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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Just finished world 3, absolutely loved it. Easily the best world so far for me. Liked pretty much everything about it. Pagies were interesting, the level mechanics were solid and it truly started to feel more like its own game rather than trying to be Banjo 3. The more moves added to Yooka and Laylee make it stand out on its own merits a little more, what with the lizard tongue to zip onto certain platforms etc - liked that a lot. I did everything in that world other than 9 feathers and 2 Pagies - both of which are obtainable through an area I can't get to yet as I don't have the power up. But I shall return! It's made me a bit more determined to get everything in the other worlds first, but world 2 is just so bad I don't think I can cope. :P
  2. Whaaaa?! I'd say it's equal parts of both but I can see why people would think of it as more shooter. On topic of Yooka-Laylee, game is starting to lose its shine a bit with me. I agree with what you say Dcubed about it lacking some polish. But what they have achieved with the game is astounding considering the size of the studio etc, so can't really be too critical. I think it more comes down to the sheer size of the worlds. I think they're too big. The first world was an ok size, but this Glacier one is far too big for my liking. There's so much to find but I feel a bit fatigued searching for it as it's just so big. Maybe it didn't help that I expanded the glacier world before I even entered it as I had enough pagies. I don't think I'll do that going forward. Some annoying parts of the game have put a bit of a downer on it for me too, but overall it's still enjoyable. See how I fare with it going forward.
  3. Ratchet and Clank say heeyyyyy.
  4. It's an awful part of the game. I turned it off in frustration last night, loaded it up this afternoon and did it first time. Obviously.
  5. I'm not expecting them to be changed for Switch. And I did use headphones in the end. ________________ Finished world 1 completely (as much as I could, anyway). I never backed this originally, as I wanted to see how it was going to pan out. Felt a little unsure on it the more we saw if I'm being honest, and have continued to feel that way until I've started playing it. It's really good. It feels like I'm playing Banjo Threeie :p just with two different characters. The sound track is great, the visuals are amazing, and it has that exact same humour that was found in the Banjo games. The bigger feeling worlds are a little hard to get used to, seeing as there is a lot to find. I can understand how people have spent an age trying to find all of the collectibles as I too, have had the same hunt! But it is enjoyable, not annoying in the slightest. The annoying things for me so far are the voices as mentioned, and sometimes the controls don't feel as tight as they could. More so when using the roll ball method to get up slopes. It's just a little off, and manoeuvring can be tricky. That aside, I can't wait to play more. It's everything I could want for as a huge B&K fan back in the day. Been on this more this evening, had to come off it in sheer frustration. Gloomy Gem Grotta - absolutely horrendous level design. After googling it a bit I can see others also felt similar. Apparently there's a power up that you obtain much later on which helps a lot with it, but how are you to know exactly? I've not been so frustrated at a game in a long long time until I played this. Reading on some other forums apparently this isn't even the most frustrating section, so I'm excited to see what other parts are going to leave me wanting to smash my controller up. I've knocked it off for the night. Completely pissing me off after spending an hour just trying to get past it.
  6. I wish it were available on Switch! My bf has done nothing but moan since it's been on about how annoying the 'voices' are, and I have to agree. It's grinding.
  7. Just bought this from Argos for my Xbox. Turns Xbox on, needs massive 4gb update. Finally finishes then the game needs a 5gb update. Amazing. I will play it some time today. This is why I like Switch games coz there's little to none of this bull shit!
  8. This is just going to be Arms and Splatoon 2 isn't it.
  9. Wonder if we'll hear anything about 'Steep'? Looks like a great game and we've heard next to nothing since it was announced.
  10. Argos have the neon joy-con pair with Snipperclips bundled for £69.99 - the same price as the neon joy-con on their own. Not sure if anyone is interested, but thought I'd post in case someone was wanting to buy the neon joy-cons and hadn't picked up Snipperclips yet. http://www.argos.co.uk/product/6869520
  11. I must be the only person in the country playing this game . Annoyingly the game has crashed on me twice whilst playing. First time it was towards the end of a lengthy chapter and when I rebooted the game it had taken me right back to the start of it. Did the same again tonight but I had only just started the chapter so not too bad. Not sure if its the game or my Switch but no other game has crashed yet. That aside I think its a great game. Glad I picked it up it has been really fun Ro play through and easily beats the other Lego games I have played. Whilst it's really simplistic and very much aimed at a younger audience, it still manages to keep me entertained and I've even grown to like all of the different outfits changes to progress through levels. Not sure if ill do a collectathon at the end once the credits roll, if the Switch had some form of achievement system then id be well up for it. Alas I prob won't!
  12. I knew you would be! Seems a Direct never goes by without some mention of bloody Fire Emblem!
  13. Hoping for release dates on Sonic Mania and Yooka-Laylee but don't think a Nintendo Direct will be the place for that. Anything new would be nice. Some form of Resident Evil announcement maybe? I think the majority of the Direct will be expanding upon games we already know about but I'm up for being surprised!
  14. Likely to be Arms, Splatoon 2 and 9 new Fire Emblem games.
  15. I never played the original so can't really comment. Sometimes they feel really long, but I would say for the most part it is passable. It's only when you're going in and out of a building that the load times are long. And mostly, you're outside. I am about 10 hours in and so far they haven't annoyed me. But I often play with a cup of tea next to me, so it gives me time to have a few sips. I'm enjoying the game itself the more I play it. Would I have picked it up if there was other games available for Switch, probably not. But the wait for MK and Sonic Mania etc made me want to invest more and I'm glad I did.
  16. I'm about half way through this now (I'm guessing, based on amount of chapters). Really enjoying it. It's definitely the best Lego game I've played although I wouldn't class myself as a massive fan of them anyway. This one seems to have a lot more about it though, what with it being so open world. It's nice that you can defer from the main story and have a little wander / explore to collect some shiny bricks or just cause mayhem. The different Chase outfits are cool but a little annoying sometimes when an area requires you to constantly swap between a number of them to progress. I unlocked the space suit one yesterday, which is my favourite so far. It's a good game, nice change of pace from Zelda but I definitely can't give the same play time to this that I could with that as it just doesn't keep my attention for long enough. There also isn't too much in the way of a challenge, game play wise, but that isn't what the Lego stories are about I guess so I can't really complain about that. Will hopefully have it boxed off soon so I can dive into Yooka-Laylee next week.
  17. Yeah this happened to me too, and I think Mike1988UK had the same thing when we discussed it. I honestly found it a bit of a slog to get through it. I never did finish it in the end and ended up trading it in because I had absolutely no desire to go back to it. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but the changes to the formula that most people loved, I didn't. Give me the 8 gyms back any day.
  18. Erm... yeah it should. For that very reason you've just stated. It's out on every other console known to man so why the hell wouldn't they do it for Switch. Also I'm talking about the new re-re-make of it which was recently announced for PS4 and Xbox One. I personally find it strange that they wouldn't do it for Switch too especially when it began its life as a handheld game. The Switch is the only console it can be replayed in this same format so it seems like a good fit. I dunno, maybe I'm alone in thinking that. Resident Evil 7 would be amazing on Switch, but whether it's technically capable is beyond my knowledge of these things.
  19. My copy arrived from ShopTo. Only been on it 15 minutes. 11 of those minutes were probably loading screens. I have lold 3 times already though. Definitely going to enjoy this I think!
  20. I'd like the ones that I believe SHOULD be there or should be coming, such as the recently announced remake of RE Revelations. Seeing as it started as a handheld title, and on a Nintendo console, it's madness to me that it isn't also coming to Switch. I'd even take yet more RE:makes for Switch as they're on all other consoles and Capcom are not exactly shy when it comes to milking consumers of their monies. Super Princess Peach 2, obviously. And I agree about a good realistic racer. It'll be interesting to see what happens at the end of the year when the likes of FIFA and COD are released. Will we get the other console equivalent or a basic dumbed down version? Hopefully the former, if possible.
  21. Was watching YouTube vids of this earlier and absolutely love the look of some of these worlds. I said I was going to wait for the Switch version, but with no concrete release date I don't know if I can hold off. I've got Lego City Undercover arriving today so I definitely won't be done with that by Tuesday when this comes out, but im still so tempted.
  22. I've preordered this. Card was charged this morning from ShopTo. £30 with built up points which took the sting off a little. Missed the Wii U version so looking forward to playing this on Switch!
  23. I love these types of games so I am still going to get it, but won't be double dipping on PS4 / Switch now. Instead I'll just get it on Switch when it's available, providing it runs ok etc.
  24. Oh thank fuck they can be turned off.
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