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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Finally 'complete' on ShopTo and had the email earlier about delivery being tomorrow via DPD. Console launches are so exciting and stressful I equally love and hate these rare moments for us gamers!
  2. Oh man that's cruel. Makes the wait even more tormenting now!
  3. I've also had the ShopTo email saying delivery is Friday 3rd but still showing as 'processing' on their website. Urgh this is the most stressful thing ever!
  4. Starting to get ANXIOUS LADS. Maybe I could channel this into doing some work instead of checking in here every 10 minutes. Day might go quicker!
  5. I have a feeling that some Zelda orders are not going to turn up. It's showing as out of stock on ShopTo's website which suggests hey haven't had any stock outside of preorder allocation. But what if they haven't had enough to fulfil all preorders? Hope that doesn't delay the console being shipped if part of the order is out of stock.
  6. Has anyone else's ShopTo Switch not dispatched yet? All my other items that I ordered separately have but my console, Zelda and Pro Controller are all still processing.
  7. Bloody hell dazzy! Is this why your completed games list in your signature doesn't go past 2015?!
  8. Bloody hell. If ever there was an image to make me regret not buying the neon console, this is it. Damn sexy.
  9. I don't personally see that as a reason for the other consoles to have been let off due to their previous successes. If anything it makes me scratch my head a little bit more that those features were not there on their successors. But I agree with the Wii U making people cynical. And rightly so. That's why I'm glad they finally shook the Wii name off and moved to something brand new, even if it does have some features that made the Wii so popular.
  10. Lot of reviews pouring in for the Switch now. Have held off reading the majority of them in depth as they've basically been going through all of the things I want to experience myself when I get it. Tings like the OS, menus, unboxing etc. All the things that bring me weird joy . Have read a lot of the 'negatives' and can see why they've been pointed out. Majority of them are things already been discussed such as the sync issue, not being able to charge the console in table top mode due to the charge port being on the bottom etc. Strange design choices. Can't disagree with these at all. The one thing it is being called out for is the launch line up and the half baked feel. It does seem a little rushed, but I don't personally remember the last time a console launch was ever deemed a success in terms of available software and console features. Even the PS4 and One launched without features the previous consoles had had for ages. This isn't me excusing Nintendo in any way shape or form, as I am as miffed by some of the missing aspects, but this is just typical of a modern console launch it would seem. Launch software isn't stellar but I've still managed to get myself excited over Zelda, Bomberman, SnipperClips and Fast RMX. It beats a safe 2d platform anyway. Looking forward to getting my hands on this now. Tomorrow will be a long ass work day!
  11. It's oh so quiet... Feels like the calm before the storm. This is where time stands still until Friday.
  12. No shipping from ShopTo yet. Just my Wolf Link amiibo. Did get an email from ShopTo as a reminder that they won't be shipped until Thursday evening so not concerned there's no shipping notification. Just hope it doesn't come late Friday although I never get morning deliveries from DPD. Always 2-3ish. Still that'll give me chance to finish the platinum I'm working toward on RE7 so every cloud.
  13. Hey Lens of Truth you're back!! Great to see you post again! You getting a Switch then?!
  14. I really enjoyed that. So many games that looked really good. How good did Runner 3 look though?!
  15. Looks so good. I do love an ice / snowy level too. :Dp
  16. Well I do hope you told them you can come and collect it immediately? And that you know you shouldn't have to have the burden but on this occasion you'll make an exception and pop in?!
  17. I'd probably end up with it on both regardless. I always tend to enjoy the trophy / achievements on the Sonic games so if this continues in the same way I'll be pleased. Seeing as the Switch doesn't have this type of system. *shakes fist
  18. No need to apologise. I appreciate the posts! My work is the same, the site only got blocked recently but worked for ages before. Now I have to use my phone on the sly to post.
  19. Not going to lie... I was impatiently waiting for the 3 day post. :p
  20. I knew it wouldn't but it makes me believe I then have a reason to moan when others start being shipped haha.
  21. Bloody ShopTo haven't shipped mine yet . And I paid in full last week what's going on?! The torment begins.
  22. According the the interwebs, Amazon recently changed their release date of this to 25th April but then quickly changed it back to May 31st. There has been no official date given yet so hopefully April is the one as that would be a nice time to have this available with Lego City coming on the 7th April. Keeps the Switch releases ticking over nicely. Fingers crossed for a boxed version for Switch and release at same time as the other platforms.
  23. See I can't see it being a 'bad' game. Sure, it might be short and a bit throwaway and 'gimicky' but it seems to be the only game that utilises all that tech in the joycons. I think it would be fun with a group of people, or even just playing together. If it's garbage I'll just trade it in and put it towards something else
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