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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Lots happening for me today! Got a visitor to my camp site who looks set to be my 10th towns person. I also have been asked to open up Club LOL which I've just got all the signatures for! Plus one of my neighbours has requested that we open up a police station - so plans are now in place for that too! It's all go! On a separate note - why has it been raining allll week in my town?! Fed up of grey and wet
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!! Have a great day!!
  3. So I thought I'd make a thread in light of all the new games that are coming to both the mighty 3ds and the not-so-mighty-but-hopefully-soon-will-be Wii U in 2013! I have to say, if someone were to ask me pre E3 what my most anticipated title was for this year, it probably wouldn't be the one that I'd choose now! With the likes of Mario 3d World maybe not appealing to absolutely everyone, and with Sonic Lost World looking jaw droppingly great (so far - still chance for Big the Cat to ruin), what game are YOU most excited for fellow Nintendo lovers?! For me - it's gotta be this: DAT BOX ART. The trailer for this really made me look at this game for the first time and actually want it. Like salivate for it. And now it's the top of my most wanted, even above all of the other goodness that was shown at E3 and even before! The 3ds - well where to start! But I'm gonna pick a game that I really hope is done correctly. I'm calling it my most anticipated as I think if it is done right, it could be amazing. Step forward... MARIO PARTY! Call me crazy. But I just love the series and hope it gets a good single player campaign and mini game selection! It could be all kinds of amazing. Come forth NE'ers and tell us your most anticipated! Disclaimer: Negativity of any kind is not welcome in this thread as it is created to be a place of small hype and arousal. Anything other than this will be banished to the other Wii U thread. Jokes.
  4. Fused I think we got D/C I was messaging like Fused... Fused... Fused where you at... FUSED... FUUUUUUSEEE... *comm error* *shakes fist angrily* You didn't even get to make a move on lily the frog.
  5. Do any of you beautiful people have an axe I can swing by to purchase at some point?!
  6. I've never played a game in this series before. For shame I know. So I'm definitely picking this one up. The GAME key rings are a little too cute to resist too
  7. Reviewed in this months ONM: Very good.
  8. EDIT / UPDATE Got an email from them this morning to say they are sending the trophies out again. So will give it another 4 weeks and keep my fingers crossed!
  9. Ahhh don't feel bad Rummy!! It would have been the Nintendo network not anything you did. When I tried to join it showed Fused as already there. I gave up and played mario tennis instead
  10. Errrrrrm - I thought retail was open until 2am if you had the ordinance thing in place? If you add a second ordinance does it override the one you'd previously put in place? My retail is closed and I've got bugs to sell and bills to pay bitch! EDIT Aaaaand now I can't visit anyones town. Tried to catch a train to see @Rummy and keep getting connection error! Grr. Sod it, I'm going on something else it's pissed me off too much now haha.
  11. Yeah I cannot see how it could be better with no buttons?! I've played loads of games on my iPhone that have on screen 'buttons'. Utter shite
  12. Nope. I actually found that strange and was thinking about it earlier tonight, as usually you get an email straight away (probably automated) to say they've received your query. Hmm. Well ill mail them again tomorrow morning. Getting annoying.
  13. Thread bump - but is there any news on this being released? I don't know why but I had it in my head it released a few weeks back, then when I checked the eShop it was game gear games... ... Really fancied playing through this recently too which is strange!
  14. So it's been way over 4 weeks since I 'purchased' my Mario Kart trophies. Not arrived. I ordered at the same time (if not a few days after) most of you guys ordered yours. Anyway, emailed Nintendo this evening as the 4 weeks have way passed. Anyone know what they do in this situation? Just send more out, or re-credit your stars or something? Only reason I ask is that the trophies are now not showing on the website. Damn post.
  15. I just registered for my second free game earlier tonight and picked Luigi's Mansion 2. Now I will trade in my box copy and have sweet digital Luigi goodness! Ooooh baby!! Also, with creating a second Club Nintendo account (which I doubt I will use again unless we get another amazing promotion like this!), I used my newly found 1000 star points for these: Sticking messages on my colleagues desks / screens in work will probably never get more amazing!
  16. Cheers. Ill wait til people are on later and pay someone a visit
  17. Anyone online at the min? If so question: can I sell my native fruit (cherry) in another RE-Tail? Could do with the extra bells it'll provide to be honest but not sure if it lets you. Pretty sure it would? Any help would be awesome!
  18. Seriously dude you gotta get DKCR. I'd never played a previous one either (or the Wii version) and it's easily one of my favourite 3DS titles so far. And that's saying something as I have loved so many! I wanted to like Fire Emblem but I hate that style of game sadly. I got AC free with my original batch of registered games (Luigi Mansion and DKCR) but for my third game I went with Lego City Undercover for £16 (through using built up ShopTo points etc) and traded it in at weekend for same price which was lucky. Otherwise I'd be in the same boat as you! Lego City wasn't too bad to blast through though really! I'm probably gonna go for Luigi's Mansion as my download so I can have a digital copy on my 3ds and just trade in the boxed copy. At least I can then recoup some funds - make it even cheaper!
  19. Just managed to bag me a second free game code! Had a Luigi's Mansion 2 point card knocking about and couldn't decide what to do with it. Was gonna sell it on eBay but thought I'd just try and buy 2 other codes and create a second Club Ninty account for more download goodness. Got the codes off eBay for a decent £16 so will get a free game for that! Now to decide what...
  20. You haven't sold it to me Dcubed, sorry! I think Nintendo can do much better than that!
  21. Oh I just meant wallpaper and flooring in general - I still have wooden floorboards in my house and it sucks. I'll keep my eyes peeled from now then!
  22. Where can you buy the wallpaper and flooring from? I haven't seen any?!
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