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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Aww. No Pudding then. ?
  2. Downloaded Runner 3. Never played one before but am enjoying this although it's a pretty challenging game isn't it?! I just took 50 retries on world 2-2 which is worrying as that's fairly early on in the game still. At least it's rewarding and it rewards perseverance though, which is good.
  3. Sorry if I missed the memo, but why is everyone using soap / toiletry images as their profile pictures? Also sorry for not discussing Hyrule Warriors...
  4. Black and White are the best Pokémon games ever for me. I'd happily play through them again whereas you couldn't pay me to revisit X / Y or Sun / Moon.
  5. Have you gone and got all the moons off that Toad in Peach's palace near the end? It's the one that gives you moons for passing milestones. I didn't know this for ages, and so when I first discovered them, they handed me like 50 moons. Hmm yes I did pass that but when you first get there and I think he only coughed up like two moons, so a revisit is a good idea!
  6. I just booted this back up again as I felt like going back and trying to get some more moons. I stopped just under 400 and couldn't get back into it each time I tried. Anyway I got all of the moons from the first kingdom so am moving onto the rest now. Actually really enjoying it again so hope that continues as I burned myself out with it first time round.
  7. I think I just got so exasperated by the boss fights, particularly that last boss that I was just glad to be done with the game. I imagine collecting the rest of the things I missed will pose even more of a challenge that I don’t think I’m mentally prepared for.
  8. I still think it's a good game and I did enjoy it in parts. But it just became really frustrating with the boss battles. I didn't enjoy a single one of them. I remember DKCR on 3DS being challenging, but to the point where it'd be satisfying to get through those trickier levels. With this it sapped all the fun out of the game and made me start to resent it.
  9. I just finished this. The only feeling it has left me with, is relief that it's over. It became a real slog towards the end. More so knowing that the levels (which were generally all great) were going to be topped off with yet another crap boss fight that went on too long and was way too punishing. All in all I am pretty disappointed in it. I was really eager for this game but I will be in no rush to go back to it to try and get more collectables.
  10. I don’t really like the boss battles on this game. They go beyond enjoyable each time as they feel like they’re a bit too long. And the final phase of them always seems unnecessarily hard. I am really liking the game so far though. I love partnering with Cranky for that pogo ability! I have a feeling I might be disappointed in Kirby Star Allies when I start it after this.
  11. I've lost count of how many times I've told this game to fuck off this weekend.
  12. I got this delivered yesterday. I didn't think I'd played it before until I got to the first world boss and realised I had! Idiot. Although when I played it first time round that was where I stopped, so technically I've only ever done world one and not fully played / experienced the game. I'm nearing world 3 now. This game is tricky in parts isn't it? I remember having a tough time on the 3DS remake of the DK game (can't remember it's name) but I adored it. Hoping this will be more of the same and seems that it is early on. Perfect bank holiday game this one!
  13. Sweet cheers! I never did finish the last lot of DLC. Gives me a reason to revisit it again anyway.
  14. I agree it was too big in terms of world size. Although you are so hard to please I don't think anything other than BK again would suffice. ha ha. But I totally agree with you. I expected more considering it was heralded as a spiritual successor. I do think they could improve on it greatly though!
  15. Woah woah woah!! That's one bold claim! I've played both and whilst I enjoyed Lucky because of how easy and accessible it was, I think this was the much much better game. Mainly because it was way more inventive for a start. The levels are much better in Yooka, although I completely agree re the casino world. Awful. Needs to be destroyed immediately. But the number of moves for the characters is way more substantial than Lucky and opens the door for different styles of gameplay - something I found Lucky lacked massively. Interesting to read your findings though! Ultimately, I was really disappointed in YL, and I played through it twice and completed it fully both times. I felt like the patch they put in helped a fair bit over the originals, but the game could have been much better than it was. I hope a sequel is on the cards because I think they could really nail a second game.
  16. Thanks for the suggestions guys! Will have a browse! Conker will definitely get a look in! Sounds crazy haha.
  17. Is Conker a platformer?! I've never played it so I may pick that up actually...
  18. So I haven't really been paying much attention to the Switch eShop (shame on me, I know). Every time I go onto the store I find it difficult to find anything as there's a fair amount of content. I'm in the mood for an easy platformer style game. I have Kirby, but not quite ready to play that just yet. I've played and loved Shantae - is there anything anyone knows of that could satisfy this craving without me searching through lists?! Thanks in advance.
  19. Oohh now I know what you mean. I thought you meant actual emails! Doesn't bother me that my email address shows personally. But weird it's a default like you say.
  20. I haven't even really been hunting either ha. I just try and get the most from a game I guess. Plus I've played some easier ones recently like the batman telltale games which are an easy 1000 just for completing the game.
  21. Email on the dashboard? Not experienced that personally. Surely that can be turned off? Yeah the store being far away is not good. But I disagree that it's slow. I do have 200mbps broadband though, not that I think that would make much of a difference to the UI speed.
  22. For what its worth, the UI has actually improved a lot. Everything is pretty much available when you hit the big X button in the middle of the controller within the sub menu. You don't really have to come out of a game to go 'home' to do anything. Party invites, chat, checking achivements, sending messages, settings, it's all there. Navigating the UI is still a bit clunky when you are on the home screen, but you don't really ever have to do that. At the end of the day, most people buy one to play the games, not to sift through the UI and it's perfectly serviceable. It also isn't slow like it was previously. Maybe that's just an X thing, or maybe they just improved it? You can really customise what you see on your home screen now and what content you have when you scroll down. So you can 'pin' a certain game underneath your home screen which gives you info on the game itself - where others on your friends list are up to with it, achievements they've unlocked and videos uploaded from members etc. Same with certain friends. Pin them on there and they have their own page / feed. Tells you where they are compared to you on the achievement leaderboard, what their last achievement was, game they are playing etc. All good stuff. I think anyway! As for exclusives, well there's a fair few but it depends on what you're after. I know a game like Lucky's Tale will be up your lane @Hero-of-Time you'd eat it up within the day and it's a relaxing yet easy and graphically pretty game that is perfect when you just want something simple. I'm also a big fan of the game pins on Xbox dashboard too. Having a little thumb nail of all my games looks really good. Particularly for all my Sonic, Reisdent Evil, Forza and Batman games. But I like visual stuff like that. Also: acheivements >>>> trophies. Soz.
  23. Fuck me we've had more than the standard one post in a month in here! I'm very excited for 4k Sonic Generations!
  24. Is anyone else’s gamerscore leaderboard not working? On the last day of March I completed Batman The Enemy Within which should have given me second place on the leaderboard but the score didn’t change. My actual gamerscore increased but the leaderboard didn’t. Sane with yesterday. Started playing Batman return to Arkham and unlocked a few achievements yesterday and nothing changed on leaderboard. Still showing as zero. I’m not actually arsed about leaderboards or where I am on it, it’s just the fact it isn’t updating! Anyone else noticed it?!
  25. Yeah bit of a kick in the teeth that Switch owners not only had to wait so long for the game, but now they have to pay way over what a physical PS4 or Xbox copy would cost. I’d happily play it again if they lowered it to below £20 but doesn’t seem like that’s happening just yet.
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