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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Dat METROID!!! Aaaaaaand the 29th Fire Emblem game announced in 2017.
  2. Omg no way! Although top spin really went downhill for me due to the difficult control scheme they implemented. I tried and tried and just couldn't get to grips with it at all. It wasn't as fun to play as the arcad-ey Virtua Tennis. But I am definitely interested in this. I imagine it'll look great on the current gen consoles too. Wonder if it'll get a Switch release?
  3. The only third party support I want is a sequel to EA's Grand Slam Tennis. What a game. Sunk hundreds of hours into that online. And I'm no online gamer but it made me violent with it. Lol. Speaking of tennis games, where they even at in general? I can't remember the last tennis game. Top Spin I never got into with it's difficult controls but Virtua Tennis was the absolute best. Another one of those would be incredible. For any console.
  4. I tweeted Ubisoft. No response yet. It is Ubisoft making this, right?
  5. Yeah I've been thinking about that recently I don't understand what's happened to it. Had high hopes. Ah well, will pick it up on PS4 if no Switch.
  6. So this is basically like fire emblem turn based but with MARIO and rabbids? I hate this kind of shit. If it was a big splatoon style adventure shooter then hell yes. But turn based?! Urgh, no!
  7. I downloaded Shantae. Only put in about an hour and a half so far but enjoying it a lot. Already had some backtracking but if it's like I think it will be, where you use the obtained power ups to access other areas then I'm completely happy with that. I love how full of charm it is. From the characters down to the item that you can buy. Shampoo to improve her hair whip etc . It also looks glorious. Reminds me a bit of the new sonic the Hedgehog's they did (episode 1 etc). Here's to more Shantae! Or at least, the release of the others!
  8. Cheers Ike. I did actually download it on Wii U and I think I played it for like 30 mins or it could have been another one? Can't remember. Yeah backtracking isn't too much of an issue I guess. I think when I read reviews when it came out original they all mentioned the game being too easy? Again could be wrong. Bad memory haha. Think I'll give it a go though. In the mood for this type of game.
  9. What was the general consensus of Shantae? One of the better in the series or no? Thinking of downloading this tonight and having something to play over the weekend.
  10. They may surprise us @Shorty and it'll be there in the final game... *keeps fingers crossed.
  11. Hmm. They do always tend to rehash the same levels don't they. I know they're classics, but it'd be nice to see some love given to levels like lava reef, oil ocean zone and scrap brain.
  12. Aneres11


    I put my preorder in for this last night. Ever since playing it at the Switch event before the Switch release I knew I was gonna get it. The punch fire just cemented that. It seems like there's a fair bit of content and a lot of stuff to unlock. I'm also really into fighting games at the min, currently playing through SSF2 and loving it. It's not a genre I'm normally keen on, but I'm so excited for Arms and want to pick up SSF5 on my ps4 soon now too. The characters in this are brilliant. Design is spot on and the games music has already been stuck in my head. It's one of my most anticipated games and I never thought I'd say that after the first reveal.
  13. First time playing this through on the TV, it doesn't transition well does it? Or am I just used to playing handheld? When I say it doesn't transition well, it plays fine it just doesn't look quite as pleasing as it does in handheld mode. For me anyway. Who are people's go to characters anyway? I don't really have one as of yet, just working through the story campaigns first. But so far none stand out to me although I'm liking Ryu at the min. The 2 girls I find really difficult to use, for some reason.
  14. I've got to say, those updates sound terrific. All of the things that were seemingly annoying, gloomy gem grotto, some of the controls, camera, mine and arcade challenges etc, are all showing as being improved. This will really make me tempted to pick it up again on Switch. As much as I wanted to punch something whilst playing the game on my One, when the game was good, it was very very good so hopefully all of these improvements will make it the game it should have been day one.
  15. I really didn't like this game. Won't be a purchase from me. Seems like an odd decision to re-release it with added stuff. Almost like it's giving the new 2ds more of a purpose as I'm sure people will buy into that knowing this is coming.
  16. Anything but mystery fucking dungeon please. Come at me, Glen-i.
  17. Well I'm 29, so I'm almost in the oldie group too (lol) but I just never played the series for whatever reason. However it is familiar to me, as if I have played it before (albeit briefly) but not sure where. Got my Switch with me for more lunchtime playing. Can't wait.
  18. I picked this up the other day. Had a chance to play through it and I'm really really enjoying it. I had the difficulty set to medium when I first started playing and got my ass handed to me constantly. Couldn't even get past the first fighter! I turned it to easy and started getting to grips with the controls as I worked through. I love the stories at the end for each character. Even though some are a bit cheesy, (part of the charm ) it gives me the incentive to play through with every character. The game looks great too. Haven't played with the old style visuals yet, but don't really have any inclination to when it looks this good. At the moment I'm not bothered about forking out what I did for it. I only paid a fiver as I had a 30 quid LAME voucher which I wasn't going to use on this, but temptation got the better of me. Glad it did. Not sure if I'll bother with online. I'm no where near good enough, but might be a laugh to try!
  19. Oh my god my sister had Dream Phone! I loved it more than she did. Ahh the signs were there early.
  20. *waits for Serebii to come and try and dash our dreams. jus' kiddin. Kinda
  21. Aneres11


    Played the test fire thing of this today. Really really enjoyed it. I loved it when I played it at the Switch event back in Feb (?) so I was looking forward to this. Didn't get chance to play any yesterday. I didn't use motion controls this time, went with the Pro Controller instead. Took a little time to get used to it but once I had gone through the tutorial I was away. In the actual online matches, I didn't lose one fight! It's like I was a fighting demon! Chose Ribbon Girl and paired her with the party popper arm and this weird wormy type arm. It was so good, controls felt very tight and I had so much enjoyment from it. I liked the volleyball game, that was pretty cool. The 2 vs 2 I didn't enjoy on the first go, the second time I enjoyed it a lot more. Either way, I've seen enough. This game can't come soon enough for me.
  22. I've never played the game. Is it worth it for someone who likes the odd fighter and hasn't experienced this or is it still better to wait for the price drop?!
  23. Curry's have a pretty cool bank holiday deal with the One at the min. One S, plus Forza Horizon 3, plus a coloured wireless official controller for £199.99. Well, that seems good to me anyway! For anyone interested
  24. Taking the piss with the release date on this. I mean, it's stages that have been around for years with added bits. Doesn't help that they keep releasing videos of every stage for us to just watch... and not play.
  25. Will give this a try! Cheers.
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