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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I had some nice things. Sonic lost world for Wii U Zelda for 3ds Money Sweets Choc Nike base layer for tennis during winter months (very welcome) Nike gloves also for tennis - well for one hand Beyoncé album Great Gatsby blu ray Jumper Vouchers Had a great day doing Christmas quizzes with family etc. and then it all went wrong and I was in hospital until today see bad stuff thread. That aside good presents and good half of the day! Some people on here got some cool gifts too by looks of it! Christmas hauls are always fun to see!
  2. I'm typing this from hospital. Sad Aneres Around half 5 I felt very uncomfortable 'down there' - pain was agony when I walked, touched it, sat down. Knew it wasn't right so told my mum and said I needed to go get it seen to. A blood test, urine test, multiple blood pressure / blood sugar tests and emergency surgery in theatre later, I'm now in my hospital bed. They thought my testicle had twisted around itself but the surgery showed it hadn't (there's no other way to check other than opening your ball sack) - but it was heavily inflamed so I am on drugs for next fortnight to clear. I don't really like hospitals and never been in before, so to go from being fine and enjoying Christmas Day one min, to being in hospital the next to have emergency surgery - kinda sucks. Apparently, testicles twisting on themselves is fairly common, and it's a matter of hours before blood supply is cut off to it meaning it needs removing as it just dies. With that comes infirtility etc. thankfully mine wasn't twisted (the pain I was in I coulda said otherwise...) so the surgeon has put something in to ensure they won't get twisted - which is kinda comforting right now! So yeah, sad times. Not what I expected Christmas night, but hey ho. I'm on the ward now with some other blokes who are literally all snoring their heads off. I feel fairly awake considering I only came out like an hour ago but don't think I'll sleep much. Hope everyone had a good Christmas here anyway! Mine was great up until about half 5! Ha
  3. I just had to play this with my sister. She was so crap at it. I realised why I never play games with my sisters. And for the first time, wished I had a brother! Still, it was great fun all round - everyone thought it was hilarious I could pick her up and virtually carry her to the goal - which pretty much happened in every level! To those getting the game today - enjoy! You will love it. Unless you have no soul. Merry Christmas y'all!
  4. Very tempted at that price of Sonic Olympic Winter game thing (title is ridiculous ) may have to purchase it for that. Hmm.
  5. HarmoKnight is an absolute must buy. Amazing rhythm game. Dazzybee clearly sucks ass at it @RedShell will also attest to its goodness. I will be picking up Zombi U for that price. What an absolute steal!
  6. I just thought I'd pop in with a little update. I've been making slow but steady progress with this and I just can't quite get over how much I love the game. It's just amazing. The level design is literally something else. I love the really challenging levels too as the sense of accomplishment when I finish them is just I played through a random level as Mario before just to see how different he feels to Peach and my God, I hate that the others can't glide!! I've totally spoiled myself using Peach! They really should have just built the game around her, called it Super Peach 3d World and been done with it. Peach + Tanooki Leaf = perfection! Although I guess it also = easier to complete levels but it's great fun! I went back to earlier worlds and decided to pick up some missed green stars before too, just to have a break from the later levels - and I was just marvelling at some of the levels I had forgot about. The one you blow into the game pad for to spin the platforms back and to? And touch the shiny pink blocks on the gamepad to reach the higher platform / goal post... gaming delight. Right there. Ahh, I could go on all night but I wont. It's just Nintendo magic everywhere in this game and it's beautiful. Seeing the game win lots of 'Game of the Year' accolades further cements how many people have enjoyed this title. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, but I imagine it to be a fantastic experience! : peace: Oh and further to my kick off to GAME, they basically told me to do one as they had ran out of stock. When I asked for some sort of reimbursement they told me to do one again. When I got arsey and told them that their consistency as a company for how they treat customers was shite as I knew they were offering reward points to other people who hadn't received the items (@Mike1988uk) they then gave in. 2000 reward points be mine. Now it means I have to use the website / store again to spend them - so really they win again. But still.
  7. Off topic - but I love your Christmassy name!!
  8. Oh em geeeee. New item: Luigi's Mansion 2 Diorama. 7000 stars though.
  9. This be the stuff. I've just gone through a tub this size - cost £50 from a shop down the road that sells all this kinda stuff. It's not disgusting or anything, it's perfectly fine - it's purely the amount of it in one go that I struggle with. I'm not a 'drink a lot in one go' type of guy ha and sipping it takes forever. But I've got better just getting it out the way with. I went the gym earlier tonight and stopped off at the 'protein shop' (as I call it ) as I'd just used the last serving of that big tub this morning. They had an offer on the 2kg tubs - 2 for £50 so I bought a vanilla and a choc to mix it up. Had a vanilla after my work out and it was so much nicer! Tasted like these things: White chocolate Marshmallow The inside of a Milky Way. Was much nicer than the choc! And Flink - yeah it is the eating that's tricky. I'm a little and often type of guy but I'm noticing the difference already as my diet before I made this change was crap - like loads of sugar food, chocs, rubbish meals, no structure etc. Now I have everything at similar times and snack on much healthier things like nuts seeds, fig rolls (mmm!) but also get in all the food that isn't so good but I'm allowed coz I'm skinny innit! It's kinda win win. Haha. I like having structure to my meals too. Porridge in morning with walnuts and maple syrup, whole wheat toast, meat and carbs at lunch, protein bar in afternoon, gym, shake, evening meal of meat and carbs, some chocolate and sometimes mueslie before bed if I'm peckish. And lots of snacks in between. I started at 8st 6 and I'm 9st 3 at min. By january my PT wants to see 9st 6 which he's confident I can achieve. I'm determined anyway, so hopefully I'll get there!
  10. I know yeah - 7 percent is way low! The good thing is though I'm basically 8 stone of muscle and the rest is whatever else it is. So there's a good base to work from really. PT says I'm also quite deceptive as though I'm slight / skinny, he says I can lift more than what I look like I could I think all the tennis over the years has really helped build some muscle - especially in my legs. It's just not noticeable haha. But yeahas you say it's so much fun. The feeling after you've completed a tough set - though it burns so baaaad, is quite good! I'm liking seeing how from one week to the next I'm more comfortable lifting weights I was struggling with the previous week. Dat progress. I am not a lover of the bulk / protein shakes I'm on each day, but not gonna like it all. Just bought some new protein bars though and they're pretty good so having one of them each afternoon too!
  11. Yeah it sucks to be skinny. But as you say, doing it the right way (which I believe I'm doing a decent job of so far) should get me some good results with some hard work! My PT still thinks adding body fat would be good so there's something there for the body to kinda feed off - don't want them eating into dat muscle! I'll be sure to keep posting with my progress anyway!
  12. I've been going to the gym for about 4-5 weeks now - been having a personal training session once a week and getting into the gym about 4 times a week on average. Play tennis as usual 3 times a week. I've never been able to put weight on. Ever. But in my 4 weeks of diet change, gym plan and PT, I have gained 11 pounds! : peace: And I am really enjoying my gym time. I still feel like I could do so much more too, both with diet and the gym work. For now though it's just keep as I am. My stats that my PT runs each week are showing the weight I've gained is mostly muscle too - which is good! Be no good if it was all fat haha though my body fat is still at the 7 point something percent mark - which could be higher in an ideal world. But still. I never thought weight training could be so much fun!
  13. Well done for killing my hype Hero-of-Time! Maybe I should have stuck to looking at the screen shots and presuming it'd be half decent haha.
  14. Ah, it seems you're yet to face me RedShell...
  15. I love how Nintendo tend to do these Directs on a Wednesday as I'm normally off work on Weds - but NOT TODAY!! So I missed this, but will catch up shortly. I already know about Rosalina as saw on Facebook and I'm pretty hyped for that!! Looking forward to seeing more of MK8 as the screenies I've seen look sweet! Also - I'm now even more pleased I've got Sonic Lost World on my xmas list - this DLC sounds great!
  16. I left my headphones at a spa I was at last week. After countless phone calls, they haven't been found. As I don't have the money to replace them, and because I'd rather chop my ears off than listen to music through Apple's offerings, I got these today: So far so good. Not as good as my previous headphones but still very good!
  17. Ah man I didn't even know there was a mobile gaming thread! But as I've said before, mobile gaming aint my bag so that's prob why I've never searched / ventured there! What a brilliant inclusion though! Part of me wants to download it on my phone just so I can get to this new stage! : peace:
  18. Hey y'all. Don't know if this is common knowledge but I'd never heard of it before until now! Sonic 2 has been released on Android / iOS and SEGA have included a passage way to a hidden level that was scrapped from the original game way back when! Hidden Palace Zone is now playable part way through the Mystic Cave level - on the bottom section of the stage when you reach the lever for the draw bridge - don't pull it down, just fall to your death! Only you wont fall to your death! Instead you will go straight to Hidden Palace Zone - new enemies and a boss fight with Robotnik awaits! : peace: The vid below shows / explains properly! Be interesting to see if Sega release the game on 3ds as part of their Sega Classics range and if they keep this in! I'd love them to as any previously unplayed Sonic stage from back in his heyday would be amazing! Anyone downloaded this for iOS / Android? @Ike what about you?! If anyone is gonna download Sonic on a mobile device it'd be you!
  19. See the thing is, this T&C spiel that they keep throwing about is bull shit. As Phoenix Wright would say... I've found a contradiction in their tweet! Their terms and conditions also say that the pre-order bonuses will be sent with the ordered item. However it has been proven that no one got these on launch day - instead they were sent after the game was sent, therefore contradiciting the very terms and conditions they swear by!! *Increase in music pace and gasps / rapturous murmuring from the crowd* Sorry I got carried away... But this is the exact argument I intend to make with them should they pull the T&C stunt with me! :p
  20. I replied with a very strong worded email. Saying I wanted to make a formal complaint about the fact that the game was priced higher than anywhere else (presumably for the pre-order bonus) and the fact that the game did not reach me on launch day, and the fact that no one informed me I wasn't getting the additional items until I enquired myself. So waiting to hear back from that. I'm so pissed off with them - but please no one post with I told you so's. I personally have never had any run in's with them so I fully expected to get what was offered - as any paying customer would. I guess the fact they've screwed so many people over shows just how shit they are for customer service.
  21. Had an email from LAME before in response to the one i sent to them. This is what it said:
  22. Interesting topic. To be honest I've always hoped for the Pokemon example you've given there way back when the DS was released. It was a perfect opportunity for the DS Pokemon games to link to a Stadium style Wii game and allow you to use your caught Pokemon in battle as per the original Stadium modes. Or even allow you to throw the DS game up onto the big screen. I'm sure there are techy reasons as to why that never happened or couldn't happen but it will no doubt go over my head! Now we have the Wii U gamepad though, I can't really think of many ways the 2 could link together? I mean, with this new 3ds update providing Miiverse integration onto the handheld and also unifying the accounts somewhat, it goes someway to adding a small degree of compatibility - but nothing exciting yet! I don't think we will see it where a game is played on the Wii U through the 3ds or anything like that as it would probably devalue the game pad experience which is something Nintendo can't really afford to do. However if a Pokemon Stadium style game did get made, and it was compatible with X&Y in some way - I'd be a very happy boy. :wink:
  23. They're tiny. Take less than a minute to download - so you'll be good to go straight away with these! : peace:
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