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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Insane deal. Also, you can pretty much get every game the ps4 has minus those must haves like the order, ahem, and other exclusives! So if you don't already own a PS4 there's really gonna be plenty to play... Plus y'all should buy one for Sunset Overdrive alone!
  2. I hear you totally Miharin. It was a very very bland first episode, with episode 2 gaining a lot more excitement in my opnion. Still not perfect, and the god damn point at the shiny object to pick it up feels so tacked on it borders on insulting haha. I didn't play Barry's part of episode 2, but will be doing that tonight. Actually looking forward to it as I did start to get into the game and the sotry so am interested in seeing how it unfolds. One thing that is annoying, is the rubbish achievements / trophies. They require multiple episode pay through's, which is fine, but with episode 1 being a bit of a nightmare (althogh short), the idea of playing through it more than once is a bit
  3. Interesting. It says it's more for those who love FPS and driving games... maybe it will include something that would enhance the experience in some way? Either way, if it's true it'll be interesting to see what they do. All for ideas like this though.
  4. Played through episode 1 of this again today and then got a notification to say episode 2 was available. Didn't even realise! Just finished Claire and Moira's part of episode 2. Well. That was much better, much more like it. It was a much longer episode too, or at least it felt like it anyway. The story is pretty gripping now too. I wdant to play on to find out more about what is gonna happen and who is behind all of the wrong doing. I've called it a night for now, and I'm out tomorrow night so I don't know if I'll get chance to play Barry's part of episode 2 until Friday but I'm glad that the game has left me wanting more after the disappointment of episode 1.
  5. So much wrong in the last few posts. Can't even.
  6. Ahh brought a tear. But as soon as it came it went. Lucas was only good for his cool hair. Sorrynotsorry.
  7. I played it without the circle pad with zero trouble. That game was classic Res. The environments look incredible, it was atmospheric... This is just boring. Also, Claire can fuck off. Give me Jill any day of the week.
  8. Ahh. Ness will be the first (and probably only) amiibo I buy!
  9. Started this last night. About 2 hours in. Aparently its only 3-4 hours in length. For epsiode 1. What a disappontment so far. Doesn't even feel like I'm playing Resident Evil. It could literally be any old shooter, except for maybe the characters and references. The only bit I did like was when I was in the prison with Moira Burton (Barry's daughter) and you have to restore the power (classic, eh!) and playing as Claire you have to escape an area where the wall is closing in on you. Once you get out safely Claire says "I was almost a Claire sandwich..." sarcastically. Very good. Rest of the time I've been all just working through it. The co-op bits have been praised in most of the reviews I've read, but for me they just get in the way. Like you can't pick up a shining item anymore until you take cotrol of Moira and shine the flash light on it, even though it's visible and could be picked up by Claire. Shining the light onto it makes it shine brighter and it can then be picked up. What gives with that? I'm going to finish it off, and I will play the other episodes, but so far it is no where near the original Revelations which in my opnion was amazing.
  10. Oops. So I wrote loads and didn't realise as I was on my iPad and it hardly felt like anything. And secondly I had noooooooo idea where to go with it after Moogle changed the pace (which was welcome as a reader but then I was like 'whut' ) so apologies if it is shit. I still had fun doing it anyway and tried to describe our main character a bit more! If I need to amend or shorten it I can!
  11. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that the shower was running cold. I've made that mistake before, and nearly given myself an injury jumping back in horror at the unwelcome barrage of sharp water. Today though, it didn't bother me. I didn't last long, sense finally prevailing, and I got out and dried myself off. Catching my reflection in the mirror, I knew i'd looked better. People had always commented on my looks. I never saw it myself, but then self appreciation was never a strong point of mine. I've always had olive skin, thanks to my Italian parents and heritage, and the dark hair and eyes naturally came with it. I was well built, in part because of all the labouring work I did during my teenage years throughout my school and college life, as well as being a keen rower during university. Where my 6ft 2 height came from is a mystery, but I was always thankful for it. My height was one of Rachel's favourite things about me. But then when your close to 6 foot without heels yourself it was always going to be favourable. I threw on some clothes and headed down stairs. "Rachel" I called. "Rach are you in?" No response. 'Odd', I thought. It was just after 7am, and it was Saturday. Rachel never got up early on a Saturday morning. I did a quick check of the living room and kitchen. Both empty. My mind and pulse began to race slightly, as the dream of last night flickered in my mind. The bits I could remember anyway. The blood, the strange cabin, all the snow, the death... I told myself to stay calm as I walked to the hall, checking the notepad by the phone to see if any note had been left. None. I darted up stairs to pick up my mobile phone that had been charging overnight by the bed. Rachel would have messaged if she was leaving the house early, surely. I unlocked the phone. No message. No voicemail. I dialled her number and called, but what I didn't want to happen, happened. "Hi you've reached Rachel, sorry I can't take your call but if you leave a mess..." "Shit!" I said, cutting the voicemail off. I began to feel uneasy. I needed to let some light in, to get some clear perspective on what was going on. I moved to the window and threw the curtains open. My body stiffened at the unexpected but familiar sight. My mind was right back to that horrible nightmare at what was before me. The whole village was covered in snow.
  12. Well I for one am RAAAAAGING this has fallen flat. Also blaming @Ashley. I'm happy to carry it on if need be? I was so enjoying it!!
  13. Yup I've watched it. Only because I started watching it again last year when Danny Dyer came into it (not for that reason ha) but the Carter family have been what was needed to bring some life back to the soap. It has got much better recently but is still too morbid for my liking. So I have been really into the live week. Last nights reveal was brilliant I thought, but more than anything it was...
  14. So how are people who got the new 3ds (be it normal or XL) finding them?! Be interesting to get some impressions!
  15. Spa day was perfect. Had the best weekend. We arrived early, checked into the room, grabbed a coffee and then went into the spa for an hour or so. Was so good! Really relaxing and chilled out. There's a new hydro pool that replaced the old jacuzzi that was there and it was just And new heated beds by the pool. Delicious. Regarding the company, well I think I am falling for him haha. I just didn't want to leave him and didn't want to go home. We've made it official now anyway, we are now classing ourselves as in a relationship. Even on Facebook - so that's it now! The amount of people who have liked and said nice things about it is so lovely. People who work with me who maybe knew I was gay but weren't ever really sure - well now they know! And they've all commented saying how made up they are. It's just the nicest feeling!! Who'd have thought it'd happen so quick and I'd meet someone that I am so in sync with?! Just shows it can happen to anyone at any given time! Don't give up N-E'ers. There is definitely someone out there for everyone!
  16. Off to the spa tomorrow with the love interest haha. He came out to his parents last night as he said he felt the time was right. He said they were both really great which was quite nice to hear! Really supportive. I didn't expect them to not be, but you hear some horror stories. I'm feeling like I want to make things official now. He came round to mine the other night and we just chilled out for a bit, and it was really nice to do that rather than be out on bloody expensive dates all the time. Not that I'm a stingy bastard, but 2 dates a week is a pricey affair! So it was good just to relax a little bit with him at home. I think spending virtually the whole weekend with him will be a good test to see if we are as compatible as I think we are. Hopefully we will be! Also, his parents have already said they can't wait to meet me, so that's nice!
  17. That's how I felt when I first started it again. But there is something about getting to know the game and how well designed it is that I have really enjoyed. Take for instance the part where you save Richard. On first play through it's a nightmare working out where the room for the serum is. After playing through a couple of times, and knowing the mansion layout, it's a pretty easy affair. And it's that I've enjoyed. It's just given me a huge appreciation for the design of the game and the locations. They're all so distinct, yet they all link together amazingly well. Plus, the only reason I'm playing throgh multiple times is for achievement purposes. I want to try and get the ful 1000g for this game, as I have loved playing it, but also because the achievements are a huge challenge and add a load of replay value to the game. I'm much happier going for a no save run or 'use only your knife' run than the usual bog standard 'kill 100 zombies' that you tend to get with this kind of game. And in the mean time I get to appreciate the amazing design each and every time I play. Win win!
  18. This is funny as that is my actual dog. Haha. Countless meme creations. Anyway. I get what you mean as they virtually do the same things. But don't underestimate the brilliance of the New 3ds. The reason I like it so much over my original model is because it removes all that was annoying. The bottom screen imprinting on the top screen when it was closed and opened. Slightly bigger form factor so no more hand cramps with prolonged use. None glossy finish so doesn't look mucky all the time. (Anyone mentions my mucky hands and dirty controllers I'll hunt you down ) But the greatest of all is how great the new 3ds performs. It's soooo much quicker. Like amazingly so. If you use Miiverse a lot you will love this. And if you don't, then you may well start to! The only thing I'm not a fan of is that new stylus! If GAME or somewhere are doing a trade in deal with old 3ds' (which I imagine they will ) then I'd definitely take the plunge. It's worth it for the SNES coloured buttons alone. : peace:
  19. The more I play of this game the more I love it. It was one of my favourite childhood games and it is just as good today as it was then. In fact, it's better, as I have such a big appreciation now for how well crafted the game is. It's only the controls that haven't aged well, but even at the time of the remake for the Cube, they were ropey. I decided to sack my speed run off and just play through as Chris on very easy and enjoy the story / scoop up any missable / story based achievements. Once I did that I did my speed run as Jill and finished that this afternoon. Now on to completing hard mode with Chris, which I am going to do soon. But I need some time for that as I intend to do the no save run at the same time too. Risky, but I think having the rocket launcher will definitely help me get out of any tricky spots. Plus, I've got all the achievements for saving everyone so I'm just gonna let them all die and then that will remove the need of facing the tyrant on the roof which is the part that I could fall down on (which would be disastrous!!!!) Anyone unsure whether to get this or not, you need to. Just because it's so fucking good.
  20. Well, maybe if you put your dick away you could enjoy these things. I kid dude. It's good you're gettin it! :awesome:
  21. Today I had my interview for the project management secondment. I was really bricking it beforehand. Apparently over 30 people had applied and were being interviewed. Think it went ok. I'd planned loads of 'examples' to give to certain types of questions (had around 14) and for 2 out of the 3 competency questions I was asked, I didn't have an example that fit. Had to think on my feet. But the examples I gave were ok I think. I don't know if I'll get the job or not. I don't know if my experience is suited or if there could potentially be better candidates. Time will tell. Feel like I did my best and gave a good representation of me at work and what I could bring, so that's enough to be pleased with in my book. Should find out end of next week eithr way.
  22. It's just alien for me to be going to spa's with a guy I've been dating as normally there isn't more than 2 dates before it fizzles out... So this is all neeeeew. But it's definitely good! Can't wait tbh!
  23. Things going well with the guy I've been dating. Think it could move quite quickly. Seeing him this weekend. He told me last night he's booked us a weekend stay for valentines at a spa I love going to (yes, I love spas, gay right? ) I was like woaaahhh. I almost feel like it might be too much too soon but then when I discussed it with a mate, she just said go for it. Its a massively generous thing for him to do. Looking forward to it.
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