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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I have a confession... it was in a washed up message bottle. I picked it up by mistake and seen the DIY recipe so dropped it. Meant to say but got distracted with green lamp posts lol.
  2. Great island Ronnie. I love visiting other islands!
  3. Great thanks. I only have the natural garden tables the round ones? Any good?
  4. To be fair, I haven’t done that as much recently. But have had a fair few recipes from doing that earlier on. Good idea thanks!
  5. Great thank you. I’m off work tomorrow so yes that’s perfect, thanks!
  6. Don’t go to too much trouble though. Only if they’re spare I don’t wanna rob any part of your island of flowers. 👍🏻
  7. That’s the one! Ah wow I didn’t realise you needed all those materials?! Where are you all getting these great DIY recipes from? I don’t seem to come across too many anymore and not sure why? I don’t have many roses at all. All I have are white ones.
  8. Does anyone happen to have the cart item that’s filled with flowers? It’s like a wooden style cart with plants in. It’s not something you can plant your own flowers in though I don’t think. Been after one for ages but no joy so far! Happy to trade for something if anyone has one! Or two or three as they look v cool.
  9. Well now. @Kaepora_Gaebora I’m gonna be a shit bag and take Sprout up on this wonderful offer...! Thanks both. Sprout I’m on my way!
  10. I will come and sell for that price if that’s ok? Need to move another islander home tonight and pay for an incline so could definitely do with some bells. I can be free whenever you open your gates.
  11. Hmm I could be tempted by that. I bought for 93 from a friends island so it’s not a bad profit.
  12. Thanks again for everyone’s plant watering effort. It worked!
  13. Lol soz @drahkon aka Sneezy McCovid. Back of the line for you!
  14. I definitely need this weeks turnip earnings. Spent so much money moving houses, adding expensive bridges and inclines and I’m down to my last couple of thousand! I did invest nearly a million in turnips though, so all should be well providing someone gets a juicy spike. I could get one tomorrow PM but I don’t feel like it’s likely.
  15. Ahhh that’d be awesome if you don’t mind? You couldn’t order me a camping sign as seen above too could you? I will pay whatever or give you anything else in return that you need that I may have? :D
  16. @Sheikah thanks for the flower gift! It looks great!
  17. Thanks @Ronnie! The arcade is looking even better with your gifts! And I think you added 5k to the incline fund?! If so, very very kind you really didn’t need too. Thanks again.
  18. Ah is it?! Amazing. If you don’t need it then I’d love to take it off you. Do you want to send or visit or welcome visit? Happy to open my gates
  19. I don’t, as it happens! Although could I put it up as there’s technically no wall?
  20. Yours was the purple. I had the green one already and when I laid the arcade carpet I thought they’d look good in there with the colours. Might order one more along with another board game and craft a third table for it until I sell my turnips for more game machines!
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