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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. This could be just the ticket! @Hero of Time mind if I be a greedy bas and travel to Sheikah tomorrow for bells galore instead? Thank you for your earlier offer :).
  2. That could work. Watch someone get 500 odd tomorrow haha. I am working currently but am free later if you are?
  3. This calculator thing is shite. Can anyone help out? I bought for 94, so even breaking even would satisfy?!
  4. I bought for 94 bells and have been on a slow decline price wise all week. Never visited anyone on here as I was looking like a spike was coming my way bit it hasn't and I've had a price of 64 this morning. The calculator shows a spike increase tomorrow PM so will have to wait and see. I invested so much lol so could be poor by Saturday morning, but that's what I get for my greed.
  5. The tracking confuses me. This is what mine shows today: Does this mean I will get a spike or am I meant to be looking at the yellow average line for the realistic amount?
  6. Oooo I may even be tempted at over 200 as I bought mine for 94 so even doubling my money would be a bonus. Will check my prices now.
  7. I played it a few years ago. I did it on my Vita via remote play from the PS4 - was perfect on the handheld! I really enjoyed it too, all those years after playing the original on GC. Zero is one of my favourites in the series.
  8. Honestly, I would rather they remake the original. Again. I never understood the love for RE4. It's just above 6 for me.
  9. That's interesting! I watched a YT vid of the original Clock Tower segment which was cut (to see what all the fuss was about) and I understand the frustrations now. Looked like a great section. And classic RE with the puzzles which I feel was lacking in the remake. With how short the game was too it's a shame that bit never got the remake treatment.
  10. I bought RE 3 for my Xbox but played RE 2 remake on my PS4. So I picked up RE 2 for the One and have been playing that yesterday. One thing that now seems like a great addition in 3 is the dodge mechanic. So many time playing RE 2 I have hit the shoulder trigger to dodge out of the way of zombies, charging bosses, Mr. X etc - and nothing happens. I know it's a small thing but, it's the best addition to these newer RE:Makes than anything else. They should patch 2 to add it in as it would have saved me so many deaths against the last two bosses.
  11. 94 bells on my island today. I have bought an absolute load of turnips (like a million bells worth nearly). Is it a case of when I come to sell them, say I have to go to another person's island to do it - will I need to do multiple trips to sell them all? I'm guessing you can only carry what your inventory allows?
  12. It is. The fight is reminiscent of a RE Revelations boss. Quite out of sorts compared to the first two games (and the other forms of Nemesis that come before it). I was so pleased with myself after doing it too. :(.
  13. Clever Aneres. Completes Inferno in 1 hour 12 minutes after repeating the final boss about twenty times. Finally do it and celebrate only to be greeted with a rank A. I didn't know I could only save 5 times. Id saved 16. Fucking. Brilliant. So another run tomorrow then. I'm so annoyed as I didn't even need to save anywhere near that many times but was just being cautious throughout. 5 saves is easy. The final boss again won't be. Urgh!
  14. Yes please! Would I be able to sell my remaining ones on your island tonight?!!
  15. Hmm the left sticks is still in the wrong place But it looks better than the DS4 which I still find the least comfortable of the 3, but not 'uncomfortable' by any means. Sony have always won with their coloured edition controllers though. They made some amazing colour designs of the DS4 - particularly over the last few years. Hope that continues.
  16. Thank you Katie. I kept trying to say thank you in game, but as I was one of the first onto the island I kept getting interrupted by the arrival of loads more lol, so just left. But massive thanks - made a pretty penny!
  17. Oooo yes please! I will get you added. I can hear the kerching from here!
  18. I bought at 108, so looking in the region of 180 before selling. But if anyone goes over 200 then I'm there.
  19. Completed this, this morning. After my initial negative feelings, once I escaped the city it got much better. I still think that there's too much happening, what with all of the zombies, the zombies that Nemesis infects which can shoot tentacles at you, and Nemesis himself - but I suppose it wants to make you feel like you would if you were in the city yourself. I died 12 times in the end, and I imagine at least 8 of them came in that opening 2 hours. The game clocks in at under 6 hours - or it did for me, and that's with me looking for every memo, note etc. Turns out I missed some (not sure how many), but I am going back to do an assisted run now to collect them using a guide. The game itself is classic RE - great interlocking locations which whilst not as intricate as the mansion, or the police department from 2, are still fun to explore. In terms of story, it seemed very brief and quite simple (?) in the grand scheme of RE, but it did go some way to start piecing the stories together for me given that I had never played this game before. All in all, another amazing remake and I do really want Code Veronica now (which has surely got to be on the cards?).
  20. This arrived today and I've put a few hours in so far. I'm finding it very difficult. I'm only on medium difficulty but the balance of enemies feels completely off to me. Whilst I have obtained the shotgun, and updated my handgun with two parts by stunning Nemesis (he drops upgrades when stunned effectively), I am just surrounded constantly. I probably have enough ammo to take out the zombies, but Nemesis is in the mix too and it's virtually impossible to do anything other than try and dodge out of his way. It's more frustrating than anything currently which is disappointing given my love for the series and how sublime RE 2 is. Hoping it gets better.
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