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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. The trailer posted above didn't do much for me to be honest. Will definitely be a case of wait for the demo (if there is one) or review of this...
  2. Erm, sorry to jump in but did you watch the trailer? So we have a new character in Dixie being added to it which makes for different game play. 1 new thing. New camera angles which makes for pretty awesome looking level design (as if it couldn't get more awesome). 2 new thing. They shown a clip of an ice level which I don't remember seeing in DKCR - that's both a new aaannd a good thing. Also they shown underwater bits which again I don't remember seeing in DKCR (but not finished it yet!) - always a good thing, different way to play. 3 and 4 new / good thing. Also, this is from the same people that brought us DKCR which frankly is an absolutely amazing game. If you disliked that game, you probably wouldn't want to play this. But I can't see how anyone would dislike it. Building on a game that was one of the Wii's best titles is not a bad thing. I think that's reason enough to make people want to purchase / play it imo.
  3. Totally understand now you're love for the series and disappointment / rage at me for not exploring what is, IMO, one of the greatest platformers ever. I got a little too excited when I saw Dixie. This looks fuckin awesome. Can't wait.
  4. Ahh if only the system launched with this and smash bros and Mario - could you imagine. Lol. Anyway, looks so damn good. I have almost gotten resigned to the fact that Mario Kart had become a handheld franchise given how much I disliked the Wii version and Double Dash, so this is definitely doing a lot to restore my faith. Be good to learn more about how single player will work and if there is any form of adventure mode (unlikely) or mission mode (should be highly likely). But yeah, really hyped for this.
  5. This looks absolutely amazing. The 3ds version looks brilliant! I reckon it'd look pretty spectacular in 3d too! This was a genuine hype moment for me throughout Nintendo's announcement. Made me realise how much I love Smash Bros. So long as Ness is there - I don't care who is in it
  6. So I just caught up on everything and watched the vid for this. I think it looks fucking amazing. I too am disappointed we don't have a grand 3d Mario to top all 3d Mario's, but I don't want to take that away from this game which looks to be absolutely jam packed full of Nintendo charm and fun. I was smiling throughout nearly all of that video I have to say Love love love that Peach is playable. I hope just not in co-op. Would be amazing to be able to play as her and the other characters instead of Mario throughout single player. Game also looks visually great. One question though - what's happened to Toad recently?! Why is his head blue?!
  7. Yeah but that's exactly what I'm saying. That talent you speak of created that game that was a clear show case of their talent... I would personally love to play another game in this series if it is anywhere near as good as the first which I have every hope it will be. I think new IP's are all well and good every once in a while, but I also like it when they utilise existing franchsies and DK is a very good one to choose IMO. I get it if people are disappointed though.
  8. I haven't seen this yet (at work) but all I can say is DKCR is probably one of the greatest platform games I have ever played. So anything that builds on that or even provides more of it is welcome for me. I think it's unfair to say it's a waste of their talent when for me DKCR showcases exactly how a platformer should be made. Notihng comes close to it in the last 10+ years in my opinion so bring this on.
  9. Someone says Peach is playable in this. Peach as a playable character... PLAYABLE PEACH?! Day 1.
  10. Didn't see but Mike1988uk text me it all. Just got out the meeting. I just hoped he'd been drinking and his mind wasn't really with him and he had missed a lot of amazing announcements out of his text. I was wrong... Will watch back later and give my full thoughts then. But to be honest, if Nintendo hope to push this system with these games then I think they are really going to struggle. They just about managed to get the 3ds back on track but it took an absolute haul of great games at a steady stream to do so and unfortunately it doesn't seem that they have that for the Wii U. If anything I think it has shown that the console was released earlier than it was ready to be.
  11. Well I am made up for you all in chat. I'm in work. In a business cascade at 3. And even if I wasn't, we use shitty windows machines here where every single image, amazing gif etc is just a red cross. So not only can I hardly see anything, I won't be able to even look at anything until quarter to 4 and even then it will be a struggle trying to see what's been announced! I hope it's amazing though and we have game suprises galore. Can't wait!
  12. Decent price point. They got that very right. Console design looks as bad as XBONE though sadly. Now I see why they didn't bother showing it until they had to!
  13. I'm so hyped that in just a few days time we will know exactly what games are coming to the Wii U in the months ahead! The thought of a new HD Mario Kart, new HD 3d Mario, Zelda goodness and loads and loads more before the year is out (hopefully!) is so welcome right now! Time for the Wii U to shine!
  14. Still loads of people not added me back from my list. Cheers to those who have. Will give a couple of people a further mention middle of the week and see what happens.
  15. Amen to that man. I also prefer the original. Far and away the better quality console. I must stress though that mine is the Princess Peach edition - so therefore it will always be better than anything else. Ever.
  16. Oh Lord haha. I shall await those levels then!! haha.
  17. Brilliant disc art! Almost worth purchasing for that haha. Wario is so underrated. And underused these days too.
  18. You name your town?!! Sweet! I also have noooo idea what to name it. Oooh maybe Eternia!! After He-Man! I love that. Aneres11 - mayor of Eternia. God I just nearly orgasmed at my desk at work for thinking that one up!
  19. That's what I was gonna say. At least then you are picking one just for the sake of picking one as it's free. FREE I TELLS YA! : peace:
  20. Yeah pretty much. Once you register your third game you choose which one you'd like to claim as a free download. This will be emailed to you in form of a download code so your girlfriend could use the code on her 3ds for Animal Crossing goodness.
  21. Well this game certainly spikes the difficulty up in the later worlds. I have spent the last 40 minutes just getting past 2 levels! I like the challenge, but got pretty pissed off with it I won't lie!
  22. -Dem0- posted a great deal the other day for a 3ds XL at Curry's but I just checked and it's back up to £164.99. I would recommend GAME personally. They currently have money off all of their XL models by entering a promotional code during the checkout which takes £40 off any XL model - including the special edition Fire Emblem ones and also the Pikachu one too. I guess it will also work if pre-ordering the Animal Crossing edition one too which comes with the game digitally pre-installed! Might be a good one for you if you're looking at buying that game anyway! It's also a pretty neat looking console! GAME were also running an offer where you chose to buy either Fire Emblem or Monster Hunter and they provided you with 2 free games from Nintendo's 'too many games' promotion. This then allowed you to choose a further 4th free game on top of that! So a great way to get a couple of quality digital games on your console from the get go! Not sure if that is just in store though! As for buying just the console on it's own, I'm not sure sorry. Maybe try looking in supermarkets or the usual ShopTo / Zavvi etc. Might be able to get a decent price on a stand alone console! Regarding the transfer - it's easy as anything. As you do it the 3ds will throw up step by step instructions which makes it a pretty simple process. Let us know what you decide to go with! __________________________________________________________________________ Damn Automerg Nintendo are partnering with o2 to bring us gamers free Wi-Fi access at over 8000 hot spots in the UK. Taken from here: http://thenextweb.com/gadgets/2013/06/05/nintendo-partners-with-02-to-give-3ds-owners-free-wi-fi-access-at-over-8000-hotspots-in-the-uk/ Doesn't mean much to me as I rarely take my 3ds out the home. And I don't think I'd play online even if I did take it out! Still, good news I guess!
  23. Ok I have the following list of people that I've added. @S\.C\.G @kav82 @david\.dakota @Calv @notsotiny @gane park @Hamishmash @killer kirby @Adthegreat @Katie @somme @are1981 @cvl @Jav_NE @Burny @Kaxx Please add back for Animal Crossing goodness!
  24. Brilliant thread! Really excited about this game!! My friend code is: 1864-8594-8334 If anyone hasn't added me and wants to or if you've previously added me and I haven't added back (my bad) then just let me know and I'll get on it! I'm gonna go and add people now so will head over to the 3ds code thread!
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