it's on, but having the charger connected takes it even brighter! I can't say I noticed that on my previous 3ds XL model? I could be (and probably am) wrong, but does anyone know if that's standard for all 3ds'? I've been playing Luigi's Mansion a lot today and have liked the added bright sheen for those gloomy areas!
  14. Are you planting them too close together? When you plant the trees, the spot you dig up should leave enough room so your character can walk around it without touching anything else or be blocked by an obstacle such as house, another dug out spot, a tree etc. That might be it? On the tree topic - does anyone have any narna's I can have at all? It's the one fruit I'm missing from my fruits of the forest and would love to complete it by planting some trees!
  15. Ah maybe it is? Think it's because I got it the day after depositing it all so I automatically presumed. Ah well. Back to the island...
  16. Started playing this again having got it as my free download game. Was gonna carry on where I left off but thought I'd start again as I felt a little out of touch with the game through not playing it for a while. I do really love how this game handles, plays and looks. It's utter brilliance. I intend to get this finished by the end of the week but my time seems to just disappear with Animal Crossing at the minute and then I never feel like playing anything else - or I don't have the time! But I want to stick at this so will post some more thoughts as I delve deeper and hopefully finish it off.
  17. I have quite a few bob in the bank (if only this were true in real life and there was pink sheep woman who bought hordes of bugs and fish from you for lots of pennies...) Anyway have over a million deposited so far and am earning over 5k interest each day on my monies! I've therefore decided to keep throwing a couple hundred grand in the 'bank' each day so I can reap the interest rewards as well as having enough to tide me over on loans and projects etc! Wow. Wish I could apply this sensibility to my every day living...
  18. Sooo, are we invited?! : peace: Ha, seriously though Mike they are brilliant!! Very creative. I
  19. What I'm finding annoying with the download titles, is that GAME have got newer releases priced quite well. For instance DKCR and Animal Crossing both released at £29.99 for digital download which is a pretty great price compared to the full RRP of the eShop. But all of the older games, like NSMB2, Pilot Wings, Paper Mario etc, are all priced at full RRP on the GAME website? Just knock a tenner off and I might pick some of these older games up!! Wonder if GAME's sale period will ever see a reduction in price for their download cards in store or online.
  20. Yes! Loving the Mighty Switch Force reduced price! Definitely gonna download that this Thursday!
  21. @Sheikah - sorry dude you messaged me earlier when I had just caught the last few bugs on island trip and was on my way back. Once I got back I went to message back and you'd gone. I'll be on loads tomorrow so if ever you (or anyone for that matter!) wants to pop over just lemme know!! : peace:
  22. Great review Grazza! : peace: I intend to pick this up (and the first one) some point soon!
  23. Glad to hear you're enjoying it!! If you haven't already, get over the the 3ds friend code thread and add us all! Will be sure to add back!! : peace:
  24. I'm getting error My 3ds doesn't seem to like your town I'll keep tryin!
  25. Ooooh I have turnips to sell to and that's a sexy price you get there Rummy. If at all possible I may swing by too but if you have't got time don't worry! I only have like 15 turnips... haha. I bought small.
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