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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I didn't know that. Thanks for the tip! I am just on B2 boss and to be honest, I like the game but I am very up and down with how i feel about it. There are moments of brilliance, but then there's other times when I'm either pacing round trying to work out what to do, or it just becomes tedious. Every time I collect an elevator button, I'm expecting something to take it away and have to go on a chase for it, and that becomes a bit boring. I also think the variety of ghosts (up to now) have been a bit samey, outside of the bosses. I intend to get through it before pokemon, but maybe I'm just a little underwhelmed after coming straight from Yooka Laylee, which was just god tier.
  2. Tempting offer! Will probably take you up on it once I'm done with it (or when I get bored trying to get through it!). I'm off this week, so intend to get it done and dusted if that's ok with you?!
  3. So I picked this up and am at world 4 now. This game is really rather shit isn't it. I played it on Wii but couldn't remember it and I love the series hence picking it up. But the boss fights are absolutely dreadful and ruin the whole game. Think I might just trade it in before the price plummets.
  4. Crazy amount of games to get through. Currently playing Yooka-Laylee (almost done with it now) which is just sublime, got Luigi tomorrow. Then Pokémon. Want to get Monkey Ball and Resident Evil 5 for Switch too. Then Professor Layton in November too. Crazy!
  5. The overworld in this game. I LOVE it! Just encountered... But yeah, loving it so far. I am enjoying the overworld more than the actual levels though...
  6. I can forgive the load times as it runs so well. In both handheld and docked mode it looks incredible.
  7. The load times on the Switch version of this game are horrendous. Probably the worst I’ve ever encountered.
  8. Played a little bit of this last night. I’m mixed at the moment because I did enjoy the first game and liked the 3D Banjo style gameplay. This feels more to me like Rayman Legends than DK at the moment which is not exactly a positive, (I didn’t rate Rayman), but I’ll give it more time and hope it can win me round!
  9. Great above post and echoes my thoughts. There are a number of instances in the game where it doesn’t make sense what you need to do. Like I say, it’s still very enjoyable overall, but these parts that have me aimlessly wandering around do kill it a bit.
  10. Well, hardly. I wouldn’t say I’m the standard with my approach. I’m just lazy. I give up too easily with Zelda games. Often when I find the solution I kick myself. But like I say, Zelda games and I are hardly a match made in heaven even though I do get enjoyment out of them for the most part. Like the last dungeon I did allllll by myself! Well, the last before the egg, which I now need to YT for as I’m just going in and out of those same 4 entrances and I have no clue. See what I mean. Have I missed something? Will going to a phone box tell me? DEAR GOD ITS DIFFICULT!! Etc.
  11. Well of course it is. i think if I had like all the time in the world to sit and play it like when I was a kid with no job and commitments I’d have figured it out. Thats what I’m telling myself anyway. But CBA with that when Yooka Laylee is waiting to be played.
  12. The stupid ball and the pillars. Done it now. Basically started it from scratch and watched a YT video. As I have to do with all Zelda games. I’m aware, I suck at Zelda games. But for the most part I enjoy them until something becomes painful.
  13. This Eagle dungeon is literally making me hate this game with a passion. Typical Zelda for me. This is why I can’t hold the series in such high regard like everyone else seems to. It goes from fun / challenging to just plain annoying.
  14. Be interesting to read people’s thoughts. Initially I was disappointed they didn’t keep to a 3D sequel as there was some enjoyment to be had from the original game. The reviews have given me so much excitement for it though! I hope Trowzer features heavily or ill be raging.
  15. My copy arrived this morning. I did want to finish Zelda before starting this, but that last dungeon is making me hate the game so I may cave and play this before finishing.
  16. I started this at the weekend and having never played the original, I wasn't sure what to expect. I have just done the third dungeon and I absolutely love the game. It's typical Zelda, in that I often sit scratching my head wondering what the hell I need to do next, but the compass generally assists in the instances where it's dungeon related. The respawn of enemies is a little annoying at times, especially when you just leave a room through a passage and turn round and go back in and they're all still there, but it's a small niggle so far. Can't wait to play more. I actually think I am preferring it to BotW so far...
  17. Nice deal on at Curry’s currently for a Lite and Links Awakening for £219. I’d post the link but my phone is being weird.
  18. Trying to find a decent case is impossible for the Lite at the moment. Ideally, I wanted a clear shell, and I managed to find the one pictured below (arrived this morning) on Amazon. But it makes the buttons almost impossible to press! It did come with a tempered glass screen protector though, which I've thrown on so might just buy one now to cover the back. Could do with a sleeve too really for travel. It's protective, but not quite what I was after.
  19. Bloody hell! Just opened it. The feel in hand is absolutely incredible. I can't believe how much better it feels - the buttons, the sticks, the shoulder buttons. Anyone on the fence needs to try and get a hands on with one as I am in awe at how good it feels. Hmm, think I am going to need a second SD card now... Forgot about that.
  20. Haven't had chance to open mine yet. Going to do it shortly and see how it plays. Looks like between us we have all the colours. Just need someone to get the Pokemon one. @Ike ?
  21. Yeah it's definitely packaged like a DS, or handheld. But I guess that's what the Lite is, so why make it bigger than it needs to be.
  22. It's here. Got an appointment now though so can't open it until later.
  23. I do love the special edition. I love the rupee light too. Did anyone bag one?!
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