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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I work part time at the weekend in CarPhoneWarehouse (as if working full time in the week isn't enough, damn house). We sell Micro SD cards and I get them for absolute dirt cheap cost price with staff discount - but they're the SanDisk Ultra ones... they gonna be any good for it or is there a different kind that's recommended? They're also 3 for 2 as they're an accessory, so might be worth me loading up on 128gb ones now!
  2. What happened to Lego City Undercover? I thought it was coming to Switch, and I imagined it was going to be a launch title?
  3. These actually look pretty fun to be fair! They seem very Wario Ware to me which I am completely down with. But is it really just 6 mini games? We've seen 3 already haven't we?! Just when you think it's something good, it turns out shit. Pretty much sums up this whole saga for me so far!
  4. Bloody hell. Is the Wii U / Switch really that underpowered to have the 360/ps3 games ported over? I thought the Wii U was fairly capable? (I have zero idea on this kind of tech though, so christ knows!) What a kick in the teeth though for Fifa lovers. I really wanted something to ignite my spark in the Switch to make me want to buy it as the hardware does still excite me with the portability. But nope.
  5. I think the problem for me is there was so much to be excited about, like the region free, the hybrid, the portability, the fact that the name 'Wi' was nowhere to be seen but it just ended up being overshadowed for me by all of the uncertainty. The price isn't as much of an issue as if there were games I wanted Day one, I would probably pay it and not worry. The fact that I'm not the biggest Zelda fan anyway (don't shoot!) and I could play it on Wii U if I wanted, leaves me with... nothing. Absolutely jack. Even if MK was available it would soften the blow. But nope. Is it correct that online isn't available in Europe right away or is that just the app for voice chat? Let's just pray this isn't Nintendo TVii happening all over again...
  6. Apparently Amazon have sold out their preorders of Switch. As have amazon USA, Targrt and BestBuy. Likely to be small numbers rather than demand though I'd imagine.
  7. This really is sad. My body was so ready at 4am this morning during that sexy 10 second countdown. And now it's like my body has been run over and tossed to the side of the road
  8. Can't say I have actually no. I imagine it's rubbish to be honest. But the whole idea of having to use an app in the first place is rubbish. Didn't think of how it would be in real world use but it's probably torturous.
  9. The more I'm reading and learning about the Switch the more I'm inclined to cancel my preorder and wait. And that's not like me for Ninty consoles. But there's nothing I want for it at launch. At least I don't think there is from what was shown. Having spent the morning since my last post reading people's thoughts and impressions and taking in the presentation again, it's seemingly going to make more sense to be one of the clever ones and hold out until end of summer when chances are it's cheaper and with more games I'm interested in.
  10. Maybe that's why they've done it that way Dazzy? As it technically is a good solution to the problem of playing online when you're not at home. But who would do that out and about? Not justifying it as it's shite, but maybe that's their way of thinking. I rarely play online at all these days so it doesn't other me too much ( cry for me, lone gamer ) but it's such a huge part of gaming these days that they really need to do more than what is being offered. Maybe they will, it's early days. But they've left it to long to adopt a proper online structure so are always playing catch up.
  11. I thought the presentation was pretty good. I think they explained some things really well like the hardware and the new rumble features, ways to play etc but then they let themselves down by not elaborating on the online functions as well as the actual OS of the system which would have been nice. Games shown definitely seemed to appeal more to the Japanese market in my opinion. A lot of them I kinda glazed over with but the likes of Zelda looks completely amazing and if a game would have sold a system I think it could have been that. But it's coming to Wii U too... so there's that idea out haha. Splatoon 2 great addition. No idea why no Mario Kart launch. Seems silly and would have been another reason for people to want to buy who didn't experience it first time round. All in all I think it's steps in the right direction. Hardware looks great and really exciting which is what I expect from Nintendo. But there are arts that leave me scratching my head and I hoped this presentation would mean we wouldn't be wondering anymore. But that's Nintendo I guess. I still have my preorder and I'll still be getting it at launch. But there better be some deliciousness on its way.
  12. Youre a star thanks Glen-i. Appreciate your time and effort! Got there in the end haha.
  13. There's a dude wandering round my plaza called Glen... when I say I will add you as my VIP it says registration failed. Your also not on the guest list even when updated.
  14. So I've added you as a friend, logged off and back on, updated about 600 times and it still won't find you. It prob would have been quicker driving to London and bringing a link cable to get this Pikachu.
  15. Oh I thought you could select any trade in return, or a specific pokemon. I registered you just now and will log back on. Coulda sworn i already had you as a friend.
  16. Yup enabled it all. Could you do a GTS trade where you deposit a pokemon to trade and I seek it? Seems easiest?
  17. Updated a few times - no joy. My trainer name is Mark. This literally sucks balls, what the hell Game Freak?! I've just clicked my profile and scrolled to bottom (the purple pinky body icon on the circle bottom screen) and accepted trade requests at any time. it was set to off. Dunno if you've set yours to this too?
  18. Thanks Not seeing a Glen... I see a Gwen in GTS trade with a Pikachu...?
  19. Ok I hit trade but then it asks what type of trade, Link trade, GTS or Wonder Trade?
  20. Excellent thanks Glen-i! Apologies for delay my wi-fi decided to stop working but all is well now! Not sure how festival plaza works but lets give it a go! Ummm what the hell do I do?!
  21. Shall we day 2pm tomorrow afternoon? And WHUT?! I thought you could when it was traded? Didn't know it had to be the OT. Oh my days I cannot deal with a nicknamed Pokemon. The OT was from an in game trade in a Pokemon centre really early on so I've had it a while. I guess I'll just have to get over it then!
  22. Glad I'm not on my own! And no any old nature does me I'm really not fussed! Just want me an Alolan Raichu tbh! Also if you wouldn't mind me trading my 'Bouncee' ... so you could change the name of it to what it bloody well should be (Steenee), then that'd be amazing! Damn nicknames.
  23. One thing that is beginning to really wind me up with this game is encountering a wild Pokemon when moving from route to route, 'running' from it and not being able to get away. Then best of all as soon as it attacks it then 'calls for help' where 99% of the time a second Pokemon comes down that also needs defeating. It is just a total pain in the arse and biggest waste of time going. That aside, I guess I am enjoying it but I am definitely in the minority of people (I think) who wants the old 8 gym leaders back. Just don't find the game as immersive or as enjoyable with this new set up. In other news does anyone have a Pikachu they can trade me? Not that I have much goodness to trade back... But you'd be helping a guy out :P. Thanks in advance.
  24. Downloaded this last night, didn't get chance to actually play it so hoping to get some time over the festive period! Looks amazing.
  25. So I completed the main game (wasn't very long so it's hardly an achievement...!) last night and now Peach is a playable character and it's the best thing ever. Worth £7.99 just for playable Peach tbh. Come at me.
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