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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Nice haul EEVILMURRAY. Can't beat a bit of money making! I just bought these recently: Pre-ordered: And this. Which was amazing tbf.
  2. Go S.C.G.! I am not really in a fit state to be thinking about dating just yet what with my recent set back shall we call it?! Anyway I do hope that once that is all done with I can put myself out there in some way and start dating again. I haven't had a date since April last year when I met a guy and ended up dating him for about 3 months. Turns out we weren't really compatible but he was a hell of a nice guy. It makes me a bit sad actually, looking back! Anyways, I'd like to start dating again. First off though I need to get some decent pics of myself. All my pics are like a year old and they're not particularly good. I am not one for having pics taken of me too much but it's something I am hoping to do more this year - when there are photo opportunities I mean. I usually just shy away but I think dating profiles always work better when there are pics of you doing stuff or when you're out socially etc. Can give a better idea of who you are than a selfie in front of a mirror! It'd be really nice to experience that exciting 'I think I really like him/her' moment that a good date can bring. And for him to think it back! And for it to go somewhere!
  3. Lol thanks Fused... dat spectacular 3ds camera.
  4. Happy Birthday Fierce_Link / brah (what even is brah?) Have a great day!
  5. Maybe they could put a light in it to glow different colours. #nextgen Kororinpa is a good shout. I agree with @RedShell on the eShop games being a good fit to see some interesting ways to use the gamepad. I think it would be pretty cool if off TV play was used in a different way too. An example would be like how Sonic Generations used a mix of 2d and 3d gaming styles but on the same level? Why not follow that kind of route again and have the 3d levels on the TV and then the 2d levels then play exclusively on the game pad. You don't control Sonic's movement - he runs through the level at a medium speed, instead it's your job to collect / destroy things within the level using just the touch screen. Sonic is running along, tap him to jump and then tap the enemies on the screen to home in on them. I dunno, think an addictive / good smartphone game idea that people enjoy spending a bit of time with. I think something like that would be good as it uses the game pad in a way that isn't just off TV. It's giving you an alternative look at a level you've just played but it's also adding a totally different control mechanic. Naturally though if this mad idea did come to fruition you could 100% guarantee that controlling Sonic on the touch screen would result in many smashed up game pads given that Sonic can be difficult enough with an analogue stick and buttons! Be nice to see it being used in some fun ways though.
  6. I recently replaced my iPhone 5 with a Blackberry Q10 as I have never fully enjoyed touch type or Apple's lack of dictionary and text input methods. Anyway, I bought an iPod Touch yesterday which arrived today (not opened it yet) as I needed something for all my music and car connectivity. The Blackberry is an amazing phone for me, everything about it I love. The only draw back going from an iPhone to the BB was the music but as I was constantly having to buy high capacity iPhone models (thus costing me more) I was pleased to just have one device for all my music which shouldn't need replacing anytime soon. Unless I break it of course. Tonight though, I got curious about the Blackberry's music system. When doing research on the BB before I bought it, some reviewers said the Q10's music player was a little basic and sometimes difficult to sync with existing music collections. I tried syncing my music with an Android handset a while back and it was just painful (iTunes not helping the matter) so I automatically decided once I bought the BB I'd get an iPod to save any difficulty. However! Out of boredom this evening (still off sick ) I decided to do a test before I opened the iPod and synced all my music to it, and connected my BB up to my computer. The BB Link software (again, often criticised) was brilliant! It links to iTunes and literally everything was there. Albums, playlists, album artwork, everything. Just select, drag and drop. So I dragged a couple of albums - all appeared on the handset fine. Music player looks great, basic but great. So far so good. All that was left to do was check how the music sounded through my headphones. With no equaliser settings on the BB I thought this was where it would fall down. Nope. Sounded just as good as the iPod - if a little lacking on bass but it was only through listening on the BB and switching immediately to the iPod that it became noticeable. So now I've synced just half of my music collection and filled my BB internal storage... but as I can increase the memory, I'm going to buy a memory card (32GB) and whack it all on there. Brilliant! The only test left now is connecting it to my car... and that's the big one. If that doesn't work, dreams will be shattered. I really hope it does though as it will save me a fortune and that iPod can go right back! Never would have thought the music player would be as capable as it is so I'm majorly chuffed. If it works in the car through the USB hook up (which again, I've heard is buggy, but my iPhone didn't even work properly with it anyway so it can only get better!) then I'll be one happy Aneres! All this time off work has had its good points after all! TL: DR - I managed to save myself a load of money by getting my music collection onto my Blackberry which has a pretty great music player and means I don't have to manage 2 devices.
  7. iPod Touch. And this to mount it in the car:
  8. Yeah unless you max out your daily blocks... And no it isn't for me. Which is why I think it's disgusting. But for those who do enjoy that, they can crack on. Good luck to them.
  9. Oh yeah, the App Store will have you believe / think that, but it's a different story in reality. Messages from old men that open conversation with pictures of their cocks or people who won't leave you alone despite you telling them you're not interested (politely) is unwelcome. And I personally don't like the idea of finding someone in my area, exchanging some small chit chat then meeting them in their car for a shag. Standards an all that.
  10. Oh wow that is interesting! Didn't know it was for the gays too! And is this a bad thing Diageo? You should be thankful you're greedy - sorry, bi so you get a wider selection! And yes Grindr is disgusting.
  11. Pics or it didn't happen. I love me some gadget porn.
  12. That's a really nice accessory. I hadn't even thought about a game pad protection case or anything but I guess it's a pretty smart idea. My game pad is stored on a shelf next to the console - completely out the way. I had to buy the charging stand separately as it's not included in the Basic pack but it goes a long way to keeping everything neat and tidy. I have some reward point money from LAME after the SM3DW preorder bonus saga, so I will see what they've got!
  13. All you straight guys and gals need to get on Tinder. It's an app for your phone that links with Facebook. Basically you go on, set a distance for how far you want to search and the app throws up men / women for you to look at and decide if you like them or not. If you do, you click the tick, if you don't you click the cross. The guys / girls you have ticked then go into your 'likes' and if a guy / girl you liked, likes you back - they become a match. You can then begin chatting with them. It feeds a couple of photos through from your profile pics on FB, so if you see the first pic of the guy / girl and think 'hmm, unsure' you can see a few more pics before deciding. Pretty decent app by the looks of it. I only know about it because my sisters have both started using it and are pretty addicted! If only they had one for the gays. That wasn't Grindr. *Shudder*
  14. I ended up downloading it. It doesn't seem to have aged well at all! It's very basic - and when compared to something like Golden Axe it seems even more archaic! I got to level 3 - and then died. I never did complete it. And I'm not confident I'll be changing that any time soon either!
  15. Did anyone download Altered Beast? I mentioned before how this was like one of the games of my childhood, but yesterday I got my Nintendo mag through and they rated it like 25 or something shit! Said it was one of the worst games and didn't really deserve a remake! Was it really that bad or am I looking at it with nothing but nostalgia?!
  16. One of the things I am keen to do this year is to hunt down some more eShop titles. I hardly have any, but the ones I have are all great. And I know there are some already on there - like Mutant Mudds fot example, that I need to give some attention to!
  17. How dare you bring positivity into this thread. In seriousness, I totally agree. I was really impressed with both the games you mentioned. They're the games that really needed to get online right, and for the most part, they did. It will be interesting to see how Smash Bros works. For all of the flack that Wii Sports Club got, I spent ages playing the online on that. It wasn't great in some areas, but for actually getting online and playing someone at tennis, it worked. There was some slow down on the odd match but I had great fun with it.
  18. I was told I needed specs about 4 years ago. I got a pair, and didn't mind wearing them (plus the added vision I was missing was kinda comforting / welcome for driving etc ) but I found when I was playing tennis I started to struggle. I went back to the opticians and asked for contact lenses and have worn them ever since. More so than glasses. I hardly ever wear them now but I did get told on a recent contact lens check up that I had to stop wearing my lenses every day as my eye moisture level was lower than what it should be. I tend to wear my lenses every day and as they're dailies I keep them in from like 6 in the morning til 9 at night. It's just too much. I bought a pair of Ray Bans specs to wear and when I wear them for work I get loads of people telling me how much they suit me. It's strange for me, as I personally don't like wearing them! But it's always reassuring to hear people compliment them. I have tried to cut my lens wearing down and now I have a pair of glasses I'm comfortable wearing, I'm able to give my eyes a welcome break from lenses. Never considered laser eye or anything. Don't think it interests me. I'd hate the idea of something going wrong! Plus, as annoying as lenses are and as much as I HATE putting them in (even after 4 years of doing it), wearing glasses can sometimes be fun.
  19. Ah ok no that's cool. I generally have no problem with anyones opinions - apart from when it gets personal! I am pissed off with Nintendo for a lot of stuff myself but I guess as they're still making quality games I want I can overlook some of the shortfalls. You never know, this time next year Nintendo may have done a total 180 and we could all be singing their praises for the immaculate online, plethora of amazing third party and first party titles and the many ways the gamepad has changed gaming...! Too optimistic...?
  20. You make it sound as if we've had a run in or something?! Why wouldn't we be able to have an enjoyable conversation? I didn't suggest you should leave or stop posting, I just find it strange that you would want to discuss something that you no longer have an interest in. I can't work that out. And I guess because of that I can't relate to your posts as we generally have opposing opinions on the subject. It's not an attack on you. Your opinion is yours. All i'm saying is I disagree with your last post and your want for a product I enjoyed to fail so they would wake up and try something different. They're a business at the end of the day so I'd like to hope they're already well aware of their current sticky position. Given the last year or so it doesn't seem like they're too bothered but hopefully they can turn it around. Well, I hope so anyway.
  21. You want to see it fail so Nintendo will be pushed to do something different? Lol what the hell. You clearly have no interest in Nintendo or their games anymore! And that is completely your choice and I have no problem with it. But just because it doesn't fit in with what you want doesn't mean it isn't going to be a hell of a lot of fun for other people. You're gaming wants / needs have clearly changed and you voted with your wallet and are happy with what others are offering. Great. Enjoy that. But posting that you hope it fails and doesn't sell well when Nintendo are already aware of slow sales really is coming across anti-Nintendo as you rightly put. Just how it appears and it seems unecessary. Like I said i got fed up of my xbox - fatigue etc. But I didn't wish that kinect sold shit or the One fell flat because i'd lost interest and it didn't cater to my wants any longer. I just moved the hell on. Makes no sense to be around something you don't have interest in anymore.
  22. Crack them Goron! Beat the children til they learn!! It's totally true though. I used to work with a woman who's son was 10 and he loved Pokemon so much. She used to say his DS was glued to his hand and his play count was like 400 hours or something stupid. I remember I got a job in another department and then about 6 months after I bumped into her and asked if Michael was still loving Pokemon. She said he'd sold all of his games, his DS and he bought a 360. I was mortified for him! He was all about FIFA LAD. It was such a sad day. Lol - but yeah. No wonder Nintendo are struggling. Even the kiddies don't want a Wii U!
  23. I lost interest in my 360 about a year and a half ago. I was tired of the same genre of games and wasn't really having much fun with the console. Whilst I played many amazing games, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 the highlights for me, and I enjoyed blowing the shit out of people with guns - it grew tiresome after a good number of years enjoying what the console had to offer. There wasn't much left for me to get out of it minus the odd few games and that's all I then used it for. I was tired of it so I moved on and enjoyed something else. It can't be fun to keep going on about it surely? Go and enjoy something else.
  24. This is the one thing that winds me up. People moaning that there are Mario games or Zelda games and not new IP's. New IP's do not sell anywhere near as well. Wonderful 101, Kid Icarus Uprising - both fantastic games, both made with huge amounts of care and both deserving to shift millions. However, neither of them sold particularly well. When the 3DS was released people complained there was no Mario or Zelda. Totally ignoring the fact we got the sublime Pilot Wings and Capcom support in SSF which was also very good. Nintendo need to rely on their core franchises as that's what people expect from them. Whilst it would be nice to see some new ideas coming it's hardly gonna make people buy a Wii U. And if anyone pipes up saying 'Id totally buy one if there was a brand new game that was a new IP and not the usual' - then they're lying. Coz that's already there in Zombi U, W101 and a handful of eShop titles that can't be found anywhere else. But that's hardly worked in shifting the console has it. Whilst I appreciate people want a little more, Nintendo can't do right for doing wrong. They deliver the game of the year in SM3DW and they're bringing familiarity to the console in 2014 with a glorious line up of first party titles in DK, Smash Bros, Kirby, Yoshi, and Mario Kart - plus new additions in Watch Dogs, X and Bayonetta - and this still isn't enough apparently. Ah well, I know I'll enjoy these games on my Wii U, so I'm happy.
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