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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Do you need to use the Wii remote and nunchuck for these games on Wii U or can you use the game pad / pro controller?!
  2. That's the kind of incompetence I like.
  3. I didn't like it. I loved the first, but this frustrated me and I can't remember why now. It may have been Yoshi... Anyway, shall download and try again!
  4. I absolutely love the MP franchise, but the series has been pretty shit for some time now. Mario party DS was a return to form after it completely lost its way, and I'm hoping this will be more stripped back and see a return to collecting stars to win. The video shows Peach winning a star so it seems like it could be going back to that! The mini games are always solid though.
  5. Oh right ok. It just seemed like they've hardly made any use of the first ones and now they've got these. But I guess that's just Nintendo. I like these ones loads more though. And Toad is there! Hooray!
  6. Wait, they've changed them? What's going on here?
  7. Really liking the look of that. I was concerned about the environment tbh, it looked like it might get samey quite quickly, but these screenies have eased that concern! Looks great
  8. Wait hang on. When I loaded up my 3DS then it brought up a notification about the direct and there was a NESS AMIIBO on there. Is there a Ness amiibo?! *Salivates.
  9. Thanks @S\.C\.G I got a code though! Although, it's not a series that I'm bothered about tbh. I've downloaded the demo, purely to give the New 3DS second control nub a go and if I end up enjoying it, then bonus! So yeah, anyone wanting a code lemme know.
  10. Oh hey an argument! I thought ignore lists were being used here? Anyway, pretty standard Direct. Not watched yet as I was at tennis at 2 and only just got in. Monster Hunter does nothing for me. Not too fussed on the majority of 3DS stuff. Probably the best thing to come out of it for me is the Wii games on Wii U game pad. That's a feature that should have been there from the start. But exciting none the less!
  11. Of course they wouldn't know but they asked me if I had and I said yes and that's when the problem started. So its a good thing to remember for anyone who may have a similar problem (though unlikely) in future.
  12. I've used them a lot and they've always been okay for me, this episode aside. Moral of the story is not to turn something on that has a physical defect. Or say you haven't even if you have.
  13. What an epic. So I called back this morning. Armed with my Citizens advice knowledge haha. Got through to a lady where I explained the situation (again) and told her everything. She said that the notes in front of her on my acc said that there was no chance of a refund but she would speak to the aftercare team to see what they said. On hold. She came back and said, yeah - nothing we can do as the item was turned on. They're saying they wont do anything. So I then gave my Citizens Advice number a debut said that under the Sales of Goods act 1979 they are in fact breaking the law as an item has been sent to me that is not of satisfactory quality. She started talking over me telling me to go to the complaints team and I just stayed calm and said to her - I am not looking to raise a complaint, I am trying to organise a return for a faulty / damaged item that you have sold me. You are the customer services department and I am calling with a customer servicing query. It isn't a complaint YET. To which she then said - I've spoke to aftercare they will not do anything So I just cut her up this time and said - then transfer me to aftercare and I'll speak to them myself. So away I go to aftercare, fuming that I've got no where again, also because of the fact they hung up on me last night when I went through to them. Got through to a lady who I explained everything to AGAIN, and she said - because you've turned it on you've actually 'accepted' the goods which means we can't do anything. I looked into this 'accepting' goods last night on Citizens advice, and it's a bit of a grey area. Basically you are not accepting goods when you take delivery and find the fault, but could be classed as acceptin them if you use the item, then decide to make the fault known. This was their angle with me turning on. However I explained that the only reason the item was turned on was to make sure that this defect on the tablet didn't extend elsewhere as I was asked when I originally called if there were 'any other problems' with the item. As it is electrical, how would I know unless I turned it on. I also pointed them to their own website which makes a point of mentioning the Sales of Goods act: Screen shot courtesy of @Mike1988uk last night when discussing To this, she then said, right I'll pop you on hold and speak to someone further about this. Ok. She hung up. Line went dead. :mad: :mad: :mad: By this point I was ready to get in the car and drive to the offices and have it out. I rang back, AGAIN. Went through all of the options. And as I got to the advisor who said - how can I help today, my mobile rung. I told him to hang on a sec and it was the lady who cut me off. I then hung up on the Very advisor and thought - see how you fucking like it. I spoke with the lady from tech and she apologised and said her phone had done that twice today. I told her it was fine and she then said she had spoken to her manager and someone was coming to collect the item for a return tomorrow. :yay: :yay: I thanked her for all her help and told her she had been very helpful compared to everyone else I'd spoken to. That's that then. Cheeky bastards. And my dad won't be having the replacement from them! Off to Curry's we go! Please don't tell me anyone has a Curry's horror story... haha.
  14. Thanks for the advice Sam. I've decided now I've calmed down lel, to ring them again tomorrow. I am completely unsatisfied with what they've told me tonight. Also, I've been doing some research: According to the Citizens Advice website... Straight from the CA website. And I'll be reading that to them if I need to tomorrow. Urgh. Wish me luck.
  15. I ordered a Samsung Galaxy Tab S for my dad from Very as I have an account with them. He'd been after a tablet and didn't want an iPad and wanted a decent screen for his photos he takes as a bit of a hobby. Anyway it arrived tonight and the minute it came out of the box I noticed a dent on the bottom of the tablet. Took some pics. The pictures don't really do it full justice as it looks pretty bad and worse than it seems. The metal is raised above the screen and you could quite easily catch yourself on it (it's not very sharp tbh) and it looks quite unsightly. The worst thing though, is that there is a gab between the glass and the metal virtually all the way along. It just seems to close in as it reaches the right side of the tablet. Added to that, the charging cable is slightly bent to the side when it's plugged in due to the mis-shaped metal bit. So. As it's my account with Very and I ordered it, I rang them straight away. As I was on hold waiting to speak to someone I powered it on to check if there was screen damage or anything. There wasn't. Got through to a lady, advised her of the problem and she said she'd send me through to the tech team. I've done this before as I ordered my Z3 Compact with them and it developed a fault and had to be returned which they organised for the next day and I got a new one. So some lad comes on the phone, mumbling away so I couldn't really hear him properly. I told him the problem, explained it looked like a manufacturing fault and that the metal looked like it had been bashed in slightly. He cut me short and just said 'has it been turned on'. So I just said, yeah I turned it on to see if there was any other damage so I could tell you the extent of it for the returns report. To which he just flat out said - can't do anything for you. You've turned it on, it's voided the return so there's nothing we can do. That's our policy. At this point, I was just fuming. I just said that the only reason it was turned on was to check that the item wasn't further damaged from the obvious defect that's currently on it. I said it hadn't been set up just powered on to check. He again just said it's their policy, kept trying to talk over me which really wound me up so I just said you're not being very helpful and I couldn't give a shit about the policy as surely this wasn't a normal case. As I swore (which was completely childish and ridiculous and I know that now but I was angry ) he said if I carried on swearing he'd terminate the call. Fair enough so I didn't swear again and just told him he'd need to pass me through to someone who could help me to which he hung up. At this point, that was it. Back on the phone again. Through the computerised 'give me your account number' 'what can I help you with' 'Is that right? Just say yes or no' woman etc. Finally through, explained the situation again and told the lady that I was massively unhappy about being hung up on although I did say I was wrong to get angry but it was the fact he just would not listen or sympathise in any way and then hung up when I asked to speak to someone else. She noted it all, went away, came back and said I had 2 options. One was the number for the Samsung repair team for them to sort out. Another was a 20% discount being credited back to my account as it was dented. I explained that I just wanted a return for the damaged item that was sent to me and she said she'd spoken with her supervisor and that was all that was up for grabs. I said that the custome service is ridiculous. I'd understand if I'd had the item a while and a fault occured so I'd have to get in touch with Samsung, but when a brand new item over £300 is sent to me and out of the box it looks like that and I'm told because i've switched it on I can't return it? Not good enough. i explained I had a phone off them a few weeks back that developed a fault within the week of having it, and the team organised a return for the next day. And that had been used for a week let along just turned on! She just said she understood my frustration. So here I am now, with a device that is dented. it's perfectly useable yeah, but I don't think I should have to settle for a damaged item and have no option to return it to where I bought it from because I've pressed a button to power it on? Surely, the minute you cut the box seal is the minute it's non-returnable - not the minute you press the on button? Apparently not. Sorry to rant, but I kinda had to get it down! You might think I'm overreacting but I don't think it's fair when my dad is paying all that money and it arrives like that? Samsung might turn round and say I've done it as I have zero ways of proving otherwise. Then what? Really sucks tbh.
  16. Aaand done. That was fun! I hope y'all don't mind me naming 'her'. I felt it was needed ha. This is prob the most exciting thread ever though. Great idea MoogleViper!
  17. I sat up against the tree and clutched the torn page. Staring at the paper, I read the 3 words again and again, over and over. 'Kill for me'. Was it her handwriting? It was difficult to tell. If not hers, then whose? Were these mystery notes even meant for me? Forcing the questions out of my mind I slowly picked myself up and breathed in the cold air, taking a minute to think about what had unfolded so far. It was hardly how I'd imagined the evening would go when I set out all those hours ago. With a steely exhale, and realising the snowy foot print trail that had led me here had ended, I gritted my teeth and continued back in the direction of the village. I now knew that I had to find Rachel. The wind had subsided somewhat, and the treacherous icy surrounding that made the earlier journey difficult, was an unusually welcome setting to help me gather my thoughts. The cold air was refreshing, and went a long way to ease the sting of my fresh wound. I quickened my pace, and thought to where she might be. As the blood red images flicked through my mind, one after the other, I tried to decipher their meaning. 'Save me.' 'I need help.' 'Kill for me.' Each felt more chilling than the last. But it was 'kill for me' that lingered in my mind the longest. When and if I do find Rachel, how would I tell her that I already have?
  18. Hahah, one day Wart will make a reappearance markderoos, I'm sure of it! Nice idea by the way! : peace:
  19. It'll prob be all the stuff I'm not interested in, like Monster Hunter. Xenoblade. Fire Emblem. Have a feeling we will see something BIRDO related though. Be it amiibo, or whatever. Just watch for Birdo! Definite news on European New 3DS. Date and price etc. Majora's Mask date. And Super Princess Peach 2. PLEASE!
  20. I've just been watching The Undateables, and it alarmed me that the woman who narrates the show often describes my love life (or lack of) with her introduction of the candidates. For instance. "(insert persons name) is 27 and has never been in a serious relationship..." Ok, well I'm 26 and the same applies to me. "(insert undateables name) has never been in love before..." I thought I had been, once - many moons ago. I wasn't. I was just young and stupid. "(insert undateables name) has never been a hit with the opposite sex..." Be worried if I was, being gay an that but even the SAME SEX DON'T WANT ME. I'm signing up for the next series. Anyway. I've decided to get myself on POF in the hope that I can at least try to change all of this. I had 6 dates in the space of 3 months earlier last year from POF, and 5 out of the 6 wanted to see me again and pushed for date 2. I didn't feel anything worth pursuing with them though, so told them how I felt (nicely!) and that was that. The one I would see again told me no when I pushed for date 2. Cruel world. So I'm back on. I shall post with my tales of woe, I'm sure. But wish me luck fellow love seekers! Gonna need it.
  21. Ahh cool you got it then! I got an email earlier this morning saying 'your parcel has been delivered' and I was like oooooh what parcel I haven't ordered anything!! Then I realised! Glad all is well with it! Looking forward to the hands on impressions / pics / vid! : peace:
  22. @Guy - did you end up trading in? If so, where if you don't mind me asking? Thanks
  23. This is a brilliant idea. Talk about a way to make a thread exciting. I love it. I'd also like to throw my name in to participate, if that's ok? : peace:
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