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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. For those who may have been interested in how I got on selling Emerald... it went this evening for £117.17. Random amount! Pretty happy with that! Never expected it to fetch that much money! Considering what I paid for it, it was definitely the real deal!
  2. Hmm I know right. Well, I did put a reserve on of £75 but it reached that within like 3 hours! It's currently on £93 which I'd be happy with and to be honest, as much as it will undoubtedly be worth more in the future, I think I'd rather someone who actually wants it as part of a collectors 'collection' get it so they can enjoy it properly. I just shoved it under my bed! It ends tonight so I'll let y'all know how it sells. Not expecting more than the £93 it's on though, as the others I've watched that are sealed all went for £70 ish so this is more than anticipated!
  3. My game pad doesn't rumble... I never knew it did!
  4. My Pro Controller arrived today. What bliss compared to the game pad. Biggest plus - DAT UNEXPECTED RUMBLE! : peace: It's the way to go peeps.
  5. Yeah I didn't fancy paying £40. As tight as it is, I'd rather have got it for like £35 from ShopTo - I know it's only a fiver... bbuuuut their expensive enough as they are considering I don't need it. Well... it is Princess Peach themed. So I guess I do need it. I'll mull it over! But cheers! : peace:
  6. I'm fuming we got no Wario Galleon from MK7 which was THE best track in the game. Having said that, I can forgive them as they did add Tick Tock Clock from the DS which was always a fantastic track, now made even better. I still love Royal Raceway though. Gliding across the lake with all of the hot air balloons around you and the castle on the hill... Perfection. Hate Toad's Turnpike. And I'm not massive on Pirahna Plant Pipeway or Melody Park. They could've chosen much better 3ds tracks IMO.
  7. I was on a roll with 150cc last night - having an absolute blast! As mad as it is it does make for some adrenaline fuelled races! Now I'm sat in work and all I wanna do is play it! I just have this staring at me, no, TAUNTING ME. Is it home time yet?!
  8. I think they must have been in limited quantities. Because shopto and game both had them up for pre-order and I've checked today and both are out of stock. So my guess is either everyone wanted them and they've flown off the shelves, or the numbers were limited everywhere and all preorders got allocated to available stock. If I don't get my hands on a Peach one though I will be less than pleased!!
  9. Yeah. Not even got the Yoshi / Peach ones. Just Mario and Luigi. But I think that they could be out of stock too.
  10. So it would seem that the Princess Peach / Yoshi Wii remotes didn't last long... They're out of stock everywhere. ShopTo, GAME, Amazon don't have them. Even the Nintendo store isn't selling them. Only place left i've seen them is Argos for home delivery. Sucks man. Can't afford one yet anyway but hope they re-appear. Really wanted to pick one of the Peach ones up.
  11. I haven't tried online yet. I never played MK:Wii online or MK7 outside of the league so don't see myself playing this much either. I am too busy admiring each level and the amount of detail on offer! Gotta say though, I definitely prefer the retro courses over the newer ones. Purely because they all look absolutely beautiful. Some of the new courses are amazing though. The Mount Wario one? That to me seems like the kind of thing they were trying to achieve with Wuhu Mountain Loop (shudder) but just fell completely flat on. I get so excited on that final snow stretch in Mount Wario! The music just adds to the rush! Also, Toad Harbour is absolutely the new Delfino Square - which is one of my favourite tracks from the MK Series ever. Anyway, gotta go. I've just made myself need to turn this back on again!
  12. Just echoing what H-O-T said, there is something about this game that keeps pulling me back! When I'm playing it, I can't get enough of it, and when I'm not on it, I just wanna plaaaaayyy it!! My pro controller should arrive tomorrow. Can we just discuss how amazing Play-Asia is and the FedEx tracking system! It's been all over the show this pro controller! Hong Kong, Japan, France, Britain! Can't wait to finally dump the gamepad and play this comfortably! : peace:
  13. I dunno what it is but I can't settle on a character. I am not enjoying the drifting in this game at all. The car jumps and then depending on which way you drift it moves over into that direction way more than usual. Or it seems like that compared to MK7 :shrug: I am finding the lighter characters a bit easier but even then I still don't feel like the movement is as tight as it has been.
  14. I was enjoying this game... until I started 150cc... Fuck meeeee! In first allll the way. Last lap, final stretch, blue shell, green shell, another green shell. Twatted out the way by Bowser... aaaand finished 11th. Such a cruel cruel game. Who have you lot been playing as then? Your usual character choice? Or finding yourself someone else to play as?!
  15. Very true. I guess it hasn't done anything for the last 3 years other than sit in a bag under my bed! I was just thinking more whether it'd be worth more later on (inevitable, I know) and whether I should keep it to reap the monetary rewards later. #moneyhungry But I dunno, maybe I will just sell it.
  16. Hmm I see both sides here. I totally get where Retro_Link is coming from, as I would love to see both Mario Golf and Tennis appear on the Wii U, however having got Mario Golf a few weeks back I can safely say it's one of the 3DS' strongest games - particularly the online which is very good! I wish we could just have both! But in all seriousness the reason I think they decided to put both the Mario sports games on the 3DS is probably due to Wii Sports Club. They probably wanted to make that the main sports game for the Wii U even though I know the Mario games are generally a little less realistic and have more gimmicks to them etc. In a perfect world though, E3 will see the reveal of a new Mario Golf / Tennis / Football game for the Wii U! I hope!
  17. Bloody hell dude! SEALED POKEMON BLUE?! How weird - I came here to ask you guys your opinion on something. I am having an eBay clear out and am selling some shit. One thing I found I had which I had almost forgot about, is this: Now. I whacked it on eBay earlier having been torn with whether to keep it. It's been on ebay for like 2-3 hours and is on £75. Would you guys sell it, or keep it? I can withdraw the auction, it doesn't end until Tuesday but I just wondered what y'all thought. Could do with the money lol, but if you guys think it's a foolish move then... : peace:
  18. Ike, you'll have to let me know what Mario and Sonic is like! I'm currently downloading TW101 as my first free game but have no clue what to choose for my second. I'm torn between Game and Wario and Wii Party U, but as I'm more of a lone gamer, I didn't think either would suit me. Plus G&W wasn't meant to be much good? I looked at M&S as I've enjoyed those games before, but that one was reviewed badly so I'd be interested to hear if you think it's worth the free DL! : peace:
  19. If I accidentally click 'view race highlights' one more time!! *Shakes angry fist!!*
  20. I'm enjoying hearing that the online is a bit of mayhem! The league is always brilliant fun, but by the sounds of it the online in MK8 means that anyone could come out on top in a GP! Good to hear! : peace: I haven't bothered with online yet as I want to try and star everything first and get to know the tracks a bit more. Also, I really haven't found a character I'm comfortable with yet. I dunno why as normally I'm all about Peach. However I'm finding Wario/Waluigi to be a little easier to handle. What are the weight classes of the characters? Is there a way to see? I know pressing + gives you the car / wheels / glider stats but anywhere to see character weight classes?
  21. I'd like to know this too!
  22. I really want a re-designed 3ds like Guy mentioned above. Massively unlikely, and probably would be better to wait for the next handheld to avoid even more brand confusion... but one can dream! I'd love to see a new Star Fox, but I'd like to see one like the GC game. I loved that. Super Princess Peach 2 needs to happen, either on the 3ds or Wii U. Not fussy. It just needs to be announced or i'll get violent. A Mario golf / tennis for the Wii U would be most welcome. Seeing how good Mario Kart looks it would be interesting to see how good a sports game would be! Harmoknight for the Wii U would also be most welcome as I loved the 3ds game! Aaand lastly. Captain Toad. A fully fledged adventure! That be all for now!
  23. I agree they're massively over priced. I'm just a sucker for these kinda things! Shopto with some decent-ish prices: 3ds XL Yoshi Limited Ed: £134.86 http://www.shopto.net/3ds-2ds-ds/3ds/3DSHW76-3ds-xl-limited-edition-yoshi-console Paper Mario Sticker Star 3ds: £19.99 http://www.shopto.net/3ds-2ds-ds/3ds/3DSPA01-paper-mario-sticker-star-3ds Prof Layton vs Phoenix Wright: £26.86 http://www.shopto.net/product/search?view=grid&products=3DSLE33,3DSLE36,3DSLE40,3DSMA03,3DSSO01,DSLE33,DSLE37,3DSPR11,3DSSO02,3DSET00,3DSAC54,3DSPA01,3DSHW76,3DSSO02
  24. He is! And after all my pink gold peach chat, it's waluigi i've enjoyed using the most so far?! I am going through all the characters to test them out but some of the lighter characters feel a bit slippy.
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