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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Just spent a stupidly long amount of time taking advantage of the new update and changing the background colour and dashboard colours before finally setting on a nice BLUE theme! Finally, my One no longer looks black and boring! It's the small things that keep me happy!
  2. Ha sorry. Although that would be cool. Sounds like they have fun with it! I just absolutely hate football.
  3. Hmm Majora's Mask is a good shout for the 3ds, although it is one that is always mentioned by people. Heck, even in the Wii U specific Directs people still say MM for 3ds will be revealed... Obviously I'm here for Super Princess Peach 2 #sickofsayingit #woulddie #whatever However I would settle for something that would freshen the system up a bit. Even if it was Mario, again... Just something to make the 3ds seem worth wanting to play again. Especially with the New 3ds on its way. Do we reckon a release date will come out in this Direct?
  4. Hahahahaha @RedShell. If it's not your home made Mario Kart gif's with the manic horn tooting that have me in hysterics it's the ones you've found online!! Wait hang on... That is one you found online right...? Or is that... Is that actually you?! This should be good. I am praying PRAYING for 3ds goodness. I'm more than happy with what is coming to the Wii U in 2015 (that we know of), so I just need some good 3ds titles now that are not Japanese RPG's. sorry for fans of this genre! (Pokemon excluded) It's feelin a little barren on the old handheld compared to last year. And yay for Iwata! : peace:
  5. Been on this now for around 6 hours. It's really starting to come into it's own now for me. Enjoying it so much. I found it really tricky to get myself from one point to the next on the map without falling off something, or forgetting to press X to grind or A to jump on cars or whatever, but now I've got that down it's just a joy to play. I absolutely love when I have to get from one place to another. Even going across the water is fun! The boss battles in this are completely epic! I've just bought a load of new weapons and some of them are very Ratchett and Clank. I like how they can be upgraded too. Only bit I haven't found myself so struck on so far is when you have to defend the base. I always fail. Or die so end up having to start again. I never know which traps are best to put down and more importantly where is best to put them to protect that sweet overcharge. The game is clearly really long which is great and there is loaaaaads to do after the story is finished. Collecting cell phones, toilet paper, balloons, sneakers! Part of me thinks that's gonna be quite fun too as it's just more reason to get around the city! Loving the game so much. How's everyone else who's got it finding it?! Please don't tell me your playing COD in space of it either, or I may remove you from my friend list... :p I kid I kid. Kinda...
  6. Nice one S.C.G. What is your gamertag? Unless I add you back I won't see you as a friend! I played some online Forza with a mate last night. Was fun We went through these 'Bucket List' challenges in Co-op. Things like 'break the speed limit', so there are speed cameras on the road and a target of, say 350MPH. The aim is to both drive through the speed camera and get a combined score of 350MH or over to scratch it off the bucket list. Others are like, 'beat sundown in the Ferrari'. Basically drive like a madman to try and get to the destination before sundown. It combines your timings and gives you a combined target to smash. Really good fun! Had a bit of trouble with my headset adapotor though, for some reason my mate couldn't hear me. I was only using my cheap Apple headphones but when I swapped them out to the pair I got with my BlackBerry, it was fine. Apparently Apple headsets don't work well with it! Managed to bag myself XBOX Live for £23 last night too! For 12 months! Get on CDKeys.com and 'like' their facebook Page for an additional 5% off their already cheap price and you're good to go! Arrives in seconds!
  7. Just seen this: Ugh. So many. Well, there's 4 of those that I'd like to buy. Firstly Halo which I think I'm definitely gonna buy. Lego Batman is always a solid title. Far Cry looks like it's gonna be good and I've never played GTA so wouldn't mind picking that up too. When does the November update hit?!
  8. I'll probably pick this up. Never really been a fan of the series but I did only play 3 in co-op with mike1988uk. And hated it. But I will give it another shot. I did have a brief play of Halo 2 years ago and I remember enjoying that. Seems like good value for money anyway! Up for co-op online too if anyone else is! : peace:
  9. Just added you both. It seems I had 2 new activity alerts in the friend system which I only just seen from you both. So I accepted and then I became a 'follower' of you, which has now allowed me to view you as friends. Think with the One, you both have to add each other? Is that right? The 360 was just someone has added you accept / decline. That was easier! Or has it always been this way?! Flameboy - I didn't see your comment until just now re Sunset Overdrive, so I apologise! Cool that you can like and comment on others activities though! That's a good feature!
  10. I've probably put around 3 or so hours into this game so far. I love it. It's completely mad. In a good way! The characters I've encountered so far are all hilarious, the dialogue has had me laughing out loud, and the game play itself is literally a joy. The times when I find myself running on the ground I get bored within seconds. It's so slooooow. It does actually say during the loading screens 'looking for the sprint button? It's called grinding..." SO TRUE! When you're running across walls, bouncing on cars and grinding across telephone wires, things go much quicker. The fact that a lot of the game is mission based, so "grab this and get it to here" means you spend a lot of time covering miles in the city. Best way (and most fun way ) to do that is to stay off the ground! Plus it keeps you alive for a lot longer too! The 'announcer' guy who basically talks at you has had me in hysterics. I love it when he says things are gonna get "BAT SHIT CRAZY!" Cracks me up. For as much enjoyment I'm getting out of this so far, I am wondering whether the whole game will consist of these 'go find this and bring it back' missions. I like them, but I'm currently on a mission to build a new propellor for a helicopter thing, and that has ended up being broken down into like 4 other missions to help with the main mission. It's fine and everything, but I just want the damn propellor! I'm really glad I went with the bundle for this game and picked up a One because of it (and other One exclusives). It's just so much fun to play. I haven't been this into a game experience for a long time. : peace:
  11. So what is everyone's gamertag then? I know most of you have already given it but I can't be arsed trawling back... I'm Aneres11 Need to add you lot so I can get some friends going, I only have about 4 at the min who play theirs quite regularly.
  12. Yeah I discovered pins late last night after my last post! I actually think they're a really good feature. At least all the stuff you want or need is just to the side rather than trawling through a few pages to get what you want. I like you can pin apps and downloaded games there too. And yeah, I'm kinect-less. Newer consoles are bundled without it and I don't have any need for it in my tiny room! Although I did notice when typing the Sunset Overdrive code in that it can be scanned with kinect which I thought was pretty genius! It does seem like the One group is growing a bit! I had no idea there weren't too many with one until I was looking into getting one and ventured into here! But it's great to see that there's loads of discussion going on in here now! And that it's mostly positive! I mean, I understand all the consoles have their negative talking points and it makes for good talking comparing them, but the One does have its plus points which are worth shouting about too! Will post more thoughts later once I've messed and played some more. Need to try out my accessories too! ---------------- double posted Spent some more time this evening on the console. Everything seems to make a bit more sense now although I am still learning where everything is and how to change things. I was noticing that every time I turned the console on, I had to sign in and enter my password. Every frickin time!! but turns out there's an option to turn that off... So all is good now. Everything has downloaded and installed nicely. Unlocked a few achievements whilst playing Sunset Overdrive earlier. Very nice new achievement layout too. I like how you can immediately see what achievement you have unlocked by holding the home button, and how the achievement list 'snaps' to the side and let's you see what you've unlocked and not unlocked. Also like how it shows a percentage of how far you are into unlocking an achievement. Very impressed here. : peace: I do enjoy an achievement hoard. I tried my headset adapter out just now... I literally am so impressed with this thing. Obviously I only tried it whilst solo gaming, but the sound was great coming through my headphones rather than the TV! Having the option to flick between game sound and chatting in a party or online by just pressing a button is also really good, same with muting. I dunno if PS4 does this with just a pair of headphones plugged into the controller (be even more impressive than this if it did!) but it's a great new gaming feature I've never really thought about before. But I love it. Definitely glad I picked one of these up! Still not got round to plugging my sky box into the One yet and seeing what it's like through that, but am quite eager to do so. Will probably be tomorrow now as I've spent 2 hours on Sunset Overdrive and now wanna little blast on Forza before I get to sleep. So far so good though. I am feeling more and more content with my purchase the more time I spend on it! The games are helping of course, as both Forza and SO are incredible.
  13. I'm at work so can't write much back, but delicious S.C.G. DELICIOUS.
  14. Hahahaha I lold. Poor wording there from me! :p And yeah I did exactly the same thing when I opened Forza! I was like whut?! Why is the disc the other side?! But I kinda liked it! Well, turns out my console just didn't want to download as it wouldn't download apps either. I turned it off and back on and it worked ok but Sunset Overdrive will only install to the system and won't actually be playable until tomorrow - or midnight. I had a quick go on Forza after being very confused by the install it did :huh: and it was great. Can see me spending lots of time with the game! Didn't get chance to try out the battery plug an charge or the headset adaptor but will hopefully do all that tomorrow night. Still confused by the console a bit. Find it all a bit difficult to navigate, it's very cumbersome despite being quick and fluid. The installs were the most confusing thing though. During Forza I got a notification saying install stopped. I didn't check what it was for as I couldn't be arsed so just turned the console off and am now in bed! Will find out tomorrow I guess! Love to hear some Sunset Overdrive thoughts though if you get chance to play! : peace:
  15. So I've finallllllly unboxed it and found some space for the console! @S\.C\.G - you were right it is big! But not as big as I was expecting. I have seen one before, but it was tucked into a cabinet and didn't look huge, but it definitely is a big piece of kit! I managed to fit it on my shelf (hooray) here is a pic of it with my other consoles! Now I just need that white PS4 and I got the set! Not gonna happen yet though! Ha. The console itself is really nice in white. Liking it a lot... Shiny. Aaaand one of the controller. Coz it's also sexy! Dat feel. So good. So I hate the menu. As expected... Haha. But I dunno how to move stuff about on it. Can you do that? Not that I'd know what I'd move an stuff... But I need to download some apps etc and it'd be good to have some of them on the main screen. Everything seems tucked away and I'm not a big fan of that. I loved scrolling to the right on the 360 and seeing you friends list nice and clearly and what they were doing and seeing their avatars do a little jig etc... gutted that's not there anymore. :/ Feels like it's lost some personal touch. Also, I tried to download Sunset Overdrive as per my download code, was literally having none of it. Said there was an error. I'm guessing it's because I can't download it until midnight or tomorrow or something when it's actually released? Sorry for all the questions! The system runs so smooth and quick though. It sure makes the Wii U app opening and turning on and off seem archaic even though they have improved that a lot.
  16. I thought Happenstance loved his One?! :p Mine is here! However, it isn't being opened until I've been the gym so off I go!
  17. See I don't think I'd use freeview with it, but Sky would be a good one as I absolutely hate hate hate the Sky menus. It's just got worse and worse over the years and is so user-unfriendly! So I will deffo give it a try and see how I fare. Got another text before, console is coming between 1 and 2. And no one is home. Well, my dad is... but he's on nights so will be in bed. Hopefully he'll be up in time!
  18. Mine coming tomorrow too! But no one is in... In other news, do any One owners have their Sky box plugged into their One? I know you can do it but I'm wondering whether it works well or not? I mean, do people even 'snap' TV to the side?! I think it's a good idea when I'm keeping track of a tennis match and I have to change the tv output and pause the game to have a quick look. But that's few and far between! I am looking forward to testing all these little tricks out though. See how well this 'TV TV TV TV' works!
  19. Yeah same here. And I don't see why not! ShopTo are normally brilliant with delivery so hopefully it'll be tomorrow!
  20. Standard Sonic fan boying Mike! I'd expect nothing less! ha. Made my sponsor! Well done all! : peace:
  21. Haha that's always been my kinda thought! But I love how Forza has all the different cars and how their interiors are spot on! Level of detail is incredible! I will try Forza and if I get on with it, great! But if not I'll be trading it in and picking something else up. It's not my normal type of game tbh but I thought I'd try something different having enjoyed the little go I had on Forza 5 a while back! : peace:
  22. I seen that earlier. Quite a good price tbh although even if they gave it away for free I don't think I could be tempted. Granted I have only played the beta on my mates One a few months ago before it launched, but it just didn't do anything for me. Maybe some form of co-op would entice me (I know there is a co-op mode, right?) but even then I just can't get excited or enthused about it! However for those of us new to the One, or thinking about getting one, this is a great deal! Sunset Overdrive and One bundles are showing as in stock with ShopTo now, so hopefully dispatches will start happening soon! : peace: Also, anyone on here got Forza Horizon 2?! Any good for multiplayer?!
  23. Thanks for posting your thoughts @S\.C\.G! : peace: All sounds relatively promising although I get exactly where you're coming from with the step back comment. I think both xbox and ps owners have thought that about both the new consoles as although they both have a wealth of new features, from my looking into how they perform they're both criticised for not doing some basic stuff their previous gen version did. Re the search function... isn't that coming in the November update?! Or is that something else? But yeah, I totally expect to feel the same as I last played my xbox when the dashboard was really good! Like amazing! Then they made it shirty with the windows stuff but at least it's customisable now to a degree! I can't wait to get that controller in hand. Definitely the best controller I've held outside of the GC. Glad you managed to find somewhere for it though! I'm still arguing with myself over where would be best!
  24. Just got a receipt from ShopTo for my console... *awaits dispatch note... Any chance of a Wednesday delivery... (wishful thinking..!)
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