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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Ha I thought it was just me! I went into GAME on Saturday to pick it up and it wasn't on the shelf, just the 'coming soon' box art. So I thought they just hadn't got round to putting the proper cases out. When I went and spoke to the guy he said they had just had enough to fulfil preorders. He was a bit rude actually, for seemingly no reason, but that's another tale haha. In the end I managed to get it from Grainger Games.
  2. Great review H-o-T. I picked this up today so I'm excited to get stuck into it tomorrow having read that! I'll post my thoughts in about three months once I've completed it. I'm a slow gamer.
  3. Will definitely be buying again. So these two characters they're adding? They're not new, right? Where did they originate from though as I don't recall them from other games unless they featured in Sega Saturn games which I never played.
  4. Oh my God haha. Never a truer words spoken! Sounds amazing though.
  5. Come on now. Us not buying Captain Toad was hardly the reason the Wii U flopped . Buuuttt I take your point.
  6. Lucky is a really relaxing game. It's not ground breaking by any means but it's a decent game to play when you're tired but want to actually play something. It certainly doesn't require high levels of concentration! It's decent enough though.
  7. I've never played Captain Toad so I have a feeling I'm in for a bit of a treat.
  8. Do they not realise that people (like me) will pay... PAY GOOD MONEY... for a god damn theme. Just give me a theme. Any theme.
  9. You may or may not remember my previous post about going for two jobs - one in the same company I've been at for 11 years and one for the police on a bit of a whim? Well as I posted a few weeks back, I was offered the police one and had to do a load of medical and reference forms for them. In the interim, I had an interview for anotjer team leader position back on my old department. New team they were putting in. I had my interview for that like two weeks after the police offering me the job. I was interviewed by people I knew but had moved out of the dept for progression at anotjer site which sadly never happened. Anyway, I got that job too! And that was the one I wanted as it is a permanent role (police was 12 months contract with no guarantee of permanent job at the end) so I'm chuffed to bits! It means I also don't have to mess about with my pension and holiday allowances and sick pay and shares etc. All good. Start date of 9th April. Can't wait!
  10. Amen to this. I recently bought a 2DS XL so I'm made up it looks like it's going to get a whole load of support for a while! And the OCD in me is happy that both Luigi's Mansion games will be on the same system. Dat double homecreen icon.
  11. Are people legit wondering about fire emblem? I mean, I personally found it a breath of fresh air that we didn't actually hear anything about it for a change. Still, there's like 89 FE games launching in April alone right? So there's pleeeennntttyyyy more opportunities to be bombarded by it!
  12. Oh I didn't know you could lower the difficulty. To be honest I love actually finding a way through as it is so satisfying! I can buy that bat move now though, so I'll give the Gates of Hell a visit!
  13. Do you want these .jpegs of Joy or not?
  14. I'm ready to throw my switch at the wall with this game currently. Chapter 6 verse 5. What even the hell. I do think that this is a difficult game. I feel like a lot of the combat is extremely reliant on skill and activating witch time through dodging successfully. The problem is understanding the attack patterns of the opponent's to know when to dodge. This chapter in particular is tricky as as soon as you kill the first two on the stairs, two more come along. Really struggling. I want to see Joy too damnit!!
  15. Wait. Y'all know in homo right? Still, I'm sure I'll appreciate Joy and all of her... Assets.
  16. Yay! Definitely happy about that. Cheers for heads up!
  17. Loving the first of these 2 games. Not played too much but I am well and truly sucked in. I love the music, the styling and everything about it. It's also really satisfying to nail some combos and the controls feel so tight that I rarely feel like I'm just mashing buttons. The game also looks great in parts.
  18. I'm just waiting for the right time to use my 14 days I got free for buying the Xbox One X in November. Hope it doesn't have an expiry actually. It is amazing value. Fuming Super Lucky's Tale is on there. I bought that and whilst it was kinda enjoyable in a really relaxing / easy gameplay way, I'd have preferred to have played it for nothing!
  19. I picked this up earlier. Traded some games in so had some store credit to use and given I've never played either of these games, I thought I'd give them a go. Hoping I like them, but they're a difficult one to understand without playing as the videos I've watched are all mega frantic! So a bit tricky to know if I'll like. Excited to play them anyway.
  20. Not far in but that woman in white is already pissing me off like she did last time. Daft bitch.
  21. So HQ called me just before 5. They offered me the job! Shocked! But chuffed!
  22. Often it's down to the mood I'm in when I play them. When Moon came out, I don't think I was really wanting to play a Pokemon game, but I bought it anyway. Now I actually want to play it, I'm hoping it will be a bit of a better experience.
  23. I just bought Ultra Moon based on @Glen-i's posts about the mechanics of Pokemon - inspiring me to play again. I was going to pick up Alpha Sapphire as I had that game but don't even remember playing it... but thought I'd go with the newest in the hope it has more of an impact on me than when I played Moon originally. Which I wasn't a huge fan of...
  24. Nice work Cube. I've been working at the same company for 12 years this year (big bank). Done loads of different roles in my time there but had kind of stood still the last few years and not progressed - purely because nothing that has suited me has been advertised. Last year I moved to an entirely new area of the bank, different location so slightly further to travel, but nothing like what I'd done before. Same grade and pay, but more techy with the view that it could help open doors to progression. Been doing that role for around 8=9 months now and not really enjoying it much at all. Myself and a work mate are both the same grade. There's a guy who is doing the exact same role as us day to day, but is a higher grade. He earns about £6k a year more than us. We've raised that it isn't really fair that he's doing the same job day to day, but gets paid so much more and her response is basically, deal with it - it wont change. Stop getting so wound up about it. I'm a bit annoyed because he wasn't there when I started and that higher paid role didn't exist. The first week I began working there my manager told me that the job was going up on the board and said "kinda sucks for you as I guess you'd have applied for that one". I was like, um yeah. Anyway I've stuck it out and feeling a bit underappreciated. I do some great stuff for the team and for her, and it's as if she can't say thank you. Or show any sort of gratitude unless its her idea. Someone told me about a team leader role in my old department where I used to work which is much more up my street. My application is showing as 'advance to interview' so I guess I will get an interview date soon. In addition to that, I've just come home from an interview in an entirely different business all together. TL role in the police headquarters where I live. I applied on a whim and had to write a 2000 word essay as to why I wanted the job, and my experience. Well, I rushed a half an hour submission as my manager was in a meeting and I did it before she came out, sent it and forgot about it. 4 days later I had an email to say I had passed that and was invited to an interview which was this morning. Went ok. Answered everything. But I felt like with the way the questions were asked, they're looking for someone who has managed people before day to day. I haven't. I have done management in others abesence, and led teams on initiatives etc, but not full blown leadership. I gave some of my better examples as they thankfully fit the questions, but we'll see. Should find out today she said! No messing. I don't really want to leave the company I'm with now, so my eggs are all kinda in the basket of the TL job I'm waiting for an interview for. It's my old department so I know how it all works and some of the people etc - be ideal. Fingers crossed one of them works out!
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