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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I was in town earlier today and went into LAME but there was no signs of any of the figures there. Took myself to Grainger Games and they had loads. No Peach though, so no deal... The Mario one looked most impressive to me. Dat fireball. Mm mmmm.
  2. Is anyone actually buying these to use, or just to keep sealed?! I'm wondering whether they're more use sealed for collectible purposes or actually open for in game use! :p
  3. The steel book is so nice! I'm really impressed with what's included. Took a pic for those interested!
  4. My order from the Nintendo store arrived today. Not home til 8 so can't play tonight probably. But good on Nintendo getting it out quickly! Went for Sapphire and it's the steel book version with the figure!
  5. Cheers for the tip I'll have a look into it! The only thing I am struggling with so far is touch typing. I just do not like it. I know some people love it and are lightning quick with it, but the amount of mistakes that I make is ridiculous. Definitely gonna be a steep learning curve to get used to it after a full qwerty keypad.
  6. My Xperia Z3 Compact arrived today. First time with Android and I didn't really know what I was doing to be honest. I haven't put the phone down all night though since I got in from work. I had all my music saved to an SD card on my BlackBerry and it had all my album art work on but this had been transferred to my BB using BB link on my MacBook, directly from iTunes where all my music is. Some music is bought direct from iTunes (not much though), other music is burned off cd into iTunes and the rest are downloaded from elsewhere. Amazon, tesco mp3, whatever. So I was a little bit unsure how this was gonna pan out. Turns out, as soon as I put my micro SD into the Xperia it just found all my music instantly. All album artwork, even the playlists I'd created on my BlackBerry!! And the Xperia music player is amazing. Android itself, well I am really enjoying it. At first I did not like all the stuff cluttering up my screen like weather, images that directed me to the shop when clicked, google apps everywhere... : but when I realised it was all removable and that I could have it as simple or as cluttered as I wanted, I was off. Having used iOS for ages then going to BB10 (which is very much an in between of iOS and android and I liked it a lot) and now Android, I really like the way Android puts you in control of how you want your phone to be. Not to mention the phone itself being really really nice. Apparently I'm still running KitKat? Think I read somewhere that the newer OS launches officially next year maybe? Great stuff so far though.
  7. I had this pre-orered from the Ninty shop and completely forgot all about (I'd decided I was gonna ask for it for Christmas off my sister, not realising I'd put a pre-order in months ago) but I got an email this morning saying 'Your order is on its way!' I was like "what order?!" Then I realised and was like... Urgh.
  8. Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. Making the move to Android.
  9. Thanks Cube. From looking into it more after I posted, that seems to be the general consensus. I just really like the Samsung Galaxy Alpha. But the Xperia Z3 Compact is looking delicious too and I'm in the market for a phone that isn't the iPhone. I currently have the BB Passport and it's an amazing device but I'm having some issues with certain things after using it for the last 2 months that are beginning to make me want to switch. I won't bore with that though! But yeah, Sony seems to be the better for the UI.
  10. Question for Android users... Does anyone have experience in Sony handsets running Android (namely the newer Z series) and Samsung running Android (namely the Galaxy series)? Any advice over which is better than the other? I know some will say there are alternative handsets that do away with bloat ware completely and are probably better choices than these for the UI experience... But just these 2 for now would be great if people have any opinions! : peace: Thanks
  11. I think these look so bad. I still can't get over the difference of the prototype ones that someone posted and how they look now.
  12. Ooohh sweet! You need to plaaaaayyy! It's damn good. : peace:
  13. @Hero\-of\-Time - You still got your One? You could probably get through the whole story and nab all the cheevo's for the time you get it for free! : peace: Well worth trying out for those with a One who haven't took the plunge yet!
  14. I like this thread! Funny you mention it actually, as I don't play the lottery ever. I dunno why. My whole family do it religiously, sisters are in a syndicate at work etc, but I just never do it. Funny though at work last week. The lady I sit next to had to reset a password for one of our systems and she'd bee on hold for about half an hour. When she finally hung up, she was trying to think of a password to set as her new one. I could see she was trying words and getting errors as she said she'd used those words previously. So I just blurted out "Autumn14!" And she stopped, looked at me and went, "Shut the fuck up, I have just typed that!" She then proceeded to make me watch her type in the 'confirm password' box, 'Autumn14' and hit enter and it saved. We were both like 'omg' haha. Weird too, as I have no idea where that came from! My password is nothing like that (not that I'd bark it out to her to try anyway!) So the guy sat behind me also on our team grabbed a pen and went 'Quick - lottery number!' To which I then blurted out the first 6 numbers that came into my head. He actually wrote them down too and said he was going to put it on haha. He isn't in work this week until Thursday... so if he doesn't show he's either fled the country as a millionaire, or he's pulling a sicky to play GTA. So yeah, my psychic voodoo-ness could have extended past just thinking of an exact password someone else was typing and was also thinking of at the same time, and I could have helped someone win the lottery. Highly unlikely, but was deffo worth a shot!
  15. Wll sorry for having my opinion that it's a shit track. :p But it really is one of the worst imo. And that's comparing it to allll of the tracks in this game. For me, it doesn't go anywhere. It isn't graphically stunning like Cloudtop Cruise (I can't remember if that's it's official name ), the Dolphin Shoal one and others, it's just It's like my hatred for Electrodome though. Some think it's the best track in the game so what do I know?!
  16. Oh no. Noo no no. Wario's Gold Mine is a great track. The Yoshi Circuit is it? - Is a great track. F-Zero and Hyrule are great tracks. The ice one is so... However, I'd take it over the sodding Electrodome any day!
  17. Downloaded this last night. What a fuckin trauma. Firstly, it needed a system update. Then, it needed a Mario Kart update. Then it needed the DLC to download, even though I'd already paid for it months ago. Then that needed to install. 45 minutes later, good to go. It was quote painful. However, my Wii U hadn't been in stand by as I had unplugged it a week or so ago and not turned the console on (it was powered on, but hadn't been powered up), so that probably explains it. Still, was annoying. The DLC, I loved it. Ice Ice Outpost is garbage. Ice worlds are always my favourite in any game, so this was such a disappointment. I finished the first lap and was like SRSLY?! The other tracks were all brilliant. Loved the Excite Bike track. That's one for the league where anyone can walk away with the win! I like those tracks for that reason! As others have said re the Zelda track that is just pure brilliance from start to finish. The sound effects, the rupee instead of the coin, everything is just so good. I definitely felt that was the best track out of the bunch. I love that they've added this DLC on. MK8 was already one of my favourite games of the year and it's so refreshing to see Nintendo build on what was already an amazing game and keep delivering the goods with it. Very impressive. One thing I didn't get was Cat Peach. Now I obviously love Peach , but come the fuck on Nintendo. She's already there as her normal amazing self, her baby self, her pink gold self and now in a frigging cat suit! I'm always up for more Peach but some more inventiveness wouldn't go amiss! : peace:
  18. I really don't understand what they're doing with Sonic. They looked to finally be getting their act together with Colours (even though I didn't like that, but have often been shot down for saying that by some who loved it ) and Generations which I personally thought was a bit of a highlight. The day stages of Unleashed still, imo, remain the best Sonic gameplay since the Mega Drive games. And Generations took that a bit further and mixed it with great 2d stages to deliver a very solid game. And now this. I mean what the actual fuck. Who gave this the ok? The only worrying thing, is the possibility of this ending up being a decent seller at christmas which would be so frustrating for those of us who actually want a decent sonic game and not one that's just churned out for the dollar.
  19. Lol, yeah I said it once. Shoot me. And I kinda wasn't saying wht you think I'm saying, but that's probably more to do with how I said it than your interpretation. It's still early to me I was more talking about a point Hero made which I think hits the nail on the head. This one: I love quirky, colourful, charming games, especially platformers, but if these type of games don't resonate with you then the console will be a bit of a dud for you. If you are looking for realistic looking games, ones with a narrative, online features and such then your argument that the Wii U has the best lineup doesn't hold true. Like I mentioned, its all subjective. I prob shoulda quoted him, but again, s'early for sleepy Aneres. But yeah, I wasn't calling anyone out, it was more of a generalisation purely coz I wouldn't bother posting about something if it didn't appeal to me though I appreciate there are folk on here who do want moar from Ninty as well as what they currently offer. Myself included, to a degree.
  20. Some interesting points raised. I agree with both Kaepora and Hero's posts. Particularly the Bayonetta thing. Looks great, reviewed great, glowing praise from those playing it. Zero interest from me. Do not care for that genre at all. So I don't post in there. I may be out of turn saying this, and apologies if I am as I'm not saying that people shouldn't have a voice... but I don't understand why people do post in here if they are not interested in the Wii U or if they feel like Nintendo no longer cater to their gaming needs. Not because I don't want to read 'negative' opinions or posts, but because I kinda feel like - what's the point?! Why spend time talking about what the company are no longer doing for you when you can (and most people are) getting what you do want elsewhere? It'd be like me going into the One or the PS4 thread and saying how much I hate that the games are too centred around online, like Destiny and Titanfall. I don't do it. Because those things don't appeal to me so it'd be pointless me going in there and ruining everyone elses enjoyment who do love that kind of thing. Yet for some reason, we always end up with the same circular argument on here. I dunno if the point I'm trying to make is coming across, but I guess I just dont understand some of the discussion on this thread. If Nintendo patched in cracking online servies and voice chat to all of their current and future games this morning, there would still be people who wouldn't be interested because they no longer want to play the games that are on offer and prefer what is up for grabs elsewhere. And that's cool. But why then waste your time posting about something you no longer care for? Surely it can't bring any joy?! Or I may be missing the point! If so, sorry peeps!
  21. Aaaaand game complete. Finished it just now. Probably my favourite game of the year so far. Dat ending. needs to be played. The game just got better and better in my opinion. It went from being fun to play to just an absolute joy. All I have is glowing praise for it, from the scale and size of the city, to how you get around the city with the unique 'stay off ground' method, the boss battles, the characters, the story, the writing - it was just all genius!! The only negative I would have is that the game looked to be filled with these overcharge creatures that are basically the way they are because of the Fizzco drink that infected them. But they don't feature much at all. They are on the street as you roam around and you encounter them a lot, but the main enemies were the 'Fizzco Bots' which were much harder to kill and take down. There were various forms of them too, some with guns, some with guns and swords, big bad ass ones ' I'd have liked to have seen more special infected kinds than robots. But it's a small gripe. The game could have been longer, think I did it in 10 or so hours. Parts were broken up with doing menial tasks to get certain character tribes on board to help you get out of the city which I felt was a way of fleshing the story out but felt more like side missions. Still as I've said previously, because it was so fun to get round the city it was never a chore. I really really hope there is a follow up to this. It just demands it. Ha as if... Just sat typing this watching the closing credits and the cut scene after has made me very happy... I'll say no more. But yeah, everyone with a One needs to play this. Fuck Halo. Fuck COD. Fuck FIFA LAD. Fuck them all at once. I guarantee you will love this. And if you don't you will lol at the story / characters. At least once. Now to get all the collectibles! : peace:
  22. Wii...? Is that you? Did you hack Kav?! :p
  23. It's any wonder people with a ps4 know when their mates are online given that there's no sign in notification! I be trollin I just bought a One and have been really enjoying the different games that has to offer, but I feel it compliments my Wii U nicely. The best thing about it though, is that it has given me the opportunity to play games I haven't experienced before. Forza Horizon 2 for example. Never been interested in car games or simulations throughout all my gaming years. But when I got a hands on with it at a mates and it piqued my interest I thought I'd take the plunge, new console an all that! It's brilliant. I can't put it down. I'm playing co-op in it with a mate I haven't seen or spoke to since March, catching up as we play together, it's great! It's adding another layer to gaming for me. So I can appreciate how people want the same functions in the Wii U. It's the same as how it was last gen for me though, the Wii gave me the Nintendo exclusives that in my eyes, are not to be missed out on, and the 360/ps3 provided the third party and online games I liked to play. Both do things the others can't and both have their plus and minus points. Some people think in an ideal world one console will fit all and do everything but I'd hate that. I like that there's something different on the table with all 3 consoles, it gives people a choice. The only downside to that is when someone is called out for making their choice and made to feel like they've done something wrong, which pisses me off. I'm always knew it would be 2 consoles for me, and I am happy with that. I understand those who don't want to though but can't help but feel like they might miss out. And as a fan of gaming (obviously) that's quite sad
  24. Yeah I looked through my cheevo's but none of them were good enough for background so I went for a solid colour. Cant believe the difference it has made! Looks much better! : peace:
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