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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Any ShopTo deliveries for anyone yet?
  2. Someone needs to send out a Serebii search party. Can we not get someone in to start slagging the Wii U off?! Surely he'll make an appearance then. It's the only way! Jus' kiddin Serebii! :p
  3. So I am making pretty good progress with this I think. As previously mentioned, I don't normally finish Zelda games. I've been pretty into this one though, and checked out my activity log after finishing a session on it just now. I guestimated at about 9 hours as I have had it since Saturday. 18 hours... I guess the time has just flown by! I'm not the kind of gamer who can spend a whole day or whole evening solidly playing one game. Seems like this game has changed all that! I have been very impressed with it so far. I don't know how far I am, but I'm literally at the end of the Wind Temple having just completed the Earth temple earlier today. Had to take a break as my game pad battery was dying (second time today) and I was feeling pretty tired so thought I'd call it a day. There have been some annoyances along the way, such as having to play the command song quite a bit - but I guess it's helped me learn them so I can play without looking at the notes now! I don't want to jinx myself, but this could be my first completed main Zelda game!
  4. Damn my love of that beautiful X box art and that rainbow antlered Pokemon!! Just call me Jessica Fletcher btw y'all.
  5. It's funny with this game, as I almost keep forgetting about it. Like when I think about the upcoming games I was hugely excited for Wind Waker, can't wait for Pokemon, massively wanting Sonic Lost World, and even games that have been pushed back like DK, Mario Party etc are all still on my radar. But this, just keeps slipping off it. Then I remember it, and realise what a silly silly boy I am. As much as it isn't holding my attention much before release, I know I'm gonna absolutely love it. The Wii U's christmas is looking pretty fun packed and I reckon this ones gonna be the star of the show!
  6. INTERESTING. Did you order from ShopTo?! I also went with X. Wonder if Y's have been billed but X's haven't?!
  7. Out of interest - which did you go for Dem0? X or Y?
  8. Still waiting for a billing from ShopTo. I want this to arrive Thursday ideally, but Friday wouldn't actually be too bad with me having Wind Waker to play through. I'd be really surprised if this didn't arrive Thursday though - that'd be out of character for ShopTo 2 weeks in a row!
  9. Sam - that's probably one of the kindest (if not the kindest) acts I've ever witnessed! Seriously lovely thing to do.
  10. It seems that people are divided with the off screen play. Some love it, others aren't too fussed. For me, I like the fact that the game often gives you the choice. I love the fact that i could play RE Revelations in glorious HD on my tv, or when it got dark I could go to off tv play, plug my headphones into the pad, and game exclusively on the small screen. In fact, I played virtually all of RE in the game pad itself. It's just nice to have that option. I find inventories and maps to be a huge help on the pad screen too. I can't understand how people think it's totally fine to have to press start go into maps and all that jazz rather than just glancing down. Being able to manipulate maps on the touch screen etc - for me it's flawless. Each to their own though. As much as I'd love to see some truly intuitive uses of the game pad, I'm still pretty happy with how it's being used so far. No other system lets you turn a HD home console game into a handheld experience (albeit a watered down one compared to true handhelds) which I personally love! But it's interesting to see what people think of the uses so far.
  11. Just thought I'd pop in to express my absolute FUCKING HATRED of this. That'll be all.
  12. I agree with Rez that the new Pokemon look slightly disappointing. And there doesn't seem to be that many - or that many that are interesting. I personally think all is forgiven though just from looking at Talonflame. DO NEED. Still, hype hasn't subsided in any way - and I can't wait!
  13. Yeah I've never thought about it like that so I guess you could be right. But for me, the game shines when you actually are following the objective. For instance, after my rant above I continued with the game and got to the first dungeon and have literally just had to turn my Wii U off and take a break due to my game pad running out of batteries. I was having a BLAST with it!! Grappling up to the first boss door, solving the little puzzles like how to stop the flames from burning around the chest, using the pots of water on the lava to create a path for Link... very good. I loved it. When I'm in the thick of the action I find myself really immersed in the game. The music, atmosphere etc are spot on and really do a great job of sucking me in. I actually feel like I'm playing with a real purpose - and not many games give me that feeling. The bits between the dungeon / main objective always feel like somewhat of a come down. And i think this is where I have issues with the Zelda series as it seems to be those bits from each game that always annoy me. I think there was a similar thing in OoT very early on with a chicken you had to fly around on. HATED it. Took me forever to get through that phase. But I definitely see your point. That little part aside I am very much enjoying the game! The art style of this is just so lovely.
  14. Already had to use a guide. FML. The part on Windfall Island.
  15. Shorty - I say Pokemon. You don't wanna be thinking about where to put shit on holiday! Which to put on what square or whatever it is you do on FE!! (I've clearly never played it haha). Pokemon all the way!!
  16. My game turned up earlier this morning. Just doing my system update (not been on Wii U in a while, lol) and then I'm gonna get my WW on!! Key ring looks nice, if a little crappy materials. If the key ring was the reason the game was delayed being sent out by ShopTo then I wish they hadn't bothered with it as pre-order bonus haha. Anyway, I've just settled myself in amongst a mass of cushions / pillows on my bed, drink on one side, phone on silent, laptop close by (for the inevitable 'I'm stuck' moment ) and told the mother not to disturb for a while, unless it's to bring snacks / other food goodness. My body is ready.
  17. Yeah makes sense Ike. I still really don't know what to do! Just can't decide if I can warrant paying out and whether I will like it? I'm sure I will like it, as it definitely looks more comfortable than the current 3ds to hold - but it's whether or not I miss the clam shell design. Arrggh!
  18. If I were you I'd continue with the water tradition you have always adopted! 2 bad-ass water Pokemon is no bad thing, and with the dual type of Frokie's final evolution, it wont be all bad. I always have Starmie in my team, but not for its water capabilities - I use a different water type for that, but still use Starmie religiously!
  19. Really?! Is that like their standard procedure if it doesn't arrive launch day!? How did I not know that?!
  20. Shop to already have let us down! No Thursday delivery! Ha.
  21. Well, I enjoyed both of them and maybe it was becuase they were easy to play. But I wouldn't say they were dumbed down. Rather scaled down to better fit the DS. I personally thought they utilised the DS hardware perfectly with the touch screen controls, the blowing into the mic etc. Very well made games.
  22. *Takes note of Ashley's lesson as need all help I can get...
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