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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I'll be trading this in tomorrow. Think it's garbage if I'm honest. Most of the reviews I've seen are very positive, but they don't reflect my experience at all. Boring tracks, which are repeated way too often, awful mission modes which often don't make too much sense in terms of how you actually earn points. Items are a bit underwhelming and they feel pointless at times. As a kart racer I think it's pretty rubbish which was not my experience with the previous Sonic racing game that I loved. I find it just a bit of a drag to play.
  2. Not too many races in but not sure what to think of this. Early impressions are that I'm not blown away. I remember the older Sonic racing games grabbing me instantly, and I loved them, but this is leaving me a little cold and I'm not sure why. The tracks I've played so far are a little bit boring and not memorable in the slightest and the handling doesn't feel as nice as something like MK which was never previously an issue in the older games. I'll play more today as I'm off work and see how it treats me.
  3. Two races in, loading screen freezes. Have to quit out. Lol. Should have gone Switch version.
  4. Urgh don't know what it is about Sonic games and difficult trophies! Sonic Forces was grindy, but a pleasing platinum in the end! I still don't know which console. Will make my mind up today before going to Argos after work.
  5. Couldn't give a shite about gyro controls have you seen the price?! You can get Resi 4 for about £3.99 on the PS Store every couple of months in the sale!
  6. I don't know whether to get this for PS4 or Switch. I'm really torn. I do enjoy a trophy hunt but I imagine they will be tricky on this game. I don't like that it's more expensive on Switch either. Hmm.
  7. Oooo high praise indeed! May pick it up then!
  8. Has anyone played Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom? Downloaded the demo for it and it's a nice little game by the looks of it, but really quite pricey. Wondered if anyone knew if it was worth it?
  9. I am really hyped for this game. I haven't pre-ordered it, as I didn't think it'd be likely to come early, so just going to pick it up on Tuesday instead. But I loved the previous Sonic racing games, and the reviews of this has my anticipation sky high! Now they just need to make another Sonic tennis game.
  10. Just finished the first game. I mean, wow. After initially not being sure due to the whole stealth element, I really grew to love it. I don't think I've ever played a game that has paced itself so well in terms of its story. The relationship between the two characters is obviously the highlight of the game and I've known that it was the games big selling point for years without actually playing it. But actually experiencing it is a different thing altogether and I was just blown away by it. For a remaster, it also looked gorgeous. Can't wait to see what they do with the second game visually. I'm sure it will look even more impressive. I'm gutted it is over. Normally with a big story game I can get a bit fatigued and almost wait for the end. With this I wanted it to just keep going and going. Going to be difficult to play anything else now and get the same enjoyment. Masterpiece is definitely a word I'd use.
  11. It has really picked up the last 2 or so hours I've been playing, and I am starting to enjoy it more now, stealth an all.
  12. I am playing the first game as I've never actually played it before... but I didn't realise it was as stealth based as it is. Is that the template for the whole game? These kind of games are not normally my bag, having to try... and retry... and retry... and retry until you get it right. I'll admit it's kind of affecting my enjoyment of it currently and I'm not that far into it.
  13. Read some reviews of this and people aren't exactly raving about it which is a shame as I was low key looking forward to it. Might pick up if it is reduced by £20 soon.
  14. You sigh now... but we allllll know you’ll end up with 3 PS5’s sat sealed on your shelf.
  15. Yeah @Mike1988uk said the same thing to me. He had never played the original either, but both of us were enjoying the game so much it made him delve into the games that came after to read up on them, and he had read the same about the differences with the original. Very surprising given the amount of time they had to make the game from announcing it that they didn’t vary the play throughs up a little more. I need to crack on with the DLC now, might get into that now seeing as i have a day off!
  16. Got the Platinum on this Monday evening, Whew, what a ride! Absolutely loved the game! I had never played RE 2 before, but being a massive fan of the series I was really excited for it. It took me a while to get through, as there were a number of play throughs needed, but managed to get 3 trophies for no item box, completion in less than 14,000 steps and no healing items in one play through. So much fun. This is the exact kind of RE game that i wanted. It’s the intricate design of the game that just doesn’t exist anymore in the newer RE games, how all of the corridors of the police station link together with different keys granting access to different areas to fill out the map. I always love finding an item i cant get to, or a door I can’t go through knowing that a bit later on i’d Be back armed with something that would allow me through. The first RE was the same, and i really hope that the next new RE game goes back to this, although I won’t hold my breath. I watched some speed runs of the game to help me out in certain areas, as the puzzles in each ‘side’ of the game were done differently. One speed run that just flawed me though, was this guy doing the ‘4th Survivor’ mode in less than 7 minutes with... NO DAMAGE! That emotion at the end. Worth a watch! Anyway, this game was everything and more for me. I do wish that the A and B play throughs different more than they did, i do feel like they missed a trick there nit varying it up a little more. But for what it was it is easily my favourite game of the year so far and I do think it’ll take something pretty amazing to top it.
  17. Sale going on with Simply Games at the moment. Mario Tennis Aces was £29.99. Was soooo tempted. Then it went out of stock. So all is fine again. https://www.simplygames.com/collection/huge-half-term-offers
  18. Id love this. Just wrapping up my RE 2 play throughs for the platinum so it would be great to have these on Switch to dip back into.
  19. Here for anything but Fire Emblem. That can just fuck off now.
  20. I played that one too haha. I will go through them, I did prefer Luigi U and the main game is quite nice as a pick up and play. I think I just got burned out on the series as it felt like there was a lot of them in quick succession what with the DS / 3DS / Wii / U versions. Maybe I needed a longer break from it!
  21. I got this digitally as I had eShop cards for Christmas and needed something to spend them on... but I’m feeling a bit bored with the game after only one world. I have always got fatigued with the NSMB series quite quickly but did feel a desire to play this before buying it, but now I’m all ‘meh’ about it. Ill keep going with it as it’s still decent to play, I might even try two player and see if that adds any fun to it!
  22. Day one buy for me, as per all RE games. Only thing I wasn’t crazy on was how much it reminded me of RE 6 in terms of control and ‘look’. I’d have preferred something more like the control of the revelations series, particularly as this is a remake of an older RE, but instead I’m just reminded of 6 quite a lot. Still, looking forward to playing it in full!
  23. I picked this up in the recent sale. I’ve never played Crash before. This game is difficult. Like I am struggling with a lot of the levels. It is satisfying when you finally get through them, but it’s also very annoying. The game mechanics require you to jump or move with perfect precision, there is literally no room for error. I have been playing Spyro on PS4, and i thought this was a similar kind of game. Light and breezy lol. And with a lot of people at work picking it up who are very casual gamers saying how much they’re loving it, i thought I was in for a pretty simple fun experience. Nope! Still, quite enjoying it when I have a run of good levels.
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