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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Glad to hear you lot are liking it. I intend to get it some point in the future once I've cleared some other 3ds games. Out of curiosity (and coz I'm not home until 6ish to check!) does anyone know how much the eShop has this for? Only coz the old titles on there are all £39.99 whereas games like DKCR and Animal Crossing went up for £34.99.
  2. A site called Trashness. It's a male fashion blog but it also sells certain items. The bracelet is one of their biggest / quickest sellers. It helps that a lot of their looks feature guys wearing their stuff (usually very well) which serves as inspiration to those who are interested in fashion etc. It's a great site.
  3. Sorry dude. Think of how sexy your wrist is gonna look though.
  4. Seen the new colour? Just bought one.
  5. Makes Rebecca Black look like Beyonce. How's it had over a million views?!
  6. All about this. Brilliant singers. Brilliant harmonies. Brilliant song. Sugawho?!
  7. Well I did the same with New Super Luigi U the other day I literally used all my lives on the first bastard bit as I could not control him! I had been playing DKCR on the 3DS though prior to that and DK is a whole lot bulkier and slower than Weegee! But yeah... interesting read!
  8. Brilliant! I LOVED Skeletor as a kid. And He-Man and She-Ra ha. Skeletors laugh / cackle was amazing. Big shout out to Shadow Weaver too! Everyone has their 'thang'. You digging the baddies is cool! You never know - maybe Bowser is a playable 5th character and it is King Wart that you have to bring to justice in this game!!
  9. Jealous. Not that I'd register either of them... but still! I think I'm addicted to buying eShop credit... Can't seem to get enough of the shit haha.
  10. Heh I love how much you love King Wart!
  11. I think that would be amazing!! Lets get Daisy involved! Although that's a good point Serebii - I wonder what the 'story' will be. I say story, it's normally a minute and a half cut scene of Bowser stealing someone and an item being scattered across the lands! Oh yeah! I thought I was losing it haha! I knew I'd commented on something at work today that made me chuckle. Well that's just ridiculous quite frankly. I'll re-iterate my comment as it clearly still stands! Chill pills required...!
  12. Has there been posts deleted from this thread or something? I'm sure we were on a new page before?? Anyway, I watched the launch vid for this again recently, as well as some playing footage. Looks so much fun. I also can't wait to play through as all the different characters! Especially Princess Peach! Although I'm a bit gutted she's like the character for the beginner / younger sister... haha. Be good to take control of Toad for a change too!!
  13. Never played a Pikmin game before. Want to get this, but then think it looks kinda crazy. Almost bordering on strategic? Am I right in saying that? And if that's the case I actually couldn't think of anything worse. So I'm unsure for now. Plus I have lots of 3ds goodness to keep me going and am kinda waiting on Wonderful 101 for my Wii U over anything else!
  14. Well I got fucked off (pardon my tone) with this already last night having got to the end of a level and had to go into battle with 3 cone goombas only to basically use all my stickers and die. Right back to the start. The battles every time a goomba is near seem like they could grow a little tiresome. I didn't know if I had to battle them, but I wanted to so I could get to grips with the stickers and the battle mechanic etc. Anyway, will stick at it by replaying that damn level again first! Looks lovely though, great visual style!
  15. You're single, right? And yes, I believe the 5 year period has approached where those of the gay persuasion must find a man before he settles for a bungalow with his female best friend. I already have the female best friend and location of said bungalow sorted, but I hope it doesn't come to that... On a more serious note though, it's so fuckin annoying the whole dating / trying to find someone thing. It's weird as well as I am used to being single (only coz I've never had a proper BF) so it would be a little strange for me to actually find someone I wanted to be in a relationship with - and vice versa. It's an alien concept to me. Hopefully that will change soon.
  16. Update from me - not posted here in a while. Some may remember the guy I went on a few dates with, wasn't sure on, then decided to try getting to know each other slowly and me quite liking him...? Anyway, that pretty much ended a few weeks back. My decision. Things were ok but it felt like we were both there for the sake of it. Or it felt like that to me. I had to drive to see him (he was about 30 min away) and he didn't drive yet so I was always going over to his to watch a film, or pick him up to go somewhere. That wasn't a problem though, but it became a problem when I found myself not wanting to go and see / meet him. Didn't help it was always the same thing - just sat round his eating take out or watching a film. Like I say I don't mind this as when you're newly 'dating' you'll pretty much want to do anything just to be with the person. Like the thought of being with them for the evening (not in that way, but also in that way!) is really exciting and it's a big deal to you! Well there was none of that for me. I met with him and told him all this and we parted ways. Still text though, he's a really nice guy and we have a bit in common so there's no point just pretending he doesn't exist anymore! He appreciated my honesty too which I was thankful for. Made me feel less like a dick for saying 'lets take it slow' then deciding I wasn't interested in anything more than friends. But that's the dating game I guess! So I'm back to being free again. I'd say young and free but at 25... I'm not sure.
  17. Ha yeah mine did too!! I thought they were a lot bigger but they're quite good quality!
  18. Thread bump. It's happening. Having finished Luigis Mansion 2 I'm now turning my attention to this one! I want to try and work through some older games in preparation for the onslaught that's coming for the 3ds from now until Christmas! I haven't played a massive amount of this series. Played Super Paper Mario and didn't really like it. I didn't like having to reach for an internet guide every 5 minutes having spent 3 weeks wandering around the same spot not having a clue what to do... Hopefully this isn't the same ha. I know a few people have said that the RPG elements are not as heavy in this one, but I'm kinda pleased about that. Hopefully this one will click! Will post some thoughts once I've played some of it!
  19. Well, as embarrased as I am to admit this I find the download sequence quite exciting in itself... Nothing better than waiting for the game to download, tapping 'unwrap' on the freshly downloaded present and seeing the game icon spring to life on your home screen!! : peace: But I'm weird like that tbf...
  20. Yeah I agree Rummy. I had an XL before I bought my Peach 3ds and I liked it but as I mentioned at the time in 3ds console thread, it didn't feel as premium as the original. Looks like there are still people buying the original model anyway then which is good to see. I knew it would be still selling but didn't expect the numbers to be as much as they are which is cool!
  21. Totally this. T'was a thing of beauty. Brought a tear tbh. Also, if E Gadd isn't in Smash Bros I'll not be pleased. And deffo count me in for some online action! Haven't touched Thrill Tower yet but am up for being all over it when required! : peace:
  22. Just finished the game. Wow. All I can say really. I absolutely loved it from start to finish. I definitely rank it up there as one of the best 3ds titles. And without doubt a must have for anyone who owns the console. There's just so much to love with this game that I don't really know where to start! I think it's prob best I just bullet point some of the things that blew me away: - The graphics. Holy shit the graphics. What a stunning looking game. Runs a dream, looks a dream. My particular favourite was the ice mansion (mansion 4) as that just blew me away. I love ice worlds anyway but this one is up there as one of the best. The shininess of the ice and the textured wooden surroundings just made for pure beauty to the eyes! - Luigi. I mean say no more. What they managed to do with him was pretty spectacular. There was more character in Luigi in this title than there has been in any Mario game that I can remember. From his run, to his quivering, his humming the scary background music, his 'yellooo' when answering the phone, and my favourite of all - his 'come an!' to the Toads and shooing them through doors he held open! Just beautiful. - Humor. So much humor. There was countless times this game had me chuckling. Most of the time it was from Professor E Gadd who just stole the show in the humor stakes. But even little things like the pixel shifter beaming Luigi to the level, and his hat not quite getting there then following shortly after! Cracked me up! - Puzzles! The puzzles weren't that taxing (though the later ones to progress tested me a little). They were the perfect offset to the ghost capturing in my opinion. What's nice as well is that there are clearly more to be found after the story based ones are through if you want to collect all those sparkly jewels! I could continue with my loves of the game, but those I've listed were the real standouts for what made this game the amazing experience that it is. The downsides? Well for me there weren't too many. The biggest was some of the bosses. They varied from brilliant to weak. Only one of them was a bit naff (world 4 as mentioned by Dog-amoto above) was not the greatest, and I expected more as it was my fave location in the game. However the rest of them were really very good! The fact the game was split into levels clearly divided peoples opinions. I found it perfectly fine, but agree that it would have been nice to be able to continue exploration after the mission was over, or indeed have the missions fall under 1 mansion to complete a mansion at a time - rather than mission by mission. Being beamed back after sometimes only 10 minutes of play seemed illogical when you'd only visited a handful of rooms. However, as it is a handheld experience, I also often welcomed that as I wanted to just play one mission and stop if I was pushed for time. In summary then, I absolutely loved the game. I have fond memories of the first but I honestly can't remember too much about it as it was such a long time ago. It has made me want to play it again though as I am so intrigued to see the comparison! I know most of you have bought played and completed this already, but if there is anyone unsure, and is a little on the fence - don't be. Just buy it. Even at full price I can highly recommend this game. It's up there for me as one of the best handheld experiences you can get!
  23. It's interesting that the 3DS original model still sells reasonably well. I would have thought most would go for the XL but it's nice to see appreciation for the better smaller console.
  24. Jesus, the guy only wants signatures for the petition. I don't even like MGS but I signed it Canand. Every little helps an all that - no matter how unlikely it might be.
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