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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'd recommend the physical one. I had no problems with Resident Evil when playing last year, but Zero has been sluggish, slow and laggy in lots of places for me. For seemingly no reason. It'd be running fine one minute, then the next is just slowed right down. There were a number of times when I had to quit out of the game and reload it to keep it running smoothly. It may be an Xbox One thing, but it's pretty annoying. Wouldn't imagine the disc copy would be the same, or even the PS4 download. Might just be me!
  2. Surely someone has played this?! I am currently working through Zero at present. Finished a Normal play through and then played through the Leech Hunter mode (which was a complete bastard, but when I consulted a guide it was fairly straight forward :P ) Now I have to complete it on hard which I started yesterday. Was too much of a wuss to attempt that first time through. :awesome: Finding it difficult already. I haven't died much, but the lack of ammo is a problem and it's something that affected me towards the end of my normal play through. But I did kill everything that moved the first time, which I've now learned is not really necessary. Enjoying the game lots though. Kitted Rebecca out into the sluttiest outfit possible at the earliest opportunity (standard), and think the game shines when the dual character puzzles come into play. Story and combat still as naff as ever though, but part of the overall RE charm!
  3. One Plus X. Really low price for what you're getting, so interested to see how it performs.
  4. I'm FUUUUMED to be reading these comments about how this game has turned out. It's like, the only tennis game to be released in ages. Or it certainly feels like ages. Why the fuck there hasn't been s new virtua tennis for this gem is beyond me too. Now that's a tennis game. But this had the potential to really be good and a great tennis game but sounds like it's absolute shite. Should have released it next summer to tie in with Wimbledon. Might have been ready then!
  5. BlackBerry Priv. Because I'm intrigued and because I've loved all of BlackBerry's BB10 devices but hated the lack of apps. Now Android is on board (close to stock Android too, thankfully) I'm all aboard.
  6. This has suddenly started sounding delicious. Thanks for the info @Dcubed. Definitely a must buy now. The fact them damn power and chance shots can be turned off more than warrants a pre-order!!
  7. I've not played any games for months now due to just not having the time to do so. I wanted something to play on my 3ds and saw this was out and downloaded it a few nights ago. What. A. Game. Sonic 2 is one of the first video games I ever played. Sonic 1 was the first. I remember my cousin (much older cousin) giving us his Mega Drive around 1992 when I was 4. My sisters and I played Sonic 1 (the only game we had for it) to death and I just couldn't get enough. I remember that our local "video shop" got Sonic 2 in to rent and we all got our nightly bath and my dad went out to get a copy for us to play before bed. He returned and he'd brought back the Master System version...! We were all devastated, but I was also convinced the cartridge would go into the Mega Drive and tried to force it into the cartridge slot - to no avail, obviously! Anyway we ended up getting Sonic 2 and it literally became one of the games of my child hood. I've played it again a number of times, but not for years. So I was very very excited to play it again after playing and completing Sonic 1 on my 3ds when that was released previously. I finished it tonight and I just absolutely loved it from start to finish. I played as 'Tails Alone' as I always did prefer Tails back then until they turned him into an annoying little shit later in the series. The one thing that struck me in this game all these years later is just how incredible the sound track is. I mean, the tunes are forever memorable, but they just really stuck out to me on this play through. Could be because I played with headphones in, but the tunes for each Zone are just completely and utterly perfect. I think my favourite out of the lot is Aquatic Ruin. They just elevate the experience to another level for me. I know a lot of people on this forum are big into sound tracks, but I have to be honest and say that i haven't played many games in my time where I've felt that one of the biggest achievements when the game play itself is so phenomenal, is the musical score. So that's definitely something! Onto the game play then... Well it's just perfect. Well, not perfect as there's a number of glitches that I encountered. Most in Metropolis Zone (oh how I hate that Zone!) when bouncing from yellow spring to yellow spring only to get stuck! Being flung between them with no platform to fall on or no way of stopping Tails from flying from one side to the other! I laugh now, had that have been on Mega Drive I'd have been devastated! Thank heavens for that save feature eh! What I found so great about revisiting Sonic 2 though was how much of challenge it is. It is not an easy game at all. I got all of the Chaos Emeralds but I had to use my save feature to get the seventh and last. And I will be brutally honest and say if it wasnt for the save feature I would not have completed the game. From Casino Night Zone onwards I could sense the games difficulty increasing and by the time I'd reached Metropolis Zone, Sonic 2 had become pretty hardcore! No, it's not rock hard but there's a very clear spike in challenge and I welcomed that as I approached the end of the game. Dodging blade throwing creatures and arrow blocks along with the usual dreaded spikes and arrow laden floors, there's a lot that tripped me up before the final few stages! And then it all becomes memory, and patience and perseverance. Understanding how many times you can safely bounce on Metal Sonic's head before he curls into a ball that will rid you of a life and send you back to the start. Get past that and the finale. But if you fail here, right back to Metal Sonic again. 2 bosses with no precious rings in sight! That is hardcore! I failed at the final stage, but the save function helped me out! : peace: I'm so pleased I downloaded this and have it in my collection on 3ds. The game hasn't aged for me in the slightest. I defy anyone to pick the game up and not enjoy playing through it. For me it's an absolute classic. I don't think I'd have ever said that before playing through it again now either. Yeah, I'd have said its a great game and it's a fond childhood memory, but it's not until revisiting it as an adult that I've now seen it for what I believe it to be, and that's a 16bit masterpiece! I mean, I know this game very well but I was sat at work today wishing he day away so I could get home and play it! :awesome: I don't think I've ever felt like that about something I've played before hundreds of times over! My only complaint is the lack of Hidden Palace Zone via the Mystic Cave's secret access that was included in the iOS release. I tested it, but it was the normal version and the spikes killed me. Doh! That would have been the cherry on the cake! Ah how I wish Sonic continued on from this greatness. Whilst the series did for a number of years, we all know what it's become now. . But it's because of games like this that I still root for him. Even when I know deep down its not going to be good, I still hold a bit of hope! And if it ends up being rubbish (like the last batch of Wii U / 3ds games) then at least we have this! : peace:
  8. Literally been trying for an hour and a half and all last night and just can't get to log on to order something. Fuckin ridiculous. Yes I've left it late, but it shouldn't make a difference. I'm gonna end up just sacking it off coz I can't be arsed with it now.
  9. That Yoshi one will look much better on a white console. Definate purchase for meeeeee!
  10. I didn't even know this game was coming to Vita until recently and I thought it'd be a really good fit. It never looked amazing on the home consoles and the Vita is very capable, so I was pretty excited. Your experience echoes most of the reviews I read. Apparently it does look terrible and the loading times are a complete joke,vas you've pointed out. It's a shame because I'd have played through this again on Vita if it was a decent port, but seems not. It will probably end up free on PsPlus before we know it!
  11. I too, often have this thought around rare and obscure 3DS gems. Like you say nando, the DS was jam packed full of them. My favourites being Hotel Dusk, Elte Beat Agents, Henry Hatsworth and Super Princess Peach! : peace: It's such a shame the 3DS hasn't seen this level of third party support. I mean, it's there more than the Wii U, but the DS seemed to have games coming out at least every month for me that I wanted, and I amassed a huge library of games for it. And they were all of great quality. I've said it before but the 3DS has fallen short for me in terms of game play. The second screen has hardly been used in the unique and innovative ways that the DS used them. IMO. Another Code and its puzzles that required you to close the the console over to solve it were genius, and could only be done on that hardware which I just loved. I have a much smaller selection of 3DS games which is mainly because there are no where near as many games out for it (or it certainly feels that way). I recently bought and played Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir, and I found it to be highly frustrating and difficult to play. I loved the idea though and really liked how they tried to utilise all of the 3DS' unique functions to make an immersive game. Unfortunately, it feel well short, but what they were trying to achieve was still impressive. I particularly liked the booklet than came with that acted as the in game diary. Using the camera on the 3DS and having it pointed to the booklet and seeing the page come to life in front of me was really cool. It just didn't work more times than it did, which was frustrating and broke up game play. It seems to me like the eShop is the place for obscure gems. I know I haven't used the eShop as much as I could / should, but I reckon a lot of people could recommend some titles from there which capture some of what the DS had in retail releases that the 3DS appears to be lacking, but is there albeit in digital format. Shantae, Jett Rocket, HarmoKnight (a personal favourite), Mighty Switch Force, Nano Assault, Mario and DK, Box Boy, Shovel Knight etc. Just of the top of my head. If these were boxed games, my 3DS shelf wouldn't look so barren compared to my DS game shelf. One thing Nintendo has in its favour with the 3DS is the support for these kind of titles. Some of them can't be found elsewhere and they utilise the hardware they're being played on really well. Whilst I'm still disappointed with the 3DS compared to the DS for various reasons, I still think the 3DS is a fantastic console with a hell of a lot of gems to be had. Add the features of the 'new' 3DS to the mix which gives a huge boost to the hardware as well as the amazing retail games on offer and you have one very attractive package right there. : peace:
  12. Thanks for the reply. I have no intention of selling it, which is probably a good thing after reading that. I thin you're right though. Nintendo really needs to sort that out. I would have thought if you unlink the NNID from the console you should be able to link it back up to another one at a later date and redownload your purchases. I guess this is the same for the Wii U then?
  13. Question: I got to thinking last night when perusing my 3DS game collection that all of my games are downloaded onto my system. I have zero boxed games because I prefer them all being on my console to play at any time. What would happen if I sold that 3DS? I have no intention to, it's just something I was wondering. Would I system wipe it and would I be able to download the games again if I bought another 3DS? It worried me a bit because I have literally over 20 games on there (majority being the best 3DS games like Animal Crossing, MK7, SM3DL, Luigi's Mansion, DKCR, RE: Revelations etc etc). Anyone know?!
  14. Ah that's really nice thanks Sam! We haven't fully decided yet where about we want to go yet. The deal breaker is it must have a hot tub haha so we'll work around that. But we're booking it this week so I'll be sure to let you know! Meeting up would be great! : peace:
  15. Well thanks! If I didn't have a boyf and you weren't into boobs and - as Jim Jefferies likes to put it - cunts, I'd be sending you some jpegs. But yeah, it's really great to finally be find someone I'm so in sync with and who wants the same things! : peace:
  16. Following on from drahkon's post of things going well... My boyfriend and I (still find it weird, saying that) are going really well! It's been 7 months now and we are really happy. Things haven't been easy. More so with family and stuff than anything else. My family (for some reason) had found it difficult that I got myself a boyfriend and wasn't at home as much. They are much better now though as they've met him and he's my house at least once a week. I think they're just happy that he's normal ha. His parents have been a little less understanding. It's been a bit different for him though as he came out to his parents because we made things official so he wanted to do it. He's 7 years younger than me though (some may remember me chatting about this in here when we first started out ha, though it hasn't proved an issue after all) so it was quite new for them but his mum has been really understanding and has briefly met me. She was lovely and it put her mind at rest when she met me which is what it's all about I guess. His dad is a different story though. He was really supportive when he came out but now he still thinks it's 'too soon' to meet me. Gay trials. But yeah. We're planning a Cornwall holiday for September and we've been away for weekends loads since we met and it's just been great. It's my first proper relationship and it's been great having someone who I just feel so comfortable with and want to spend my time with. Good things can happen people! Believe me, I had my fair share of years of disaster and then out of nowhere BAM! And lastly a pic of us both from this weekend! This is the only pic we've ever took together in 7 months - camera shy! But we both liked it. I'm on the left!
  17. Must... resist... urge... to buy... amiibo... in... BULK.
  18. If you were to complete Classic mode with all characters (Classic mode sucks compared to Melee, btw) do you get anything special? Or just the knowing you've done it? I'd like to work to something other than self appreciation. Same with All Star Mode etc. Thanks!
  19. You may as well as you clearly don't like it from what I've read on here. I did the same with my PS4 months ago and haven't looked back since.
  20. The Dr. Mario amiibo though. I just need it.
  21. Awful news and such a huge loss. No words really. RIP Satoru Iwata.
  22. I've suddenly become very interested in this game and will definitely be picking it up when it comes out. Loving that character art work. Looking forward to seeing what some of the creative chaps on here can come up with too!
  23. Hey thanks for the games tonight everyone. Sorry I bailed after an hour, I had dog walking duties! Was a lot of fun, Sprout you have some great skills! With so many different players too. Was good to just spectate at times. :awesome: Will definitely be up for more!
  24. This is prob my favourite amiibo so far although on closer inspection I dunno how I feel about Palutena's man sized left hand.
  25. Another day another store visit to look at amiibo. Another non purchase. I want Sonic or Ness. Neither are anywhere. They really do have loads of stock everywhere now. The Trafford Centre GAME had a lot of stock and a lot of choice but none that I really really wanted. Haven't seen Mario once yet.
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