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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Absolutely. I played this at the event in Manchester and hated the motion controls. Sure, I wasn't used to them as I never played the original. But it completely ruined the whole thing for me. I really hope they can be turned off or I'm out.
  2. So is it not possible to turn the motion controls off to aim?
  3. Random question: once you have done the divine beasts and Ganon, can you go back and recover the memories and do side quests or do they disappear once you've completed the story?
  4. Yup I picked some of these up this morning from Argos. Pics below. Also got my screen protectors delivered today. Went with the 'amFilm' ones which I'd read pretty good reviews on. Screen protector was a total nightmare to put on. I do these all the time in carphone on a Saturday and have no problems as tempered glass is just that much easier. But with this, the problem was dust and tiny bits of lint getting either stuck to the adhesive side of the glass before I fit it, or on the screen itself causing me to have to keep wiping it or dabbing it off with the adhesive stickers. Did it eventually though and now I'm pleased with how it looks. Looks way better than the cheap one that came with my official case and feels better too. The jelly grips are good too, they do provide much better comfort so I imagine cramping will ease if you struggle with it playing handheld. They give a nice bump to the back of the joy cons which instantly feels better. The keys feel a little smothered but it's something I could adjust to. Only thing I don't like is how it makes the plus and minus buttons quite hard to press, so I may snip some of the rubber away there to free them out. All in all, pretty happy. Screen protectors were £9.99 from Amazon for pack of 2 and the rubber gel grips were £7.99 at Argos. Also come in a blue and red set if needed. : peace:
  5. I think it looks delicious. Looks like the unleashed day levels as Retro says. Only a good thing IMO
  6. http://www.polygon.com/2017/3/16/14953558/sonic-mania-delayed-to-summer-sonic-forces-project-sonic-2017 Release date slipped to 'Summer'. Gutted
  7. Thanks man! My own stupidity. And yeah it's just the joy con I think. If I get a replacement and that does the same then I know that the console has had some damage too which will be a whole new world of pain. But hopefully not. Argos have them so I have one reserved to pick up after work.
  8. Hmm interesting. Didn't think about the possibility of them doing a replacement tbh but tis a good point. Might just buy a left one for now then. The problem is, in handheld mode it starts to slide off depending on how I'm holding it which is just going to annoy me more and more.
  9. Is that actually on the cards in the immediate future though? Do we know if it's fixable via an update or is it literally hardware?
  10. Dropped my Switch on the floor last night Such an idiot. Was taking it up to bed to play some Zelda and have no idea how I managed to drop it but I did - straight onto wooden flooring. The left joycon took the brunt and now it slides off the console without having to press the release button. No damage elsewhere but I'm really annoyed at myself. Joycon works ok. i tried it in the joycon grip and it slides out of that without needing the release button pressing too, so at least I know it's not the console that's damaged. Going to buy a replacement joycon today but might just buy the neon pack instead.
  11. This is basically me. I don't care what happens in the game from now till finish but I can comfortably say that for me, it is the greatest Zelda game I have ever played by a country mile and it's also shaping up to be one of the best games I've ever played too. I don't have a bad word to say about it other than motion controls.
  12. This one is particularly odd. It's a good game but very short. The completionist in me is happy that I can get this for PS4 where I have all the other remakes and newer RE games, but the gamer in me who wants more new games from them is all
  13. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2017-03-13-resident-evil-revelations-comes-out-on-ps4-and-xbox-one-this-autumn Confirmed today. A re-re-release of Reisdent Evil Revelations for PS4 and Xbox One coming in autumn / fall. Weird move. I loved this game as it felt like it was a step back to the creepy survival horror that had made RE so successful. The ship in this is also very similar to the one you find yourself in in RE7 also, which was nice! Gutted no Switch version announced, thought it would have been a great fit for the system seeing as the game started out as a handheld title. No details yet on whether it's being remastered (again) or if it's just a straight port of the HD remake from a couple of years ago, but I'd be surprised if they didn't give it another polish.
  14. Have you linked it with your console so you've got the orange parental control button above your games on the home screen? Should be showing you by now, mine was working since I got the app on Thursday.
  15. Keep seeing these custom joy cons on instagram and I love them. We need some more colours asap!
  16. Honestly, I think it's a good thing I bought a 128gb memory card as I'm going hell for leather with screenshots every two minutes! The game just looks so damn good I have to keep snapping my surroundings!
  17. Forgot this was out yesterday. Read some reviews, as expected it's just ok but a bit rubbish too. Hardly much in the way of content which isn't surprising seeing as it's a 5 in oner. I really don't know what is going on with Mario's sports titles at the minute but the last decent one IIRC was Mario Golf on 3DS? They seem to be sending them out to die especially after the abysmal Wii U Mario Tennis game. It's a series that I have always loved and found to have so much replay-ability but now it seems like a quick cash in (if anyone actually buys it) which is just such a shame. Seems it's going the same way as Mario Party which also started off as a bit of a must have with some great follow ups before all going a bit south.
  18. I have found some really cool weapons recently just wandering around. The Hebra Mountains section is just full of delicious secrets and weaponry. Also stumbled upon 2 of the secret hot springs which surprised me when it started regenerating my health as I swam through it. Missed a shrine as I was unable to get rid of the ice around it (no flint, red chu chu jelly or fire arrow) so I've marked it on the map to go back to when I'm better prepared. I still have so much to do and not once has my want to play this game wavered. Although I do fancy some Fast RMX every now and again to break it up but not sure whether to purchase it yet or not.
  19. Also, the snowball thing I was on about before is a great way to farm rupees. Keep getting strikes and he gives you a gold rupee (worth 300!) each time. . Getting a strike is easy once you've done it once too.
  20. Just had this delivered. Should help me get all I want from the game without having to consult the net when I'm stumped or when I need to know where certain things are. And after I'm done it'll look good on a shelf somewhere.
  21. When you basically use nearly all of your rupees playing the ten pin bowling game with the snow balls... must get a strike!
  22. I cannot wait for this. Perfect fit for the Switch handheld mode too.
  23. Well I've put in about 20 hours and have only just done the first beast and that's only because I stumbled upon it. Unlocked just 4 areas with only 2 of them seed things found It just keeps getting better the more I play. Although I did do the first 'beast' and it was typical Zelda. So basically I needed a guide. First time I've been properly stumped and it frustrated me a little bit and brought back all those annoying feelings from every single previous Zelda. After that though I was back exploring and enjoying it again, so all was forgiven. It seems the majority who are taking their sweet time with the game are getting the most enjoyment from it from what I'm reading. I like that there is no right or wrong way to play a game this big but it's certainly giving me so much entertainment just exploring and completing random side quests before I seek out any story progression.
  24. I mean it's great for some people but I'm glad you can turn it off.
  25. Oh this no fall off thing, they had the activated at the Switch events as I tried to mushroom through a grassy patch on the course to get in the lead and it wouldn't let me. Some invisible wall guiding me round properly. I just thought it was something purely for the demo so kids etc had a chance? Can that be turned off? I really didn't like it.
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