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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Hmm what are these silver rings? I haven’t seen these yet I don’t think? I really found myself loving this yesterday. I’ve finally figured out the Wispons which really make a big difference for some levels. My favourite is lightning. I love going through a huge loop of rings using it. Whisper it quietly but I think I’m having more fun with this than I was with Mania... . But I am a sucker for a 3D Sonic. Im not doing bad with S ranks. I’ve got a fair few so fair so am enjoying going back trying to get more. You’re right though @S.C.G, it’s much easier after the daily missions for the added bonus. Gonna try the Shadow DLC tonight.
  2. Played loads more of this now. Think I’m getting near the end. Really enjoyed it so far. I still don’t reallly like the avatar stages too much, but those aside it is such a fun game. Sonic doesn’t always control particularly well, moreso 2d Sonic, but it’s nice to have a mix of the 2d and 3D gameplay. It also looks really nice in parts. I said I wasn’t going to try and S tank every state but maybe I’ll give it a go.
  3. I double dipped on this for Xbox and OS4. Literally the worst decision ever . It was bad enough the first time but that was prior to the patch which fixed things somewhat. It is a decent game in parts but there’s too many annoyances. I say this and in a moment of madness I’ll end up triple dipping so im gonna shut up now.
  4. I started this yesterday. I actually am quite impressed so far. But I don’t like how the created character controls. That hook shot thing just breaks the gameplay up too much for tastes. Stops the flow that you get when playing as Somic. Weapon is decent though. Overall I think it’s had a bad rep as others have said. I can’t say that with certainty yet though as I only just started it, but I’m having a fair bit of fun so far and I guess that’s all that matters. i also find the story to be good which is not normally the case in these type of games. Looking forward to playing some more anyway.
  5. Yeah echo all of that. Particularly the hub world and levels looking the same virtually. That caused some confusion. I finished it completely before. 100%. I actually hope we get another game in the series, and they fix some of the complaints that people have had with it as it could be really good. It definitely didn't deserve the low score from the likes of IGN who slated it good and proper - it was better than they'd have had you believe for sure. Moving onto Sonic Forces now!
  6. I’ve only played 5 mins docked the rest has been handheld. Its still a good game don’t get me wrong, it’s just showing it’s age a bit now.
  7. I picked this up for Switch the other day. I adored this game on release all those years ago. Getting all the achievements was also great fun. Sadly... I kinda wish I’d left this one in the past as my opinion now doesn’t quite reach the same heights... It’s a good game but it is showing its age a bit. Graphically it’s good still, but the draw distance thing whilst driving with all the buildings and trees just popping up as you drive by is jarring. I also find the controls and shooting sections to be pretty shoddy. I think these were complaints the original had, but like I say I absolutely loved the game when it first came out. I find myself playing it and getting bored. I wonder how it runs on an Xbox One X in comparison or a Pro. i will persevere, but I don’t find myself wanting to as much as I’d have hoped.
  8. Yeah I finished Lucky today. Didn’t 100% it as I need to go back and get the 300 coins in each world. Then I need to get the secret achievements. That game had some really interesting ideas that if they’d have built on could have made the overall package that bit better. I actually found the platforming to be the weakest / most boring part of the game. It was also difficult to control Lucky sometimes, particularly when trying to jump on enemies heads. The double jump felt a bit lacking to me. I really enjoyed the statue puzzles, the 2d sections and also the marble maze bits. They were where the game shone. I think they could have done more to vary the worlds as they all felt and looked very samey outside of the spooky world. Where is my ice / snow world at? No platformer is complete without an ice world. All in all, good but not great. A really nice relaxing game to chill with though and fairly easy to 100% it seems. Now to also find out about this prequel?
  9. I know haha. I haven't bought a COD game for years coz I don't play online. I hate all the team v team death match stuff (hence why I don't like Splatoon too much etc) and the single players have been lacking (from what I've read) the past few games. And short. So paying £40 for them was never something I wanted to do! But this does sound pretty sweet. Definitely picking it up now!
  10. That’ll do! Sounds up my street. I was tempted to pick up for the single player campaign but now this sounds like a decent addition to go alongside it and makes that price a bit easier to justify. Thanks for the write up!
  11. This sounds fun... tell me more. Is it like an online co-op working together? Or are you against each other? Sounds like if it is co-op it could go some way to fill a large left 4 dead shaped hole in my online co-op gaming appetite .
  12. Yeah Argos have some fantastic deals with PS4 games. Finally a good Black Friday!
  13. Played more of Lucky's Tale last night and turned it on just now to get some more done on it. 6.5GB update required. Y tho. I am speechless. I've googled it and I can't see a reason for the update. It was working perfectly fine so I'm not sure what this update is supposed to achieve. And I still have no internet, so I am tethering my phone to my X to update it. Thankfully I get 50GB of mobile data, but it is the slowest experience ever. Might go my mum's to leach off her internet and install LA Noire on Switch. Apparently my internet is imminent (not sure I believe) so this won't be as much of a problem soon...
  14. My Design Lab controller arrived today. Had a quick peak before it's wrapped up for Christmas. I love it! It's so... yellow.
  15. I never played Forza 6. Well, I briefly played a mates when the One came out and liked it but didn’t buy it. It pushed me to buy Horizon though and I’ve played the last two of them and loved them. Yeah Lucky is pretty good! I will go back for all the collectibles I’m not going out of my way to find them on my first play through. But I will definitely want the 1000g!
  16. That's interesting. Forza 7 has blown everything out the water for me in terms of visuals. It just makes my jaw hit the floor sometimes with some tracks. Having said that, I was playing Odyssey for a bit yesterday and then put Lucky on last night for a bit of easy gaming and I was really impressed at how it looked. It looks basic, but the colours and wide palette as you say are gorgeous. It isn't half bad either I'm actually enjoying playing through it!
  17. What are people’s thoughts with VR? I haven’t actually experienced it, so am not a fair one to judge at all, however to me it seems very niche. Like I say, I can’t judge until I try it but is this something that will be used heavily (which I’d kind of want for the price) or is it something that just gets rolled out once every few months? There doesn’t seem to be anything ‘must have’ about it. If you have friends over a lot I guess it could be a lot of fun but for the lone solo gamer it doesn’t seem like it would be worth the money? Correct me if I’m wrong though .
  18. Spent some time with my X now and quite enjoying it. The dashboard since the update is much improved. What is nice is never actually having to leave a game to do, well, anything. That’s welcome. I used a memory stick to upload some images so I could customise my background. Looks loads better now and I like that transparency options are there along with the light theme. I have a 4K OLED TV hence what pushed me to get an X, and I’m glad I did. I can really tell the difference with games like Forza. It looks amazing. Picked up that and Assasins Creed Origins, Sonic Forces and Super Lucky’s Tale. Lucky nowhere near as poor as reviews would have you believe. The camera that everyone complains about hasn’t been anywhere near as troublesome as I expected. It’s a cutesy game, very much aimed at youngsters it would seem but as a fan of these kind of platformers I’m getting some enjoyment. So far so good. Just hope Microsoft don’t go and change the dashboard for the worst again. Fully expecting it to happen though.
  19. They are pricey. It’s a Christmas present though which my bf is getting me so I’ll have to wait a bit before I can play with it! I don’t think had he have offered that I’d have got one. They do look so cool though. The possibilities are endless with them it seems, as virtually everything is customisable. I’ve got my One now and got it all set up. Proving a bit difficult with no internet at home but hopefully that’ll be rectified soon. Forza 7 looks absolutely insane.
  20. If anyone wants to gift me Forza 7, I’ll take it I guess.
  21. Dont think there is a thread for this, I’ve searched but nope. This has been brought forward to December 22! Originally it was slated for a January release but they’ve clearly seen sense and got it in just before Christmas! Anyone excited?! I think it looks pretty good but hope there’s more to it then just mini games, but not holding my breath. At the very least, if it is just mini games at least it’ll just be the best part of MP as the boards and gameplay side has been struggling for a while. A perfect Christmas game anyway!
  22. Excellent!! I really enjoyed Tekken 7. The story was absolutely all over the place but the actual core fighting was great.
  23. I had a feeling it would have sold well but didn’t expect that well. Wonder if it will continue to sustain those numbers or nose dive? I guess it’s the best time of year for it to be released for Christmas although the lack of stellar AAA releases might hamper it somewhat. In other news, I have ordered an Xboxdesignlab controller. Should be here in a week or so. Most bright, but I love me a crazy controller and yellow is my fave colour . Got my gamer tag engraved too
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