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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. This has been a fantastic read so far. You can tell I'm not a competitive battler as I'm reading about all of these stat changes and I'm all :O. I'm looking forward to you getting onto Black / White as those games were where the series returned to form for me. I still maintain that B/W (and no, not B/W 2) are the best in the series by a long way. I always said that was Gen 1, but a lot of that is just nostalgia. You've made me want to play Pokemon again now anyway haha. If I didn't hate Moon so much when I played it I'd try again with Ultra Moon but just don't think it's worth it.
  2. Yeah but if you buy it now, it'll remain on your shelf like your other unplayed games until he's like, 11, and he'll be interested then.
  3. I like what they’re doing here although wouldn’t personally invest into it myself. My only worry would be if this kind of thing spilled over into their ‘main games’, like Mario Kart or Zelda etc. It’ll likely sell well for them, but I don’t really want the main focus of the Switch to alter after its had such a strong start. Hopefully this can just run alongside the other more traditional releases in harmony...!
  4. Pretty good article: https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/17/16900496/nintendo-switch-labo-cardboard-diy-accessories-announced-price-release-date
  5. Yooka-Laylee for Xbox One / PS4 £9.99 at Grainger Games. https://www.graingergames.co.uk/content/yooka-laylee
  6. Mega hyped for this. Although I still see these stupid power shots. Let them go already. Or please allow us to turn them off at least!
  7. I swear if this is a new fuckin Fire Emblem I’ll lose my shit. May as well just rebrand to FireEmblemTendo as that’s all that seems to ever come out of these directs!
  8. Don't let anyone warn you off 5. It's co-op perfection. Whilst it is slightly more action than the previous games it's a fantastic co-op game and the story isn't too bad although it obviously verges on silly at times. Typical RE. Even in co-op I wouldn't recommend 6. It's awful. But I've read some comments over the years from people who want the series to go in this direction again (shudder) so some might enjoy it.
  9. Just got a haul on the Xbox sales. Batman telltale series 1 and 2. Resident Evil 5 to co-op for the fourth time . LIfe is Strange. Resident Evil Revelations. Also currently playing a game called Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. Really enjoying it. Pretty unique style of gameplay. Finished What Remains of Edith Finch yesterday. Not sure how I felt about it. Some pretty good stories, and again some unique gameplay ideas like playing through the comic book etc. But I didn't invest emotionally in it like I expected to. Maybe that says more about me than the game itself though :D.
  10. I really wouldn't bother unless you're in a mood to torture yourself. I played 6 in the summer in co-op with @Mike1988uk and we both love the RE series, but this game is shite. You also don't get any story cross over really so there's not much benefit from a series perspective.
  11. Didn't know Max and the Curse of the Brotherhood was out for Switch? Really good game. Played it on my Xbox One when it was released. Highly recommended.
  12. Haha, I actually had to google that as I had no idea what it was or what it meant. Good on Sega for putting it in though!
  13. How do we ban this member? I meant to post actually and say I 1000/1000 this game a few weeks ago. Well, add the Shadow DLC score onto it too. A grind indeed, but I loved it. Super Sonic is also available as a DL now too.
  14. I don’t understand how people haven’t played this? Fair enough if you don’t like the series or whatever, but it’s worth a play through at least once I think. Purely because it’s a pretty unique experience and for me is up there as one of the best games this year. It also isn’t anywhere near as scary as it was made out to be and I’m a wimp. ive asked for the gold edition for Christmas for my XBONE X so I can play through it again and then play the DLC which looks like it could either be great or absolutely naff!
  15. Sloooooowly working through this. I know I’m the only one who is prob playing this right now lol. I have one time challenge left. To do the final boss in 270 seconds. I’ve done all the others - some of which were really hard - particularly the classic sonic stages. After that it’s just mopping up some random ones I have left, like destroy 5 enemies with a slide in a Sonic stage etc. That’s all that is left. Watching YT vids though and the final boss is not easy to do in that timeframe. Pray for Aneres.
  16. https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/941011044088004608 I don't know if you can embed Tweets in here? Dunno how anyway. But the soundtrack for Forces is now available digitally worldwide. Yesssss. Best soundtrack all year for me. I never listen to gaming sound tracks. But this one is definitely going on my phone!
  17. I hate to admit it but I would probably triple dip this to play in bed and in lunch breaks on Switch. If the price was lower. I do have a £17 Grainger Games voucher from a trade in but I’d rather put that towards Zelda DLC or RE Revelations 2 or something.
  18. Seems to control as easily to me but I haven’t played them for a while. I intend to revisit generations now though. Ive got three achievements left. I’ve maxed out the honour ranking for all species of avatar (three gold medals for each) and collected over 100,000 rings so the tricky ones are gone. I just need to complete all challenges now which should grant me the rest.
  19. And that’s all red rings, number rings and silver rings obtained. Wow. Some of them silver ones were hard as nails. Retry central. But very rewarding. Now to mop up on the misc achievements and the ring collector. That one is just unnecessary. 100,000 rings is tough as it only holds 100 at a time unless you change the game difficulty to hard. Then the counter goes above that. There is a stage you can play to get 900 in 90 seconds so can see me having to spam that to get the full list. Still I’ve loved this so much I’m happy to keep playing. Would love some more DLC.
  20. And when you can get it on other platforms for less than £20...
  21. Have you played many 3D sonics? Like Unleashed or Generations? There is most definitely a learning curve but once you are used to how to control it then it can seem pretty fluid. You only have to YouTube speed runs of levels to appreciate its beauty . But I am mega biased as I love Sonic.
  22. Didn’t get chance to play last night but sunk some time this evening into this. I am absolutely in love with this game! Having so much fun. I love the variation on the levels and now I am replying them for the red rings, I’m seeing all different paths and how the Wispons for the avatar character really opens up the gameplay. I love the lightning Wispon. Easily my favourite. I downloaded and completed the Shadow DLC which was a nice touch. Did all red rings, number and silver rings for him. And I’m up to stage 23 from the main game for red rings. Got them all on the levels before. So much fun.
  23. Never played a Mega Man game (am I about to be banned for admitting this?). But 11 looks really good from that trailer.
  24. Thanks Sam. credits have rolled a few nights ago so I’m all good on that front. And ahhh makes sense. The red rings seem a bit pesky. There are so many alternative paths to follow in some levels I do wonder how long it would take to nab them all. Buuuuut I’m up for the challenge as I’m really enjoying it. Game seems to have a lot of replay-ability too which is good. I have really enjoyed the 2d sonic stages, particularly the later ones. They don’t feel out of place or shoe horned in, even though Sonic could control better. I just wish there were more 3D sonic alone stages. Also whilst I’m ranting... how annoying is unlocking items at the end of a level! I just sit hammering the A button to get through it all but it takes about five minutes sometimes!
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