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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. One of the greatest performances from her IMO! So fucking brilliant. Lewinsky-Ga. :p And dat end minute and a bit! Amazing.
  2. I am LOVING all of these pics of the promo madness!! I will just leave this here too:
  3. Saaaaame. Can't wait to rub my face on cat Mario's belly! And yes - I will actually be doing that. This game is out in like 3 days and I am not sensing much hype yet people. Come on!! Lets get HYPED bitches!!!
  4. Nice to see you post Lens of Truth! And a good post it is! It is great that the Wii U is finally getting some positive press, especially when it is warranted for the most part. Everyone knows the console still has some way to go (online being the biggest issue), but when you look at it for what it is (a gameing machine) there really is nothing better out there. Naturally some will prefer the games coming out on the other consoles, but no one can deny that real love, charm and attention to detail comes from Nintendo games and it's rarely found elsewhere. Hopefully it will result in more sales during the Christmas period and moving into new year. Without sounding negative though - if the console isn't readily available then it's going to be tough for this mini hype wave to translate into sales with no supermarkets presently on board etc. That's my only concern.
  5. Seriously?! That is the most retarded thing ever.
  6. I made treacle toffee flap jack earlier due to treacle toffee being my favourite thing on the planet at the minute... Treacley, malty, chewy, oaty goodness!
  7. Please tell me you can choose which button is run and which is jump? As in can we run using B? If not I will be seriously pissed off as it'll render the game virtually unplayable for me! Mario 3D land was a bitch to control coz run was mapped to the A button.
  8. You're only just buying it now?! It's all about 'Adore You'. Greatest track on there. : peace:
  9. Same. Although I don't have a hatred for GAME ha. I think they're crap price wise, but find them good for the odd offer every now and again and they're not bad on trade in's sometimes. But yeah, that sleeve is a treat - can't wait to get my hands on that!
  10. We really don't need to go over it again... Just read the old thread if you need to satisfy your curiosity. :awesome: In Mario game related news do we know if this supports the pro controller? I still haven't found much of a use for mine but think this would be a pretty good game to use it with - unless of course the game pad is used in such a way that it'd be foolish to play with anything but that. Which I doubt!
  11. I downloaded the 3ds demo last night - the game play wasn't too bad at all but the game looked like ass. Dat compressed video work Looked terrible. Definitely gonna try the Wii U version out tonight which I expect to be a lot better. The 3ds version seemed like the type of game to buy once the price had dropped - but I don't think I could even stretch at a tenner for it!
  12. Thanks @Agent Gibbs !! It aroused me. Looks a joy!
  13. No... I still need to go and get all those necklace things that you told me about. It will happen - but once again I got stuck and ended up on something else that took over my time. In this case Pokemon and Phoenix Wright... I'm a terrible person.
  14. What does concern me, is that this is Zelda. Which means I am likely to not finish it... Especially coz Mario comes out the week after and I just know the minute I get that everything else will go to hell... Maybe this would be better as Christmas gift for Aneres? Hmmm.
  15. I'll be very disappointed if you don't provide pictures upon arrival. After you've stopped staring at its beauty of course... :p
  16. I've never posted in here before but just needed some quick advice if anyone can help. I'm skinny. Like really skinny ha, and I hate it. Long story short I've just started personal training sessions. Had first one last week, loved it, had second one last night. He really pushed me but I liked it, despite feeling like I was gonna pass out ha. Today, I've played tennis in the afternoon and when I got home I was sat with my left arm (I'm left handed) resting on the arm of the chair (cup of tea in hand) and as I lifted my forearm to my mouth to drink my tea my elbow hurt a little and I felt a pop. Now it does it everytime I extend then bring my forearm toward me - like a bicep curl thing. It isn't painful (or too painful) but it pops and I don't like it. Any idea what this could be? My right arm doesn't do it, but I noticed yesterday when pushed on reps with some of the lifts my left arm was still ok - but my right was failing ha. I feel I could have done something when doing press ups on the parallel bar things he has on the floor that I lower myself onto and push up from. They were killers and my left arm may have strained from that in particular. I've felt really upset about it tonight actually as for the first time in my life I've felt totally overwhelmed with this passion to make a change to my body. I've never been happy with my physique but the PT sessions have been fantastic for my confidence and I'm just about to start my new nutrition plan and get my recommended protein when I get paid on Friday - as well as start using the gym alone 3-4 times a week outside my PT session. If I have to stop for whatever reason I will be absolutely gutted. Sorry for long post, just wondered if anyone had any advice or had seen / heard something similar and could point me in right direction. I'm gonna nip in to see my PT after work tomorrow just to fill him in on it and see what he says, but til then can't help but feel it could be something bad that prevents me doing something I really wanna do.
  17. I agree Frank. I had kinda lost interest and then Artpop shot her right back into the forefront of my musical mind! And I love her all the more now. It's such a fantastic album too. Gypsy is a cracking song, I have a feeling that's gonna be a single at some point. I still believe sexxx dreams is the greatest thing ever. I love Aura (dat chorus), love G.U.Y, Venus is bonkers but could still be a huge hit for her. Do what you want is an incredible track and I always look forward to that part of the album when it comes on. I really like Swine particularly the end and the chorus. I've come to appreciate Applause a little more now too. Still a brilliant song but sounds so great like Steve says at the end. Brilliant!
  18. Interesting Jamba. In-ter-esting. How much!
  19. Just noticed Argos are now selling the game pad battery expansion thing! May have to pick one of those up before Mario comes along next week. Those who have it - is it a noticeable difference?!
  20. It was a joke. As for the last statement. Pot kettle.
  21. It was a half joke. I have always enjoyed reading all the N-E reviews, Ashley - and your stuff too, particularly the 2ds overview which after having a hands on with one myself was pretty spot on. Having said that, I did find that your review of this game wasn't as enthusiastic as other reviews. And I'm not talking about the score either as I don't use scores to decide if the game is good or not. That's for me to do when I play it. This just felt like you were reviewing it because you had to. Whereas I honestly think some like S.C.G for example would have relished it! And I think that would have come across in the review. And again, I don't mean the scoring. That's just how it felt to me. But as I say I think generally the N-E reviews are great and always look forward to them.
  22. I have an idea. In future please give all Nintendo reviews to S.C.G. This is all I ask. Many thanks bye.
  23. I haven't played the game yet I'm afraid... Give the reviews a read.
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