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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ahh what great news Mokong! Congrats to you and your family!
  2. Oh, I also bought these: Coz I realised once I purchased my phone I have a nano sim and the BB takes a micro sim. Tres confusing. Oh and this!
  3. If that's the case you scored it way too high. Dat chequered sky.
  4. Good to hear your thoughts @Hero\-of\-Time : peace: I'm kinda glad your still with the XBOX for gamerscore purposes. Dat dedication! What are your thoughts on the controller? Better, worse, no real change? I had a hands on with my mates a few weeks back - only had a quick blast on Forza (not my type of game tbh) but the controller was a joy. I loved the 360 one anyway so expected this to be just as good / better. D pad finally seems to be decent which is the biggest win. My mate was yelling at the console to do stuff and literally it was having none of it. He was pissed off as he said it works flawlessly when he's on his own but whenever there was someone else in the room to show it off to, the XBOX got shy haha. Definitely wanting to pick one up myself - but not for a looong while yet, and not until I've seen a PS4 in the flesh / held the controller. Dead Rising looks amazing.
  5. Ashley don't forget your hour on SM3DW for the review. Oooohhhh! Too soon for jokes?
  6. Well after my trauma at the hospital on Christmas night etc, I've been laid up since and have been told to basically do nothing for at least a fortnight. Unfortunately for me, I don't gain weight from doing fuck all and eating, I lose it. What's with that?! Anyway all my hard work in the gym and with my eating to gain 11 pounds is wearing away slowly. I've lost like 3 pounds so far and it's so depressing. I'm trying to eat like I was before, but truthfully, with no exercise from my tennis or gym work I've just not got the same appetite. Spoke to my PT earlier and filled him in on what's happening as he was wandering where I was. He told me to try and eat everything and anything to keep the gains. I'm trying! I really had the gym bug too. Can't wait to get back to it.
  7. Nah, don't worry. It was silly me keeping hold of something I wouldn't use when you could get something out of it. And SM3DL is pretty amazing!
  8. Ok cool - I'll PM it to you now. : peace:
  9. Hey Animal, I have a 3ds XL code that came with my xl console I bought a month or 2 ago. As I already registered an XL I can't use it. I also have no qualifying games to take part in the promotion aaaand I've already got SM3DL so really have no purpose for this. Would you like the code so you can get the game? It's pointless me having it and if you can get some use out of it then you may as well have it. Let me know.
  10. Fuck me Sam! Is it that difficult?! I dread to think ... but I believe I'm close to this point myself. I don't know whether to be pleased or scared!
  11. Did anyone play that Sony Smash Bros rip off? How was the online on that? I'm sure it worked a hell of a lot better than Brawl did but curious to see if there was still slow down given the amount of stuff going on in a game like that. Suppose it would give us an idea on whether a game of this nature could have flawless online. Though I'm not holding my breath.
  12. Yeah it's strange really as behind all of the problems that it has, there really are some great ideas here. I played one of the sandy desert worlds and was genuinely impressed with it - despite dying about 6 times. The thing is though, I expect that with Sonic games, that's their general nature - but this just becomes frustrating as a lot of the lives I'm losing are from elements out of my control. Like trying to home onto a spring which is highlighted but Sonic just decides not to bother and plunge to his death instead. I haven't played this since posting my thoughts earlier but I kinda feel like it now - so maybe I'll try again.
  13. Well I am desperately trying to enjoy this but it really is not happening. I don't know how many times I have lost lives over stupid things that I feel I have zero control over. What the hell is up with the homing attack too? Like I get it's supposed to home in on more than one enemy at a time, but why is it so inconsistent? Am I doing it wrong? One time it hits 2 of the enemies, other times all three, other times just one?! Also, it's impossible to control sonic without holding the run button but when you do he just sticks to every wall and gets stuck! But when you don't press it, he becomes very sluggish. It doesn't help that the game doesn't actually tell you how to control sonic properly - even the wisps. Just draw a like on the touch screen. Well, where? What direction? What does this wisp do? And when you are controlling the wisp, how do you actually control it?! Man, so annoying! Having said that, I still find myself replaying the levels I fail at and moving onto the next zone... So it can't be that bad!
  14. Absolutely. I played loads of that game when it launched. It's a blast to play. Unlocking all of the characters / costumes / weapons and trying to beat your high score is what it's all about. So if that's up your street then you'll enjoy this! It looks great on the console and controls well too. If highly recommend both the RE games on the 3ds, but for a fiver you definitely can't go wrong with this!
  15. Noooo! It's a great game! It's not as good as Mario Tennis on the N64 by any stretch, and the power up shots can sometimes ruin the flow of the game somewhat, but for what it is it's a very fun experience. And at that price I'd definitely recommend it!
  16. I guess this is what makes Smash Bros so special. How one character feels to one person can be totally different to another. For instance, I've always found ice climbers to be a complete waste of time, but in the right hands they're bloody lethal! But as a huge Ness fan, I never enjoyed using Lucas as I found it more difficult to build up damage and his smash attacks to slow to utilise on a consistent basis.
  17. Lucas was ok. But no where near as rounded as Ness is - for me anyway. The only thing Lucas has on Ness is that epic blonde quiff!
  18. Are you actually kiddin me Blade?! So much wrong with this post it's untrue. He / I will bitch slap you with that yoyo and show you how to play smash bros properly (decent online permitting ) - and then you'll know who ness is!
  19. Is the Wii U eShop still down too? And Miiverse. Not great tbh. Like others have said of love it to be because millions of people have bought Wii U's and its system overload, but I'd be kiddin myself haha.
  20. Ok these characters are all well and good... But for the love of god where is Ness?!! Getting concerned now!
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