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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I think that the handheld Sonic games the past couple of years have been pretty good. The Advance ones were all great. The Rush games I personally loved apart from Rush Adventure which to be fair was a bit random with it's 'you must have a certain amount of parts before you can go to the next level' bullshit. Generations was ok, but I agree with Debug in that it needed more work. If they can get this right it could be a great little game! Personally love the look of the art style. If it's super next gen graphics you want then I wouldn't be looking to a Sonic game for it.
  2. I think this looks amazing. There seems to be plenty of opportunity to slip off levels unnecessarily and die... which is what we all look for in a 3d Sonic game right? In all seriousness, I love me some 3d Sonic and cannot wait! The cling to the wall move where Sonic pulls himself up looks like a break from the constant speed which should be a good thing! Though I do hope there is still an opportunity to blast through levels at 100mph!
  3. I have to say, GAME have been suprising me recently with how they have suddenly become 'better' than they normally are. I have used them loads over the past month or 2 what with trade in's, buying digital, pre-ordering stuff etc. They have had some cracking offers recently. I like how they have got their trade in checker fixed on their website so that now nearly all games have a trade in price so you know what you can get without having to trudge into the store with bags of games Their trade in prices are also really good for the most part. Add to that the deal they've recently been running where you get 25% extra on your trade in value by either just pre-ordering a game with them (which can be cancelled any time after!) or if you use the trade in for online purchases / vouchers / download codes. This has suited me recently through all of my eShop vouchers I have managed to get through getting extra on my trade ins with them! I also like how we are seeing a reduction in donwload code prices compared to the eShop. A lot of the time we're seeing a full ten pound off the eShop prices which I think is great! The deal above is a steal! Definitely very good value for money. And GAME continue to impress me too!
  4. Oh yeah - never thought of that!
  5. That's a crackin deal for anyone wanting to buy into the 3ds!!
  6. Well it's between Castlevania, Pokemon and Lego City at the min for me. Personally thinking about Lego City as I know I'll probably enjoy it even if it is inferior to Wii U version, and I'll be able to just trade it in once I'm done with it as it's meant to be quite short. At least then I can get Animal Crossing for free. I've never played an Animal Crossing game before, so like nando am pleased I can get the D/L for free and give it a go. I'd be suprised if I didn't like it seeing as everyone seemingly has nothing but praise for the series!
  7. Mario and Sonic? Isn't that already on the eShop? Or is it just a demo? Can't be bothered to check! I wish they'd do a sale of their retail games every once in a while too. Kicking myself that I didn't get Ocarina of Time when that went down to something stupid a few months back but it came up a week before pay day and ended the day before pay day I'll never get over that!
  8. I'm really looking forward to playing this. I am currently swamped with 3ds games before I even start this though! Once I get through some of those I will be all over this! Been nice to hear peoples positive thoughts ( slow loading times aside! ) made me hyped to play!
  9. Just registered DKCR on my club Nintendo. Got a message saying 'One More To Go!' This excited me. Only problem is... I STILL don't know what to choose! I am definitely getting Animal Crossing, but the rest of the games that are left I'm just not that bothered about. Lego City Undercover: Got this on Wii U - still not played it yet so seems silly having the 3ds version too when it is the inferior. However, I do like the look of it and think it would suit a handheld quite well, so although at first I decided this was a no go, it's now becoming an option. Castlevania: Downloaded the demo. Wasn't massively blown away but didn't really give it much of a chance. I intend to play the demo again before I make a decision. This one is definitely an option though. Fire Emblem: Really don't like this style of game. This is a definite no. Monster Hunter: Not a big fan of games like this either, that require about 3 billion hours of play time. Also, if I was going to get this I'd prob opt for the Wii U version. Played the demo and didn't know what on earth I was supposed to do. Looked nice though! This one is also a probable no. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Strange one. Never played a MD game before. But downloaded the demo and found this a bit tedious / pointless? Like what am I meant to be doing here lol. It was easy enough to pick up and play, but it certainly didn't grab me in the slightest. This one is a game I could opt for just for the sake of none of the others appealing to me. I know I could play this and spend a little time with it (maybe even grow to enjoy it) whereas some of the others I know I couldn't. So what on earth to do?! I was going to just opt for the cheapest one and use my ShopTo points (a tenner) to bring the price even lower, register it, sell it and then get AC for free. But I feel like I should get some enjoyment out of one of them! Anyone got any suggestions?! Anyone else in a similar position?!
  10. This finally downloaded after I formatted my new SD card. I have to say I think that it's pretty damn great. I am in the minority of people who never actually played the Wii version, so I have nothing to compare to. I just love when Nintendo use a different character for a 2d game like this rather than Mario. It makes for such a different experience. For instance, it took me about an hour to really 'click' controlling Donkey Kong. He is heavier than Mario, and slightly slower, so timing his jumps so he lands on top of an object or enemy took me a lot longer to get right than I would have liked! But I love that. Essentially this game is a classic Nintendo 2d platformer - yet it feels so different to the usual NSMB formula. I think the game looks visually amazing, and definitely one of the better looking games on the 3ds. I know some people thought it looked worse than the Wii version but as I said above, having not played that means this is all new to me. And I think this looks damn fine! I only managed to get the first 'world' done last night and defeated the boss but absolutely loved it. Seems there's lots to do in terms of collectables which I like as it means I can revisit levels with an actual purpose rather than just for the sake of it. Looking forward to playing more!
  11. Hmm well usually it's fine and I've downloaded loads. The only time I've had a problem like this with downloading software is when to do with the SD card. According to the error code anyway. But I'll try again in a sec - nearly finished putting all of the data back onto the card now.
  12. No normally I just download everything the normal way but may try sleep mode next time. It's probably to do with the SD card - it did it last time when I switched from the 2GB to the 4GB from my old XL. I'm currently formatting it (which is what I did last time as per Nintendo website) and will then put everything back on it and try again. Nightmare!
  13. Seriously! It's been like that for about half an hour!! I know it's meaty but it's taking an age! I wanna play dammit!! I had to buy a new SD card for it this morning. I'd been meaning to get one for aaages but didn't get round to it. This was the push I needed ha. EDIT As if its just error coded me half way through. What the actual f*&% Grr. Why is changing SD cards always a pain in the arse for the 3ds? So annoying.
  14. I love this song at the minute: And Diana Vickers continues to treat us with a cover of the above! And it's fuckin brilliant.
  15. Saw the film last Thursday. Absolutely loved it. Sound track is amazing.
  16. Well it was only the keyring - the bag I wasn't too fussed about! The trade in value was just 25% extra value on my previous trade in products by just pre-ordering a game. So it wont make a difference to that. And yeah you're right in saying it'll be full RRP. I think I should be ok to just cancel and then I will put the fiver deposit toward the download code. I already have £10 reward points so could potentialy download this for £15!
  17. Does anyone know what GAME's policy is for pre-orders? I put a pre-order down for this when i traded a load of games and my xbox in a few weeks back as GAME were offering 25% extra trade in value if you simply pre-ordered a game with them at the store. Anyway, they did say I could just pre-order to get the 25% extra then just cancel the pre-order. Now it's out, and the digital version is only £29.99, I really want to download it. But as it's now past 'pre-order' date and it's actually out in the store, can I still cancel or do I have to go ahead with my order? I wouldn't mind too much, but would rather download this than have it on a cartridge.
  18. Thats probably for the best S.C.G Although I have a feeling that although it will probably drop in price fairly quickly (as per all games at the min!) I bet it will stay a higher price on the Wii U for the longest!
  19. I saw the London Olympic game for 3ds earlier in Blockbuster for a tenner new. I think I should have invested! Doh!
  20. Maybe we can get back to the topic rather than turning into the same old argument. ------ I agree with tapedeck. Great post tbh. So am I correct in saying that EA will no longer be developing for the Wii u at all or is it just that their key franchises are not coming to the Wii u that are basically there every year on the ps360? Because when EA did actually develop for the Wii exclusively they had some good results. There was some good use of the wiimote and they played to the consoles strengths quite well as they couldn't just port their usual stuff onto the Wii - which was probably a good thing really! It'd be a shame to not see their presence at all on the Wii U
  21. Well I downloaded the demo like a year ago and meant to pick it up but it was so expensive everywhere. But I loved the demo and was dead set on getting it when the price dropped. And at this price it's too good to pass! Hopefully I'm not disappointed though but will post my thoughts when I get it!
  22. Bought this yesterday. Never played a game in the series before and didn't know if I'd like it as I wasn't really sure what it was all about. I am now hooked. It's brilliant fun. Gets difficult pretty quickly but I do like a challenge! I'm just moving through it slowly at the min but intend to go back and try and get some high scores once I've done a run through of all the levels. Great fun though!
  23. I love you. I've wanted this for so long. Thanks a lot Welsh!
  24. Cool about the nieces Cube! I sold my old car today! I say old, it was a 59 plate Abarth but I needed to sell it asap and was starting to get concerned that I'd never sell the bloody thing! A nice couple from Chester came to see it on Wednesday then made an offer below the asking price on Thursday. I declined as it was too low, but he text me this morning saying he wanted it and upped his offer to a much more acceptable price (£8100) and I bit his hand off! So the worry of selling it is now gone! Sad to have sold it as I loved that car, but I love my new one too and it's much more economical and cheaper which is all round winz.
  25. Apparently Ireland's entry is supposed to be very very good. Bonnie is just lol it really is a bit of a shame. Whoever chose her and that damn song needs sacking / shooting. Or sacking then shooting. I'm going to a small Eurovision party - very excited ha. We're gonna have a little bet on the top 3 and see who gets closest. Can't wait ha.
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