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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. OK peeps how is the single player and is it any good? Also, can you play using Pro controller? Answer yes to both of these and i'll probably be taking myself off somewhere to purchase!
  2. YASSSSSSS. And @Mike1988uk will also be erect at this news. I'm made up. Though I can imagine the 17 needed play throughs to 100% now.
  3. Hey hey. My boyfriend wants a laptop to use generally round the house for web browsing, email etc, connecting his phone to etc. I told him I'd look for him as I'm generally more into tech stuff than him. I have only ever used Apple computers and looking at what laptop running windows to buy is proving tricky. There's so god damn many. Chromebook, ultrabook, whut?! So. His budget is £500 max. It does not need to be spec heavy as he isn't playing games or running software that requires a beast of a machine. It's very light use just to use casually. Ideally, something running Windows would be better. I don't know if these chrome books run windows? And something that doesn't look like a Fisher Price toy - of which there are many, from the look I've had. I have no clue where to go with this as I feel like there's just that much choice. Does anyone a bit more clued up have any recommendations? Or any advice on what is good and what should generally be avoided? Thanks in advance. _____ EDIT - Oh, and 13" screen and under!
  4. I started playing this tonight. I looooooove it. The game looks so good. And I still lol at RedShell's "fuzzy feet" so cute but I'm not really seeing them?! I was looking out for the fuzz foot but I think the gameplay on the gamepad is good! Obviously it looks better on the HD screen but I think it's good enough and I love that the game finally utilises the game pad. I've been waiting for this kind of unique play since the Wii U was announced! It feels very satisfying when there is a circle of stars and you manage to successfully manoeuvre Kirby around them to collect every single one. Good times. I love the music too - and I've only played world 1! Looking forward to putting more time into this. I also played some Triple Deluxe on my 3DS and pretty much wrapped up the first world there. Definitely preferring this game to that at the minute though. Ahhh I love Kirby.
  5. It was my birthday last week and I wanted some new Nintendo games to play so went for KIRBY flavoured goodness as gifts. Looking forward to them!
  6. Serbia have it in the bag. Dat big girl. UK performance - terrible as expected. Hardly any have stood out for me this year. Animal / Guy Sebastien has a cracking voice! Liked Australia!
  7. Nooooo Grazza! I think it is such a step back it is embarrassing. The BBC or whoever is responsible for choosing these acts just completely need sacking. You only have to look at the songs that have done well the last couple of years and the artists that have connected with the European audience to know that sending an act like these two is dead wrong. The last few winners (minus Conchita) have all been very respectable artists and have had good success in a number of countries. The songs are all good and are generally on trend which I think goes a long way to getting points on the board. Your always going to get novelty acts but it's rare that they win these days. These 2 for the UK are not memorable in the slightest. The song is inoffensive but it is going to get completely swept away by the standard big ballads and better up tempo songs. I'd like to be proven wrong, but part of me doesn't want to be as I don't think it's worthy of a high charting position!
  8. Me and my boyf are gonna watch this tomorrow night. Obviously. Last year I could not wait to watch it. The UK's entry last year was the best in years and years and this year... what a complete load of wank. I hope it does shit because it doesn't deserve to do well. It can't be taken seriously but it seems they want to be taken seriously, which is a little strange for Eurovision! Looking forward to watching it!
  9. Yay. I love the trophies! And I love the Captain Toad figurine too!
  10. Bloody hell. That's a great price. Anyone on the fence needs to go for it! Brilliant prices!
  11. No I get all that. : peace: I just found it to be a really good blend of the old school with some newness which made it feel like they'd taken some huge steps forward again after backtracking with RE:6. However, RE Revelations 2 did go and throw it all away again somewhat even though it was still enjoyable. But yeah it definitely had its ups and down really but for me, far more ups. Plus, I always think about when I got that game and how utterly amazed I was at how well it played and looked on 3DS at the time. Incredible achievement really considering it was such a short amount of time into the consoles life.
  12. Whoa whoa whoa. I know I'm a few days late responding to this but you need to calm it down with the Revelations bashing! It's a bloody good game and plays brilliantly on Wii U - especially the game pad. Anyone who hasn't played it yet and wants something to play then that price is a complete steal. It's a better game than the recently released follow up.
  13. Well, the Pro is still much bigger and bulkier than my 11inch Air was, and I use that every single day. Most of the time on my knee and in bed at night. The Pro would be a bit pointless for me, because I don't need the extra specs. Sure, they'd be fantastic to have, but the compromises that I'd be making in terms of weight, size etc would outweigh the need for a laptop that can hold more data or process quicker. Based on my needs of course. For the average user, I'd never recommend the new MacBook over the MBPr. purely because the average user will probably use it as more of a working machine than something that I basically see as an iPad running OS X with a keyboard. Believe me, i thought about the MBP, but having used an Air for 5-6 years which was an original base entry model (some would say underpowered), and not having any problems with its performance for my use, this seemed like a more logical upgrade for me.
  14. My MacBook Air was on its last legs - it's 6 years old and was an original model and I hadn't looked after it like I could have done. I was going to just upgrade to a MacBook pro with retina display but then I saw the keynote for the new MacBook. Got it delivered yesterday. It's amazing. Makes my MBA seem completely dated which is silly really considering how good the Air still is! Went for classic silver, though I love the gold one. Space Grey did nothing for me at all. And with the trusty MBA!
  15. Looks like new 3DS bundles are incoming. Complete with home theme and cover plates. No idea on price, or if there are anymore yet (assuming there will be an Alpa Sapphire one) but they look pretty cool!
  16. Personally hate the look of the characters. I thought it was a wind up when I first saw it.
  17. Sorry, but I'm a massive Nintendo fan and I love most of the games they make (though Zelda I just can't get into - I'm weird), but the list you've quoted there actually is very diverse? To me, anyway. Batman is a must have game for me this year, providing it turns out well which I have every faith it will. Tomb Raider was a critical and commercial success and Forza is a brilliant series which is only every other year - enough time to make it fairly different from it's predecessor. Don't mean to get involved as I hate this petty squabbling but your point makes no sense here with that list of games. It is ok to accept that some people like the output from the other consoles you know. Regardless of you thinking they're not particularly diverse or engaging. But that's what's so good about choice, right? : peace:
  18. Brilliant stuff!! : peace: Well, not the cramp but brillant you finished even with cramp which must have been awful!! Massive respect anyway, it's a great thing to have accomplished!
  19. My big sister ran the London Marathon today. 4 hours and 41 minutes. I have never felt so incredibly proud in all my life!!
  20. Only got round to playing through this tonight. There are no words for just how good this DLC has been from Nintendo. But I'll say some anyway! There is not a bad track in the mix. At first I wasn't massively pleased to see Neo Bowser City being remade but it looks so good and plays much better than the 3DS version that my initial negative response was reversed. It now feels like the course that it should have always been. Baby Park (which was never my favourite race course) is just mind blowingly brilliant. It's not just how good this game plays its the sheer attention to detail that goes into the tracks which is what is so impressive. I honestly never thought they could make a simple track like Baby Park look like that. Same with the Ribbon Road one. I thought it was a Toy Story cross over at first! I've not played my Wii U all year hardly, been solely playing my Xbone and a little bit of 3DS. But it isn't until I come back to a game like this that I realise how good Nintendo actually can be. As far as I'm concerned nothing on the other consoles I own comes close to this game. For sheer enjoyment factor more than anything else. I played as Isabelle (what a fucking dream she is) and I love her! Her and her cheerful babble as she got twatted with yet another item - just brilliant. I am absolutely loving that Nintendo seem to be crossing over with their characters and game series with this DLC too. I think it's something they could absolutely do more of and would love to see the likes of Kirby get some loving and a character slot. I tried 200cc and ended up getting 3 stars on my first GP! Bear in mind though I played with a 'light' character in Isabelle and picked a cart with good handling so it wasn't mammoth speeds like it could have been. I also chose the first cup too so knew the tracks really well. Can't see getting 3 stars on all of them being as simple! :awesome: All in all it has made the best game of last year (my opinion, must be stated that it is just my opinion so calm down…!) even better so no more need be said!
  21. I'm tempted. But part of me wants to play something a bit more involved next. I wanna blow shit up and kill things.
  22. Finished this last night. I really enjoyed it. Little bit disappointed with the ending, wish I'd picked a few different choices. I ended up being too kind. Overall I highly recommend the game to anyone who has played something similar. Or even if they have never played a game like it before. The only annoyance was the game freezing for a couple of seconds on more than one occassion. It always seemed to be during the action parts too when the game would save and it would then freeze a few seconds until the next scene loaded. But it made it really disjointed. I also had a number of glitches where the game would freeze again, but this time the game would continue in the background (so the characters would speak etc) and the options would come up but say 'the selection is blank' for all buttons. I had to quit out and restart my checkpoint to proceed. Those aside, the game was great. Now what to play?!
  23. I haven't played The Walking Dead yet, but they are on my play list! The Wolf Among us just seemed more up my street story wise than TWD but I can't wait to play them either. Looking forward to unravelling the story and finding out what happens and what the outcome will be. It's gripping stuff.
  24. I bought a boxed copy of this in Grainger Games on Wednesday. (First game I've ever bought there, actually). I am onto episode 4 of 5 and I am completely and utterly gripped. What a game. This is the first time I've ever played a game like this really apart from Hotel Dusk on the 3DS which was also heavily story driven with little control input. I am out today but am itching to get back to play it. Not many games do that to me! The game just looks incredible. The best thing though is the end of the episode when it tells you the percentage of people who made the same choice that you made. I like that nice little touch. Seems I'm not the only one out there who likes to smash bottles round peoples faces she they're not co-operating. Comforting Whatever I play next is gonna struggle following this up!
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