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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I've been off the last fortnight from work (back tomorrow, ew) and mike1988uk has been off too. Last year we started playing Resident Evil 5 (for the third time ) and stopped when I got a second part time job. We ended up going back to it a year later last week and platinum-ed it. We then decided to try RE 6 (shudder) given it's also co-op. Currently working through it. 2 campaigns down one to go. Absolutely awful game. I knew it was shit, as I never got through it the first time on release. But playing it now, wish we hadn't bothered! Certainly won't be going for the platinum on this one that's for sure!
  2. EDIT found it. Not very clear.
  3. Umm stupid question but how do you 'pick' a side. I can't seem to do anything until I 'choose a team' but don't have a clue how to actually do that.
  4. I finished Until Dawn yesterday. Did a couple of reruns and chapter selects to get the platinum. It's the kind of game that I enjoyed platinum-ing as the additional bits of story I uncovered let me make sense of the characters a little more, which I appreciated. Overall I enjoyed the game. I was a bit disappointed in how the second half of the game took a very different turn, and all of a sudden the feel and pace of the game changed for the worse. I won't detail how and why for those still playing or wanting to play, but it ventured into silly territory which was such a shame given how well the opening 5-6 hours played. Voice acting was top notch. Hated the tacked on controls to command a player to do something, and there were too many damn walls to climb, but that aside it was really enjoyable and I don't think I'd have ever stumbled across it if it wasn't for PS Plus doing it for free. More like this going forward please!
  5. Don't forget Sonic Mania y'all. Perfect for Switch!
  6. You wash your filthy whore mouth out. I loooove the yellow ones. But I do get they can be a bit full on.
  7. Absolutely loving Until Dawn. Id have paid for this goodness, so to get it free is sweet. Im gripped by it. Some of the controls are a bit annoying, feels like they've tried to tack on interaction and it can get a bit clumsy. But the story is very good along with the voice acting / dialogue. Definitely a a lot of jumpy moments!
  8. This is just one game I have no interest in at all. I didn't play the first, but did play it at the Switch event in Feb and didn't enjoy it at all. I don't think it's for me. First big Switch game I won't be buying. Unless the demo changes my mind but I'm doubtful. Dont even know why I don't like it, but it just doesn't do it for me.
  9. Some really great prices there. Must resist the urge on Resident Evil games...
  10. Myself and @Mike1988uk are currently on a PS4 splurge and finally completing Resident Evil 5 platinum that we started this time last year (my fault due to getting a second job which took all my time...) We've been discussing the PS4 Pro. Both of us got 4k TV's last year so we're all set if we did get one, but just wondering if anyone on here did the upgrade and if you thought it was worth it? Reviews just seem to say that it's a decent if not a must have upgrade, but the additional memory would be welcomed and there are some pretty solid deals around now that would interest us. Anyone buy one and regret it?!
  11. Looks very clean and modern. Huge thumbs up!! Also getting adverts like H-o-T says. That's the only niggle.
  12. Aneres11


    I will see what I can do and let y'all know. I'm really finding my feet (or should that be Arms... :P ) with this game now. Played difficulty 4 again and did it much easier than my first play through. I find it hugely rewarding. When I am able to chain together a series of hits and dodge opponents punches to turn defense into offense is really pleasing for a fighting game. One thing this is not, is a button masher. And I think that's part of what makes it so tricky to get into, but also adds that reward factor. I also absolutely LOVE all of these characters. I just wish that there was a bit more story to them. Some animated sections at the end would be most welcome for me. Do wish there was a bit more content for the single player, but as a multiplayer game it truly excels itself. Pleased I picked it up, looking forward to completing it with all the characters and then trying to move up with difficulty.
  13. Aneres11


    I too just completed it on level 4 which was tricky but also very satisfying. That last bit! Really difficult! Did it with Spring Man. Starting to feel like I'm getting a bit better now but could definitely do with playing a lot more before I try and tackle online!
  14. Aneres11


    I just finished my first campaign. Went through virtually every character but Master Mummy was the one I ended up doing it with. Absolutely loved playing as him, and found myself warming to the game massively. Had some really tense fights! Ended up getting a 'perfect' which I thought was nicely pointed to at the ranking at the end with the little yellow star. Found my swing with it a little bit, and ended up with a bit of a tactic that I utilised quite well, so hopefully I can take this forward with the other characters. I also like how the show that you've completed the campaign with the character as it puts a crown above them on the character select screen. The game looks absolutely glorious I think. I was screenshotiing a lot of the 'K.O' screens as they looked great! I tend to prefer the smaller stages as it seems to be a bit easier for me? Not sure why. The game has a lot going for it. It's accessible (or at least it should be if difficult was right), characters are great and interesting, and it controls nicely. But the difficulty is definitely off. And that makes it not so accessible which hopefully will get changed. Haven't tried any online yet, will try and get a bit better first!
  15. Definitely better in person than I thought they would be! (Joy-cons). Also rocking a clear hard case which protects the console in handheld mode. Annoying it can't be charged with it on, but pops off easy enough to sit in the dock.
  16. Yeah it's always the same game. Kirby's Dream land 3 has been banded about so much it makes me hate the little guy. I personally couldn't really care less about VC, as they haven't got it right for me yet. If it was how it should be, so a plethora of amazing games from N64 and GC then brilliant. But I don't want to play GBA or SNES or NES games (personally) so I'm not excited by it. It just baffles me that the Wii U offered N64 games and this doesn't.
  17. Aneres11


    Definitely. Some of the characters look way better than her too. I tried Twintelle on the last punch fire and didn't do great so switched back to Ribbon Girl and did ok again. Will mix it up and hope for an improvement. Played more of this on lunch. Three different characters, loaded the difficulty to 2 and still couldn't get past the second fighter out of 10. Either I'm really bad at it, or something is slightly off. I'm finding it annoying more than anything at the minute. There doesn't seem to be any consistency. I played one round and got beaten within 20 seconds without landing a single hit on the opponent. In the next round I won in similar fashion and wasn't seemingly doing anything different. All a bit odd. Played more of this on lunch. Three different characters, loaded the difficulty to 2 and still couldn't get past the second fighter out of 10. Either I'm really bad at it, or something is slightly off. I'm finding it annoying more than anything at the minute. There doesn't seem to be any consistency. I played one round and got beaten within 20 seconds without landing a single hit on the opponent. In the next round I won in similar fashion and wasn't seemingly doing anything different. All a bit odd.
  18. Ha what an idiot. And I love the guy throwing those questions at him. Asking what we all want to know. He needs to keep popping up at all these events where Reggie is going to be and just keep asking the same thing again and again.
  19. Aneres11


    I did only use Ribbon Girl last night because I used her in the punch fire and did really well. But found no joy last night so will try another character on my lunch today.
  20. Aneres11


    I'm finding this a bit slow paced at the moment. Also not sure where to set the difficulty as I chose '4' originally but got soundly beaten. Changed to '3' and the same thing happened. But yeah, really slow paced and not frantic enough, which isn't something I felt with the punch fire? The thought of going through 10 fights feels like it will be a bit of a slog, especially after playing the likes of street fighter where it's very quick round after round. Kinda how I think fighting games should be. But I'll keep on. I didn't play much at all so hopefully tomorrow night and over the weekend I'll get to grips with it more.
  21. Aneres11


    ShopTo in early delivery shocker! Thought there days of this were over!
  22. Is it typical of them to reveal more stuff at the end or no? I don't remember them doing previously but I don't follow it like some of you guys have / do.
  23. https://m.store.nintendo.co.uk/nintendo-switch-game/super-mario-odyssey-cappy-hat/11489899.html Ask and ye shall receive!
  24. I'm slowly moving on with Shantae. Is this a short game? I've just beaten Twitch and Vinegar and seems like it hasn't taken me long to get to that stage. Is there replayability in the collecting of all the items from the world's and power ups etc? Or is there more story?
  25. It's games like this that make it reallllllly difficult for me to resist this new 2DS. Damn you Nintendo.
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