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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Aneres11

    Knack 2

    Apparently it's much improved over the first but still lacking in some areas. I'm very tempted by it. Never did play the first it's still in shrink wrap. I got it with my console bundled for free and trade in for it was always like 2 quid so just kept hold of it.
  2. Aneres11

    Knack 2

    Also, IGN review in. http://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2017/09/05/knack-2-review
  3. Aneres11

    Knack 2

    Downloaded the demo last night. I was kind of enjoying it but then found it a bit of a slog what with waves of enemies coming and not being able to progress until I cleared them. I also didn't get too much of a sense of the type of game it was, but it seemed similar to the Lego games to me minus building stuff. Part of me is intrigued and maaayyy pick it up but I want to play Uncharted Lost Legacy too so not sure whether to take the plunge. This looks like a nice change of pace from RE Revelations Infernal Mode which I'm losing the will over rapidly haha.
  4. Finished this earlier. Took my sweet time with it. Still love this game so much, one of my favourite entries into the series. The setting is spot on and I actually like the story they went with for this. The ships, the characters (all quite interesting) and the episodic formula works. The gameplay is really stilted as it was obviously made for the 3DS and doesn't transition so well to consoles. Some episodes take two minutes to complete (literally) and the longest is only ever 15 minutes or so. But good for quick bursts though that doesn't quite suit the home console play. Started new game plus to do the game on infernal - oh good lord. I'm not sure I will be able to do that. First section there are enemies everywhere and takes about 50 handgun bullets to kill one. Even avoiding them is difficult which is what I've read to do. I need to play it again as I missed a bloody handprint.
  5. Seriously, once you move out and settle you will love it. Having your own place is the best!
  6. I hear you re the comfortable thing. Our current house is in the same close as my parents (2 doors down, so just one neighbour between us both). My BF was completely cool with it when we bought, and we are never bothered by my parents they never come round lol. But my middle sis still lives with my parents and my older sis lives literally round the corner on her own, and we have a family dog (labrador) who lives with my parents so I walk him some nights and he pops round every night on his walk for a digestive. :D. It's great and I love this house. But my BF isn't happy. Doesn't like the neighbours next to us, who granted are wankers, doesn't like how small the house is and doesn't want to spend money on areas that need it (like the bathroom) as it won't add value. I wouldn't want to move, but the additional space in our new house is great and we're still only 5 mins away. It's compromise really. Part of being in a relationship and all that!
  7. I got this at Christmas for my One and didn't really take to it. Not sure why, just couldn't get into it. Although there was one bit at the start which had me howling, the comedy seemed decent in it of nothing else. Mayyyyy try again with it for PS4.
  8. @Nolan yup as H-o-T says I platinumed it and celebrated with a lie down. Had it been a physical copy I'd have smashed the disc into pieces I hated it that much in the end. Underneath the annoyances it's clearly a great game, and one that is crying out for the Ratchet and Clank remaster treatment.
  9. Dude Sonic Mania is like game of the year material! Check out the thread for it over in Nintendo boards. Most people seem to be discussing it there. It won't disappoint anyway!
  10. It's definitely one that will stick in the mind. I just got the last four. Can't believe it. The spiders nest section? Last time I did it I didn't realise there was a blue pad on the floor to shoot you up back to the entrance... Yet every time I passed the entrance and saw that door on the floor I wondered what it was for... I shall kick myself all the way to bed.
  11. Yeah I got those ones. Have no clue where I could have missed. Also just had the joy of getting that one in the volcanic crater that requires you to use the yellow eco from the spider cave. That didn't brighten my mood. Might call it a night and attempt more tomorrow. Cheers for your help tonight
  12. Must be two hours on this level now. Can't find them anywhere. I've looked absolutely everywhere. Not sure if glitch or what as I know they randomly appear when you kill those caterpillar things at the start but I can't look anywhere else and I am well and truly pissed off and beaten. I've never felt so miserable playing a game. And to think I loved it to start with.
  13. And of course, I'm missing 5 orbs in the spider cave. Because it hasn't been SO MUCH FUN enough without having to trawl through it some more.
  14. The snow world was annoying. I just find the controls to be really hit and miss which makes the overall gameplay difficult. Sometimes it's also hard to know what to do without consulting the net, but I have never played it before so I guess it's not as easy! There are some sections that I struggled with like the bike sections in one of the worlds where you had to drive through the purple / blue portals. Nearly smashed something tbh. In the spider cave at the minute.
  15. Having loved Jak and Daxter to begin with I am now finding it absolutely infuriating. So tempted many times today to just sack it off, but I know if I do that I'll never return to it. It just gets pretty difficult and some of the sections require pretty precise platforming and the controls just don't seem tight enough. I am persevering but it doesn't help having Revelations staring at me and that's a game I actually want to play!
  16. Without question! Unbelievable service - so much so I will be tweeting my gratitude! Just waiting for the inevitable drop in form in a year or two's time with games arriving after release (play.com, shopto etc)
  17. I'm going to download this when I get in and see how I find it. Didn't play the Wii U original so looking forward to it. Been into fighting games recently so hoping the demo will result in a purchase!
  18. Bloody Nora @Hero-of-Time I only ordered it before just had a text and email to say it's been dispatched! Thanks for suggesting them!
  19. Sweet thanks. Never ordered from them before but gave it a shot. The platinum seems too lengthy for me in this. I don't always play raid mode so chances are I may not bother with those but the campaign ones I'm here for.
  20. So this is out on Tuesday. Anyone picking it up? Also, where would be the best site to order from to possibly get before Tuesday? ShopTo letting me down recently and would love a good BH weekend session on this!
  21. Downloaded Jak and Daxter before. Pretty sure I've played one of these games before, either PSP or Vita, but it clearly didn't make enough of an impression as I can hardly remember it. Can't tear myself away from this one though. When I first started playing it, I thought it wasn't going to be that great. Looks rough (understandably), and the controls leave a little to be desired. Camera is a bit shoddy and the jumping feels totally off with double jumping often failing on me altogether. But It's so good! . I love how each area is fairly small but big enough to hold collectibles and one area seamlessly leads to the other. Yooka-Laylee could learn a thing or two from this game design IMO. Having an absolute blast on it currently. Seems like a decent sized game for its type so hopefully it should tide me over until Tuesday when RE Revelations comes out. Although with an upcoming bank holiday and with how much I'm enjoying this, I can see me being done with it before the weekend!
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