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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I've caved and ordered one. There's some games I am yet to play for Xbox - Forza 7, GoW 4, Quantum Break and want to pick Sonic Forces up for it as apparently it's the best version for it despite dipping back to 1080p on the odd occasion. Also want to get L.A Noire for it rather than Switch although I loved that game so much I might double dip. See how I feel when it comes. Unfortunately the dashboard remains unchanged.
  2. Amazing. I played it already on PS4 but when it gets really cheap I’ll definitely go through it again and make all different decisions. Might be a bastard to Alfred this time round, just coz.
  3. Is batman telltale coming to Switch?!
  4. Seems like GAME have stock still and stores close to me all have stock too. Just online where they seem to have sold out of their initial batches due to preorders.
  5. Either they didn’t send many of these to retailers or demand is higher than expected as its sold out everywhere it would seem. I expect the former...
  6. Blimey, then that is incredibly impressive.
  7. Is this a 360 game being played on XBOX X or was this a remastered version for the One? If it’s a 360 game that is mighty impressive.
  8. I dunno. I think it's pretty fair. The last ten or so pages are hardly filled with positivity about the consoles performance and capabilities. I loved the 360 and enjoyed the Xbox One to begin with, but even I now find it painful just trying to do simple stuff on it because of how they keep destroying the interface. Although admittedly it has got better on the latest one.
  9. Is it wrong that part of me still wants this?
  10. Anyone bothering with an X ONE X then? I haven't even really looked into it, and I know that there's a hell of a lot of hate for the One on this forum, mainly all from @Happenstance , which I get is justified, but just wondered if anyone had seriously considered this? It's a real tough sell it seems. It isn't even launching with anything to take advantage of the improved specs. I know there are games out there that will, like Forza etc, but the sensible thing to do would surely be to launch it at the same time as an exclusive to attempt to entice? Weird.
  11. How are people spending their time playing this game then? I've had a lot of TV time to myself since I got it last week so have rarely payed in handheld mode, but when I do I don't find it quite as immersive. I much prefer playing on the big TV with the Pro Controller. Just done snow / ice kingdom. Loved it. Playing this game just makes me happy.
  12. I've just done Metro Kingdom. Damn. My favourite part of the game so far. Absolutely loved it. And it's funny, as that's the level that I thought looked the ropiest from all of the trailers! That opening section of it looks absolutely gorgeous. I can't get enough of the game at the minute. I love the easy moons that you can get anywhere. I feel like it needs to have those in there as some of them are obviously going to get a lot more challenging as time goes on with the game. I also like the surprise moons that you can stumble across. Won't ruin anyone's surprises by mentioning specifics, but they do always raise a smile when I think I might find something somewhere, and do.
  13. This game really is just pure genius isn't it? I've lost count of how many times I've said to myself whilst playing 'thats amazing' or how many times a smile has been brought to my face doing something. The level design is just unlike anything else. All the world's (so far) feel totally different to the rest but each one is just a joy to play through. The trailers for the game really didn't do it justice I don't think, as it isn't until you actually play it that you realise just how fantastic it is. I thought Breath of the Wild would be Switch's crowning glory for years until something toppled it. I didn't think that we'd get another game as astoundingly good as that (for me) in the first year of the consoles life. What a joy.
  14. After this arrived for me yesterday, I ended up playing for a bit and then having to come off it and didn't get another chance to go back on. Already getting withdrawal symptoms from it.
  15. Oh lord. 15 minutes in and it's already a complete joy to play. Think we are all going to be in for an absolute treat.
  16. Mine just showed up! On my day off too.
  17. I saw. I did always wonder if there was a light and guessed there was as there's a clear ring around the one button on the joy-con. Seems odd that they'd do that and not put a light beneath it. P I've never seen it light up though? Perhaps it was something they put in early and they were going to have it flash whenever a friend came online or something .
  18. Whut. I've only ordered from them once and it was a blissful experience with RE Revelations, so i'm hoping they don't let me down!
  19. I hope there's spoilers too. Hero will have finished it by tomorrow afternoon so we are most definitely going to need spoilers as I'm a slow ass gamer.
  20. Hi all. Really wasn't sure where to post this so if this doesn't fit here just delete. I'm looking at clearing out some gamig stuff of mine that I don't really want. I've kept hold of it for a bit and if I can get a decent price I'll let it go. But I have some strange things I don't know where to sell. Like my Boo 3DS cover plate. It was never available over here (to my knowledge) but it's pretty sweet and glows in the dark. I imported it from Japan. Last I checked people were asking for stupid money for them like 300 dollars. Obviously not gonna be charging that much ha but if it's rare to find it might be worth more than what I paid at least. Same with my Princess Peach 3DS. It's just gathering dust. Would eBay do for these or do you guys know of anywhere more specialised or better suited? eBay annoys me half the time with scam buyers. Any advice would be appreciated!
  21. Card got charged from Simply-Games just now for odyssey. Booked Friday off! Can't wait.
  22. I took the plunge and bought this last night to give me something to play until Odyssey. I am not far in at all, World 1-7 to be precise but having way more fun than I ever thought I would. I have had one game over so far on the Piranha level, but it was down to me telling characters to go to the wrong place by mis-timing my button press which didn't help. Doh. Regardless, so far so impressed. I thought I'd struggle getting into it but it's hooked me in very quickly. It also looks fantastic. I recently bought an LG OLED TV which virtually everything looks good on, but after playing the game on it for 5 minutes I knocked it off and went handheld. Feel the game suits the smaller screen so much more.
  23. Apparently Cuphead is really challenging. It looks very good though!
  24. Downloaded the latest dashboard update just now for the One. Finally an improvement. I don't ever really use my One too much anymore, but am thinking of picking up Forza 7 so thought I'd give the update a whirl and it's so far so good. Navigation seems a hell of a lot snappier, and now they've added more functionality to the home button press everything seems easier to access rather than being too tucked away. Whilst some of that 'hidden' feeling remains, it's nowhere near as bad as previous dashboard iterations. Bodes well for the X anyway.
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