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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Interesting, thanks. Think i need to potentially look at replacing this Switch in the New Year, if i get some Christmas funds. With the dock situation still ongoing and one of my joy cons breaking, it’s almost on its last legs. I have all of the gym badges now. Blaine’s gym was my favourite. I’ve also caught 2 of the 3 legendaries. Just Moltres to go now. One thing I am actually enjoying which I never thought I would, is catching all the Pokemon. Well, trying to. In all the years I have played Pokemon, i have never bothered catching them all. This game I feel like I need to - even though catching is my least favourite part. I kind of don’t want the adventure to end. Had a blast with it.
  2. That’s an amazing sale. I hope that both Doom and Wolfenstein both get those discounts over on the UK store soon as they will definitely be snapped up if they do. I will likely triple dip Yooka Laylee if it goes under £15 too. Although looks like that won’t be happening any time soon!
  3. Does anyone else’s Joy-con disconnect whilst playing this docked? Both my left and right ones intermittently disconnect all the time which I don’t think should be happening. I also remembered why I don’t play docked too - throwing Poke balls this way is just infuriating!!
  4. I had to get rid of this game. I had put well over 80 hours into it and was constantly playing online. Think i got up to like 4th in England in the rankings for the ‘simple’ class. But it was taking over my life and making me angry haha. I’d always end up being drawn against players who were really good and it was virtually impossible to beat them. So i traded it in. I haven’t missed it, but seeing the three new characters makes me wish I still had it so I could try Pauline out!
  5. I think it was @Hero-of-Time that said it earlier in the thread, but Silph Co. is still the worst thing in the game and such a slog. Absolutely horrendous. Been in it now for what must be an hour, (i am consciously battling all the trainers) and it is driving me insane. Nearly got Staryu up to lv 45 though, so all is not lost.
  6. I finally caught a Staryu (Starmie is my favourite Pokemon) but I’m levelling it up to 45 to learn Hydro Pump before evolving it. Starmie is a beast, but my days Staryu is utter crap. I just beat Koga and whilst in Fuschia I was looking all over for Safari Zone until I realised I was stood in it. I want a refund. BRING BACK SAFARI ZONE!
  7. I ran into a Chansey last night (I had already caught one previously) and gained a whopping 3,555 EXP! I was like ‘whut?!’
  8. Him I could cope with. It’s the daft bitch with the hat I couldn’t deal with in that game.
  9. Just posting to say my Pikachu’s Diglett hat is the best thing ever. Also, Erika’s gym has never looked so glorious. Lovely stuff.
  10. Yeah, I’ve ran out of berries too now. Not at gym 4 yet, but it does make catching Pokemon that bit more difficult with no berry to lob at them!
  11. Catching Mr. Mime turned out to be a right nightmare! Took me about an hour - and about 100 great balls! But I caught him in the end. And very tempted to add him to my team. I love me some Mr. Mime.
  12. so I just taught Pikachu ‘dig’ and he took all three of them out in one hit each. Who said this game was difficult?! Team wise, they’re all level 22-ish. So lower than Surge’s, but doesn’t matter too much now really! It did take me a couple of hours into the game to realise that actually catching Pokemon adds probably more experience than battling does, which is a little strange. So I’m trying to catch as much as possible now.
  13. Surge kicking my a** again! It’s the damn thunderbolt move which is basically a one hit KO on a lot of my team. Magnemite is also a bit of a b*tch to take down, despite having a fire and fighting Pokemon that is effective against it. Who said this was easy?!
  14. I am up to the third gym and got wiped out by Lt. Surge. From memory, I always used to be KO’d at that stage in all the previous versions of the game, as i never have a Pokemon suited to be effective against electric types. Really enjoying my play through of this so far. I much prefer playing in handheld mode, but only because it removes the need of the god awful motion control catching when hooked up in docked mode. Although i do like it on the big screen. Will post my team etc later, when I’ve figured out exactly who I want to keep with me!
  15. But you enjoyed Mystery Dungeon. So why would we?
  16. Are weather effects and group battles gone from this game? I bloody well hope so. Hate them in the main games. Loving this so far!
  17. Thanks for the heads up on Starlink! Bought! It’s going away for Christmas!
  18. Definitely going to go digital with this. Watching the trailers and reading reviews / watching YT reviews, it has my so hyped. I think it looks amazing. And I’ve always loved the Kanto gym leaders / elite 4 as is it takes me way back to the Pokemon stadium days as a kid where gym leader castle was all I played for about a year. . I love these gym leaders. Still toying with Pikachu / Eevee but leaning more towards Pikachu. I’ve not been this excited for a game in a while.
  19. May not be something that can be answered, but what do we think the replayability will be like in this game? Im tempted to download the game rather than buy the physical, but I only really do that in games that I feel will give me some replay value. Any ideas from those who know more about it whether it will be wise to download or get physical so I can maybe trade in once all the fun has been had?
  20. I didn’t know it was actually a remake! I though it was just borrowing bits from those games. Sign me up then!
  21. It looks so much like a Red/Blue remake. Do you level Pokemon up the same way as you would in the traditional games?!
  22. So I got it working! Unconventionally... I docked it and noticed that the switch looked like it had a very small curve in the middle which I decided to gently try and bend back to middle. Silly, but I felt like I had not much else to lose! When I gently did it (whilst it was docked) the TV flickered on and I had an image - but it was really low res and jaggy. So I bent it slightly more and then it went black and then sprung to life and is now working absolutely fine. When I dock and undock it just comes on as normal. Very very strange. The slight pressure to bend back straight hasn't damaged in any way that I can tell, and I'm not sure how it had even got like that? It almost looks like some sort of heat expansion? I don't know. I don't see the drop doing that but I didn't pay much attention to where it took impact when it hit the floor. Will keep an eye on it anyway, but happy it's working for now!
  23. Looks like it's been delayed until May 2019. Sad about that, as it looked like it would have been a nice Christmas / Winter gem to play through! https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/10/29/team-sonic-racing-delayed-to-may-2019/
  24. I have a Switch problem. I normally ALWAYS have my clear plastic shell clipped onto the Switch screen when I undock it and play handheld, and I always keep the clear plastic shells on the joy-cons as they never come off the sides. As we've been playing Mario Party a lot lately, I've got a bit lax and have kept the clear shells off both the console (it has to come off to be docked but I normally clip it straight back on when undocked) and the joy-cons due to them being used individually so much recently. Anyway, I dropped the Switch onto hard wooden flooring the other day. Oops. The vent had some of the plastic bits fall out which didn't seem to be an issue, and it was working perfectly fine after examining so I thought I'd gotten away with it minus the broken vent. I tried to dock it to play MP the other night and as I put it in, the Switch screen went off and the dock lit up green, my TV recognised the port now being used and flashed up a quick toggle to switch to HDMI. But when I switched to it, I just had a 'No signal' from my TV. And that is now all I get. I've tried different HDMI ports, leads, 2 different TV's, resetting the console, everything. It won't see it on the TV anymore. The only thing I haven't tried is a different Switch in my dock to see if it's my dock or Switch - but it's likely the Switch itself as it has only stopped working since being docked. It's strange though because it charges and everything normally and works in handheld mode no problem and the TV recognises the Switch it just wont display? Any ideas? I'm gutted.
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