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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Disagree with everything. Sorry. Times do change yes, and things need to evolve. I could go on about how the games now are totally different to what they were back in the RBY days - but I'll leave that to Serebii. Also, my point here is that a 7 year old kid is probably not going to have an internet connection and be allowed to just go online whenever they feel like it to play with their friends. Me and you can - but we're in our twenties and can do what the fuck we want. The game is made purposely so you can take your pokemon with you anywhere. Play with friends, trade with friends, battle with friends. This game is meant to be a handheld experience (in my opinion) so that it falls in like with what the whole damn franchise is about. Would I like a home console Pokemon? Why the fuck not - but not at the expense of it being a handheld title. Coz that's where it belongs. Peace. : peace:
  2. Well, for a start the game is about pocket monsters. They go with you anywhere. Having the main series on a handheld that you can take anywhere with you gives a similar feeling to what the tv show is all about. It's part of the Pokemon experience - or at least that's what I loved way back in the day. Furthermore, the game works best as a handheld title (my opinion) because it encourages battles and trades with your friends which Nintendo have always tried to make as seamless as possible. Link cable, wireless adaptors in FR / LG etc. Now with the handhelds having online and IR / wireless tech, it makes the process a little smoother. Whilst I understand that it would be pretty sweet to do this all online from the comfort of your own home, it kinda kills a little bit of what the franchise is about for me. Let us not forget this game is still targeted towards young kids. Yes, older people like us still love it, but I know for a fact I would not have an online connection with my Wii U if I was 7 years old and I think that'd be the same for many other kids wanting to play Pokemon. Therefore I think a main series game would possibly alienate the core consumer of the game(s) as it would strip away what it's traditionally about. I'm not saying that a fully fledged home console Pokemon would be a bad thing - but the only people who seem to want it are those who have grown up playing the original games and their follow ups and now think the game is 'tired' or 'needs updating'. Well, I disagree. And you can bet your mortgage that the kid who gets to play their first Pokemon game with X/Y will be having the time of their lives as they gets lost on a big adventure that they can take with them wherever they want! Maybe I'm too nostalgic about it, but this game series should always be on a handheld device. That's a Nintendo one - not a smartphone. Just my opinion anyway!
  3. Cadbury's Spira. AN AMAZING CHOCOLATE BAR. Got discontinued years ago. For those who never tried them, all it was was a finger of twisted or spiralled chocolate. But DAT TASTE. So much better than a shitty Twirl. I often crave one of them bad boys.
  4. A new Pokemon Stadium - that links to the 3ds games. I really couldn't be less interested in a 'proper' Pokemon on Wii U. For me, that is not what the series is about and it doesn't need to be moved to the big screen.
  5. Though I agree her last 2 albums have probably been more 'her', there is absolutely no way they are better than The Fame. My opinion of course.
  6. It is definitely just 'meh'. It's a bit Cascada for my liking lol. And that is not a good thing in the slightest. Having said that I am still wanting to listen to it. Looking forward to the album but I don't really know how I feel about her as an artist any more. She was a bit of a breath of fresh air to begin with but now I'm not so sure. It's almost like because she's become this huge thing, she feels her music has to have some sort of message or meaning for all of her 'little monsters', rather than just making great pop music about any old shit. I found her last album to be largely forgettable (despite having so many tracks, although Heavy Metal Lover still remains one of the most incredible things ever) and think The Fame is easily her best album. No bull shit, no hidden messages - just good solid pop. I hope Artpop is similar.
  7. So Applause is out. Kinda. What do we think? I like it. But I expected a little more to be honest. I don't think she will ever better Bad Romance. This has a pretty great chorus but it doesn't sound like a Gaga track. It's very generic. Could be anyone. What's with all the 'big' artists not being able to deliver these days. Katy Perry's new song is equally as 'ok' as this. Compared to their previous stuff I mean.
  8. So I'm 3 episodes in now and really enjoying this. I am finding myself lol'ing at a lot of points too. One thing I cannot shake off though, is how much Alex looks like Bayonetta. Every time she comes on screen I think it!
  9. I fuckin lold so so much fused hahahahahahaha. I bow down!
  10. Eeeexactly. And that's why I am not getting pissed off that they are relying on the Mario name a lot at the minute and looking at bringing familiarity to the console when it really needs it. I know in time, most of the games I am clamouring for (a new full 3d Mario adventure etc) will come, but at the minute I don't blame Ninty for doing what they're doing. I also expect that the coming games from now until the end of the year, will be a blast to play. So I'm exicted for that!
  11. I just downloaded the free month of Netflix and currently have a LoveFilm membership. LF is shit. Slow, nothing on there and looks dated. Netflix feels much smoother, there's a bit more content, and it's cheaper than my LF membership (but that's dependant on what you choose with LF). So for TV and film I say Netflix is way forward.
  12. I just watched the first episode of this and really enjoyed it. Will probably watch an episode a night as it's quite easy viewing and I like what's been set out so far. Very lesbian friendly.
  13. This would be pretty sweet. They also really need to change their eShop voucher cards to include the Wii U logo. I had an argument in GAME a few weeks back with the guy behind the counter as he said they wouldn't work on Wii U. I professed they did and said I had used several on my Wii U before. He laughed and said it was my risk to take. I then got angry. And left.
  14. I hope for new announcements so I can read the usual moaning comments that I oh so love. I jest. I love these Directs. Even when they just release snippets of already announced games like more gameplay videos, screen shots, details etc! Gets me excited about what's to come! I really would love to see some more Mario Party 3ds news, more info on the Yoshi game (is there a title for this yet?!), and would love some more Bayonetta news! Pity I'm at tennis 2-4 today so will have to catch up between sets lol.
  15. This is just perfection. She looks incredible, the song is incredible. I fucking love her so so much!
  16. Nice one dude!! Be interesting to know your thoughts!
  17. Lana Del Rey recently gave a song to Diana Vickers for her upcoming album. Diana sadly didn't include it on her album as it was too different a sound from the rest of the album. Anyway. Lana and Diana both recorded versions and some clever person has mashed them together (rather brilliantly)! This is just my idea of music heaven - Diana Vickers and Lana Del Rey are my 2 fave people in music!!
  18. Thanks guys. Well I just returned from an evening over at his place... Not like that haha. We played tennis earlier and we got chatting as usual after and he just said I should come over some time for some gaming etc. I said that'd be cool. He then suggested this evening so we arranged for me to go over to his at 8. I got in about 20 mins ago. Was nice to have some company whilst playing a game, as normally it's just little old me haha. I like his company a lot, he's just an easy guy to get on with and sit with. Like you don't have to say anything as it's not awkward kinda thing - the way it should be with a mate. Anyway, his place is extremely cool and we played some games then watched some TV and just had a laugh. Now I'm home, in bed, and just wishing I could turn that part of my brain off that makes me so attracted to him. Sadly it's not that easy.
  19. I also haven't had chance to play this yet. Intended to play it this evening, but had a better offer ha. Dead zones?! Whut?! I'll keep my eye on it but I didn't experience anything untoward from the demo.
  20. I'd actually quite like the weight of the game pad to be a little heavier if I'm honest so if you guys enjoy this new battery and give good reports, I'll be all over it!
  21. I don't think he'll be homophobic as he's a nice guy and normally homophobic people are massive pricks. But yeah we're playing later today but I prob won't be able to stay and chat as I need to pick my other racket up before the shop closes so ill have to go straight there when we finish. And maybe I could just drop something in convo one day when it's appropriate as for all I know he's prob wondering what team I bat for anyway! As most people are never sure, so I'm told ha.
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