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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Going to keep it short and sweet. Yes. Would love something similar.
  2. Sorry dude I was going to link it but my phone doesn't give me the direct site link. Instead it gives the google search one which is no good to anyone. But the one @Grazza posted is seemingly better anyway!
  3. I have just done a quick google search and it's given me a list of all the places to find better armour / clothing. Quite spoiler free too as it just tells you which location it's in, like the shrine name or the town you find it in off the back of a completed side quest, doesn't actually go into detail about it. Think that's my plan this evening, go through that and try and upgrade a bit.
  4. I have sunk hours into this game so far yet seem to be so far behind everyone else! I'm still in the same clothes you start with, I only have one extra heart and upgraded one stamina, I only found my first korok seed last night and I've only uncovered about 4 sections of map! I'm taking it very slow it would seem, but not intentionally. I only get about 2 hours play time of an evening after work but each time I play I'm drawn into something that just makes time fly. I really need to get some more hearts and better armour etc. I just don't know how to improve my clothing. I guess I'll stumble upon it soon!
  5. Yeah they're the ones! Ordered them this evening along with a tempered glass screen protector. I fit the one that came with the official case but don't like it too much. Tempered glass is always the way and it had been reviewed well, so thought I'd give it a go.
  6. This game just looks absolutely amazing at times. Loving every second I play. Playing in handheld mode and having a game that looks like this which can be taken anywhere still blows my mind a bit.
  7. Link seems to be broken. But I think they're the same things that I've been looking at / for. Gonna order them now as I think it will help in handheld mode.
  8. Sold! Lemme know your deets via PM and I'll sort.
  9. When is this out btw?! Is there an estimated release date?
  10. Lol this is me. I've seemingly fluked a couple of shrines and thought to myself "how the fuck was I actually meant to do that?!" It's nice that it's seemingly open to interpretation!
  11. It's not good that @King_V has felt the need to leave, I agree. But this kind of attitude is part of the reason why there are arguments. You're making a bit of a generalisation that people who post here regularly do not want people who don't post as regularly to contribute, just because they may not have the same positive feelings that you do towards Nintendo. It's not the point of a forum. It's a discussion board and people need to learn to start being receptive to an opinion that doesn't match up with yours. I for one do like to hear why people are not buying the Switch. We all have our own views and if we're unable to use this forum as a way to express them (sensibly) then what's the point? May as well shut the whole thing down. There has already been a good deal of mod activity recently, doing their best to keep things in line, but making posts like that are not going to help this hostile feeling that is often felt around here. People are allowed to express their disappointment and annoyance at Nintendo just as much as you are allowed to express your hype and joy. We're all grown up enough to be able to do this peacefully, I'm sure.
  12. Ok so I have another 128gb memory card available for £22 if anyone wants it. @Mike1988uk has taken advantage of one and I've kept the other one for my phone so I have one left. Brand new ready to be sent out just let me know if interested. @nekunando and @Clownferret will confirm bargain values as they bought the previous 2.
  13. My opinion so far is that it truly is the masterpiece that it was built up to be when the majority of the reviews came out. I've made no secret that I've never finished a Zelda game as I often found it difficult to know where I needed to go next, what items I needed, what person I needed to speak to etc. I worried that because this was open world, it'd be even worse for me. Turns out, so far it's the opposite. Having the freedom to do what you want and when you want is the best thing about it for me. Opening up the map, discovering shrines, the side quests, the puzzles dotted about the world are just some of the many things that always keep me with something to do. They may not have any relevance on progressing the story, but that's not what my goal is with this game. I don't think it's a game that should be picked p to just get through and move on to the next. It's an alive world that needs to be explored in whichever way you choose to do it. The combat is hard for me and the breakable weapons leaves me having to be tactical in the way I approach a hoard of enemies. It truly feels like I am Link when I play it as everything is on my terms and how I choose to play. I don't think a video game has ever made me feel that way before. When I'm not embroiled in a battle or a side quest or a shrine hunt, I'm just screenshotting my surroundings. The game looks utterly amazing at times and I've had my finger hovered on that screen grab button so often throughout my play time so far. I haven't even attempted any of the 'beasts' yet as I don't actually want to. I'm still in the same clothes I started in (although I have dyed them green! ) so I need to find some better clothing from somewhere. I also want to increase my health and stamina which I need to get to more shrines to achieve, but with only 4 section of the map open yet, I've got a long way to go and so much more to see and do. I play a lot of games where I find myself wanting to get to the end so I can just complete it and tick it off or then grab all the trophies. That's basically become my modern day approach to gaming which I guess is sad when I compare to how I played games growing up. Breath of the Wild takes me back to that old style of gameplay as it lets me explore and go at my own pace so I get to see everything I possible can. It's how I played MARIO 64 back in the day and also Shenmue 2, which this game has reminded me of on a number of occasions so far. It's nothing like it of course, but they're the games I played and got totally sucked into as a kid and this game is doing the exact same thing. I said I hoped it'd be the first Zelda I completed, but at the same time I really don't want this one to ever end.
  14. This is such a gem of a game. Never would I have picked this up if it hadn't been a launch title with not much else to keep me going on the system. I know there's Zelda, but that aside it was slim pickings for me which made me look into this a bit more. I was dubious but I actually love it. Still feel like Bomberman is a touch too slippy and it is having an impact on the later levels for me now, but I am enjoying it more and more each time I fire it up. Although it still confuses me what the things are you pick up when you break things with the bomb. The fire icon etc. What am I picking up?! All I'm doing is just dropping bombs and avoiding them but I feel like there's more to do than that? Glad I purchased.
  15. What in gods name is this shrine with the motion controls? What the actual fuck kind of fuckery?! I can't do it and I'm ready to smash something. Whyyyy.
  16. I'd be excited over Nintendo @ E3 definitely. They need to be there. I enjoy the treehouse stuff but I really think they need to get themselves to e3 to bring the hype. Let's be honest, they have the franchises to be able to cause waves of excitement for anyone and everyone watching if they have the games in development to do so. Imagine if they announced a new F Zero or Metroid at e3. They'd prob win the whole thing. Now the Switch is out and seemingly doing well (better than Wii U anyway), people are going to want to know what's to come. I just hope Nintendo haven't shot their load too early for this year and we're left with little else to discuss. Oh and Super Princess Peach 2 would be most welcome whenever you're ready Nintendo k thanks.
  17. Seems like considering the stock that was there was sold out means it could have sold even more potentially. Definitely promising. With the stock shortage it's hopefully building some hype up and people are going to keep their eyes out to get one when readily available. They're doing all the right things so far just need to keep pushing the TV adverts. Drove past a bus stop on way to work this morning in my little town and there was a Switch advert there!
  18. Really great Switch review btw @Ashley. Enjoyed reading through it.
  19. So I'm not the biggest Zelda fan normally as I can't complete these games for love nor money. I get stuck not knowing what to do and then I give up and sack it off. When I heard this was open world I was a bit deflated as I thought I'd never know where to go or what to do. Whilst there have been some bits I've scratched my head over, I haven't reached for a guide once yet and I've got to be over 10 hours in. I love it. It doesn't feel like Zelda outside of the shrines at the moment, and maybe that's a good thing for me? Although I can see why others miss that Zelda feel but I never got so into the series that I find myself missing the previous formula. The way I have been playing is just exactly how I feel like playing at the time. I truly feel like this is my adventure. It's not the adventure that's been chosen for me to play through like everyone else. And I like that. A lot of the fun for me is just wandering around for the shrines, the little temple quest things and exploring everything around that along the way. In parts the game just looks beautiful. I don't feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Even though I don't know what I'm doing. Going to keep exploring the areas and filling out the map before I attempt any of the beast things, but at the moment half of the fun is finding exciting new weapons and ingredients to go cooking with! I'm made up with how it's going so far and hope I continue to enjoy it as much as I am now.
  20. Well I've never played a Bomberman game before. Playing the first world near the end now. Either I really suck at this game or it's not for me haha. I'm enjoying it, but something feels a little off with the controls. Having never played it I can't say if it's normal, but Bomberman himself feels a little 'slippy'? I keep running back into bomb paths or enemies when I'm trying to avoid them. It seems to be when I use the analogue stick, seems like it's a game made for a Dpad. I have been playing in handheld mode so could try with the Pro Controller but have had some difficulty so far. And I've set it to beginner seeing as I am to the series! Haha. Still, I haven't really wanted to put it down yet, so it's doing something right.
  21. Sigh. Still in work til half 5 then off to other half nan's straight from work for tea. Who lives miles away. But wait!! I have the Switch with me! That'll make the journey much sweeter. Also, representing BOTW with my Zelda pin today. Even had someone spot it and strike up a convo with me!
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