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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ooooh. What do you plan on doing tonight then? I like the idea of each person playing and everyone else watching. DAT pressure. Well count me in! I'll play if that's ok?!
  2. I have a Q. What does the online entail in this when you guys play together?! Is it just a course of 9/18 holes and each person takes a turn until it finishes? I have the game which I've dabbled with a little (and love) and could play tonight!
  3. This is just what's needed. Another Lego game! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a Lego play through as much as anyone else but seriously now. It's like one gets released every month! I'm just waiting for the inevitable Lego Simpsons game - then I'll be interested in the franchise again!
  4. I just placed a pre-order with ShopTo as well as keeping my Nintendo online shop order. I didn't choose a T-Shirt size as I don't really want a Tee and I'll be getting one with my Nintendo store order. Do you think that could possibly delay my order as I haven't selected one or do you think they'll just process and send without a Tee? I'd rather just not have a Tee and avoid the possibility of the order being delayed because of it. (Potentially) Urgh. I would just wait for the Ninty store order but I have zero faith in that arriving before next week!
  5. I picked up a Vita in the new year and have played nothing but that really for the last couple of months. One game I've been playing since I got the Vita (and am continuing to for Trophy purposes...) is this: I've always liked Monkey Ball and this game is fairly decent but extremely difficult. I breezed through beginner and intermediate then advanced came... Torture. There is a trophy for completing all of the modes without using a continue. Bear in mind you have 3 retries before you need to use a continue and advanced has 50 levels and is insanely difficult! Anyway, I've managed to get to level 50 of advanced before I lost my last life and had to use a continue. I cried. The game is more like the older versions of Monkey Ball in that there is a little more emphasis on skill than luck although there are still some really shocking stage designs that makes for a huge difficulty curve. I have unlocked Master and also completed that but just need to get to know those levels better in practice mode before I tackle them again without using a continue! There is also a trophy for completing the game using only gyro controls... which is just impossible. I've loved playing it though. Monkey ball has always been a favourite series of mine and this was one of the games I was most looking forward to when I got my Vita. It hasn't disappointed. Frustrated - yes. But great none the less!
  6. You know my hype levels are increasing when I'm passing the time creating a new MK signature... which I neeeever do. Starmie's in retirement... for now!
  7. Bloody hell. I LOVED that level on the N64, so glad to see it's being remade! I think they have re-made virtually every level I've wanted them to now. I'd quite like to see Rosalina's Ice World in glorious HD but I know not many enjoyed that one! Oh and Wario's Galleon. Amazing track!
  8. Wow Tales that's mega early!! Enjoy my friend, enjoy! : peace: My Nintendo order is still 'processing'. I may have to order from ShopTo as I have zero faith in the Nintendo store!
  9. You're a disgrace Fused. An attitude like this but soooo good at MK. It just isn't fair.
  10. I've been away for a while but posted a few months back saying how I'd started at a gym and had been having PT sessions. I had a lay off for 2 months in December having put about 11 pound on from November up until that point as I had to have some surgery which left me in bed and unable to do any exercise in the recovery time (6 weeks). Anyways, whereas most people would put weight on lying in bed all day, I lost all the muscle I'd gained so when I started back at the gym in Feb it was basically back to square 1. I took a pic of myself in November just before I started my PT sessions / gym time and after being back on it pretty solidly for 2 months I took another to check my progress! I'm 17 pound heavier and the heaviest I've ever been and I'm really pleased with how it's going! EXCUSE MY SEMI-NAKEDNESS
  11. My sister bought me this for my Birthday a few weeks back and I have been playing it the last couple of days. I am quite enjoying it. It reminds me (very loosely) of Super Princess Peach, only no where near as good. Just in the sense that it's not too challenging (generally), and though it's still very much like another Mario 2d platformer, the art style, play style and mechanics are enough to keep it fresh and 'different'. I really like the art style, the game just looks fantastic in parts. The boss battles are also quite good too! Didn't have much down for the game when I started it but it's definitely better than I imagined. Although, I do have to immediately play something a little more exciting straight after I've finished a play session on it. This game is definitely suited to bed time playing!
  12. I've decided to still not look at any info about this game - or even reviews! - and I am so hyped for it! I desperately want a pro controller to use with it but can't find one in stock anywhere. Play Asia have them and they're region free (apparently) so I'm quite tempted to pick one up from there! Saying that, I quite liked the wii-mote / nunchuck combo from MKWII so if that's still an option (?) I might go for that again. I have been billed for my order from Nintendo store, but still 'processing'. I'm kinda tempted to order a copy from ShopTo too so I will at least get it on launch! Hopefully!
  13. Lol, oh man! Now I'm thinking I shoulda kept my hype for Pink Gold Peach to myself...
  14. Someone's gotta praise her Retro! I can't imagine anyone else being pleased she's on the roster haha. And cheers man! : peace:
  15. I know literally nothing about this game... apart from it being out Friday. I pre-ordered aaaages ago and haven't seen any directs, screenies, read anyone's thoughts on it etc. But i've just seen this: It is my gayest dreams come true. PINK GOLD PEACH! NOW i'm hyped. Me an all the little girls. YEAH.
  16. Thanks for pointing that out. Wasn't aware I wasn't a mod or an admin. Oh and for what its worth - not that you will even take it on board, this is the reason the boards are like they are. Someone asks a question to begin a discussion. You come to give an answer and instead its people posting something that adds nothing to the original purpose what so ever. Naturally though, loads of people will love it as its another excuse to slag nintendo off. So go for your life. I know how much some of you enjoy it. I'm out.
  17. Simple answer. No. And liger - if you are going to post, post an answer to the god damn thread. If you wanna slag the wii u games off get to the wii u thread. Or the sales thread. Or the eshop thread. Or the virtual console thread. Or the other wii u thread. Or any nintendo thread for that matter!
  18. Umm I didn't really get concrete he is straight proof actually! It was just the odd comment that made me think he was straight. I guess I will find out eventually!
  19. The outcome was nothing. :p I just got over myself and saw it for what it was which is a friendship. I see him quite a bit still - we do a pub quiz every week with some of his mates who are nice guys. He's quietened off on the tennis front coz of the winter (wuss ) but i'm sure as the weather picks up we'll play some more. I honestly had no idea of his 'preference' to begin with but as I said at the time, my gaydar is none existent which didn't help matters. It's cool I managed to gain a decent mate from tennis though - and the more time I spent with him the more those feelings of me thinking of him as more than a friend disappeared. To the point where now, it seems plain weird. So yeah. That was that!
  20. This is amazing. I am so jealous.
  21. Usually nothing in my experience. And that's after dates where I know I am not really into the guy and dates where something has come of it. It all depends what type of person you are. There's nothing wrong with any of the things you suggest though I personally find the handshake weird. You're not buying a car? If a date tried to shake my hand come home time i'd be like 'what's this?!' Hug, kiss - all good. I like the smile and leave option though, keep them guessing.
  22. Some delicious looking games coming up. I reallllllly want Mario Party but I just know it'll be shit playing it on my own Also really looking forward to Yoshi, Kirby, Mario Golf, Smash Bros and Prof Layton / Phoenix Wright. Maybe if Sega could throw in some more 3d Classics this year too that'd make it an even sexier line line up.
  23. No apology needed! I just thought most who visited this thread had grasped it what with my mini break down in the summer over a straight tennis friend haha. Not cringing at all thinking back to that.
  24. Lol Diageo I love this post. Particularly 'fluid exchanges'. Mm. Good it's going well though! Gonna give Tinder a go soon I reckon. Seriously @drahkon ?! Where the fuck have you been?!
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