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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Are you f*ckin kiddin me?! Cheeky bitch! Well you're welcome to her! Tell her my town's better off without her!
  2. Errrmm... I have a mouse called Bree in my town... I hope she isn't betraying me!
  3. Been getting me some SWEET items from the fortune cookies recently!! : peace:
  4. Totally what Eddage just said! : peace:
  5. Happy Birthday Nightwolf! Hope you've had a great day!!
  6. That's brilliant that pro controller controls have been added. I loved the game pad for off screen play, but would have liked the use of the pro controller to play it whilst in front of the TV too. Good stuff!!
  7. I put plans down for a fountain and have paid that off. Also managed to pay my extension mortgage off so want to expand even BIGGER now!! I will have that castle! Tomorrow I plan to get a bench (ideally would like 2) and a street lamp (again, would like 2) but it's one item per day right? To be honest, I've spent so much time getting to grips with my town, farming for bells and pleasing the towns people by writing letters to them, visiting them etc, I have had no time to kit my character out! Or my house! My shops seem empty all the time though - especially Re-Tail. Never anything new there!
  8. Hmm do you know I did wonder if the floor was bigger! :p But it's very subtle! Makes sense now though thanks Grazza! What a rip off merchant Nook is though! Bloody robbery haha.
  9. What exactly is this loan I am paying for? I just paid off a 98,000 loan for a house extension that I sorted with Nook 2 days ago - my house isn't any bigger? It's certainly not increased in size from what I can tell? The hell?! Am I missing something?!
  10. So I am at the Island now - I am having SO much fun!! There's so much shit here! Well not shit, but good shit!! So many bugs, fishes / sharks etc! Just so I'm not doing something wrong though - you fill the basket with the goodness of the island then it appears in your town to sell there?
  11. Do we have to 'spoiler' things?! It spoils things!!
  12. Ahh brilliant thanks guys. I haven't noticed any different ones yet. And cracking idea about selling fruit from your own town in other peoples town's for more bells. Didn't even think of that!! I wonder if my camp site will be built when I get home from work?! Finished paying it off last night so hopefully will be all ready! Picked a lovely spot by the waterfall / river.
  13. QUESTION: How do we know when they're a 'perfect fruit'?
  14. I managed to put plans in place for a camp site late last night and had a bit of money towards paying off my house extension that I decided to put towards the camp site instead. Paid all of that off now! Does the camp site bring vistors into your town? I've also set up a forest of trees for different fruits. So far I have apples, oranges and peaches planted (as well as my native cherries dotted about the place). Looking forward to seeing them grow to full size as I've picked a great spot for it! I really want a fountain, yellow bench and a street lamp! However what I need more than those are bridges! Desperate to make manouvering around town a little easier! I did some fishing last night and had some success, but have only come across one shark so far. The rest are just general fish like bass, carps and the odd frog etc. Does the rain bring more rare fish then I take it?! I've been lucky so far - weathers been glorious for 4 days straight!
  15. The girl I sit next to in work has got me into this. Absolutely amazing stuff. The thought of sweet and salt repulsed me at first. It was love at first taste. : peace:
  16. I think they're actually quite well made?! The items I've had are anyway. SNES controller, MK trophy etc. Plus, they are free after all...
  17. Got me a MARIO KART! Oh and a Bubble gum machine!! Also set up a camp site - though having read the previous comments seems I'm gonna have to foot the bill for that bad boy myself!!
  18. Oh Jesus we've had this conversation many times before so I won't go there again. Also, I don't wanna buy NSMBU again, I didn't say that - I want to buy NSLU. But as my post says, I want the DLC and can't download that without NSMBU. I intend to buy the boxed copy of NSLU but don't want to open it as I want it as a collectors item. Hence my predicament / general crying face.
  19. That majorly sucks. I'm really suprised they can't / won't do that for you. Did they give a reasoning as to why? Sometimes they can be really unhelpful with stuff like that. I had the same with linking my Club Nintendo account to my new console.
  20. Hmmm. What to do what to do. I had NSMBU when I first got my Wii U - 100% it. Loved it. Got rid of it when sold Wii U in the new year. Obviously now have a new one. I have a pre-order down for the boxed version and intend to buy but I am not actually gonna play / open it as I think it's gonna be a collectors item so intend to keep it sealed. So was gonna buy DLC but don't have NSMBU... And it's not exactly cheap anywhere... Hmm. And now I don't know what action is best to take
  21. I got the Varia Suit t-shirt yesterday! Is there a way to gift or trade these? I'd happily let you have it if it's possible!
  22. Couple of pics from me. Not taken many as have no SD card reader, but been out and bought one (as needed one anyway tbh) so here goes! A lol moment for me when I was digging for fossils and my character decided to tumble down the hole! Kitted myself out yesterday for the bug catching comp - ended up looking like the bug trainer from Pokemon. Drago came and had a look round my house (only built this morning) and I think he's gay, which is amazing lol. Check out what he said when he visited. You may notice my AMAZING warp pipe! Got this today from my fortune cookie! Don't mind the state of my place - I'm still decorating!! Aaaand lastly, I plan to build onto my house when I can. Got my eye on a CASTLE (!) from Nook's. Here's me eyeing it up longingly! One day... one day. Loving this game!!
  23. Friggin hell! What did you have to sell?!! Cracking haul though!
  24. No way! Totally above board! I caught a firefly last night and handed it in this morning (by chance as I did plan to sell the firefly but the shop shut ) anyway I handed that in and got 63 points for it! So if I were you I'd totally hand it in as soon as you can!
  25. I managed to net me 113 points with a birdwing butterfly which Nat proceeded to clearly eat No wonder he doesn't give you the bugs back haha. Visited @RedShell's town and had great fun! Packed with people! @Dcubed has an amazing link hat that I would quite like to steal!! Love going to see what others have done with their towns. Great fun!
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